Chapter 4

Fate that Goes in a Rectangle


The party ended with a good note. Woohyun did not want the party to end even though it was 2am, but the rest had to get home since their parents were worrying.

Within the next few weeks, Eun Mi’s and Hoya’s relationship got even better as Hoya tried every chance he could to make her laugh and smile.

“I think something is up with those two,” Young Mi told Dongwoo. Hoya brought back nine drinks and gave one to everybody except for Eun Mi.

“Yah, how about me?” Eun Mi pleaded in a cutesy voice, “I paid you at least!”

“You can just share with me. I didn’t bring enough money for my own drink!” Hoya teased. He smiled brightly.

“Ew no! I might as well share with Young Mi-ah, right?”

“Are you kidding me? Why would I share with you, Eun Mi-ah?” Young Mi sensed that Hoya was trying to do something and played along. Eun Mi faced Young Mi and pouted, while Hoya silently placed a drink near her.

“Dude, your drink is right there,” Myungsoo pointed. Eun Mi saw the drink and scowled at Hoya, facing her back at him. She smiled happily though while she drank her milk tea.

All of them met up at a Bubble Tea shop since the boys wanted to hang out together and they all missed Eun Mi and Young Mi very terribly. Woohyun brought his girlfriend, Jin Hee along too, since nobody was able to protest against her.

They were sitting at a table, laughing and talking while enjoying their sweet social time.

“Sunggyu-hyung! Could you buy me another drink? Pleasee?” Sungyeol begged.

“Nah. I don’t have money,” Sunggyu replied.


“I’m serious! Go ask Woohyun,” Sunggyu said putting his hands in the air.

Woohyun giggled, “Sorry, no money. I got to save up for her.” He pointed at Jin Hee, who smiled and rested her head on his shoulder.

“Oh yeah, Eun Mi-sshi! How are you doing in that biochemistry class?” Woohyun asked, “I swear the tests keep getting harder and harder.”

“Easy for you to say, I am practically struggling,” Eun Mi said with a long sigh, “You doing well?”

“It is okay for me, although those x-ray diffractions are really hard,” Woohyun said. He quickly browsed through his phone and showed Eun Mi a picture.

“Those are so easy!” Eun Mi proceeded to explain the whole concept, utilizing a pen and some tissue.

All the meanwhile, Jin Hee stared ruthlessly as if she was shooting a laser through Eun Mi. Eun Mi felt some chills go down her spine since she knew Jin Hee was staring down at her, but she still proceeded to explain. “It is not like I am flirting with him. We are just two colleagues trying to help each other out.”

“OH okay. That totally makes sense then. Aha, sorry about that. I guess I had a major brain fart. Thanks!” Woohyun smiled his signature smile and laughed which made Eun Mi smiled too.

“You are welcome.”

Woohyun continued to scrutinize over Eun Mi’s delicate drawings on the tissue, while Eun Mi went on to talk with Young Mi.

Jin Hee really wanted to tear those drawings on the tissues, but she really did not want to make her boyfriend unhappy, so she held in her anger and put on a fake smile while hugging onto Woohyun even tighter.

“Eun Mi-sshi?” Woohyun interrupted her conversation, “Sorry just a quick question?” He quickly pointed at the tissue.

“Sure thing,” Eun Mi begun her explanation once again.

After one whole hour of Woohyun asking questions, Woohyun finally said, “I think I get it now!”

“Really, my last explanation seemed confusing to me, right Young Mi-ah?” Eun Mi turned her head.

“Oh no, you explain things perfectly well Eun Mi-ah! Even I was able to get it even though I haven’t gotten to that point yet,” Young Mi cheerfully said.

A low growl came from Jin Hee. She whispered in a stern voice, “Let’s go Woohyun.”

“Okay baby, just one moment to make sure I truly get this,” Woohyun said staring at the drawings one more time.


Woohyun looked up at Jin Hee, “Okay.” He dragged himself up.

“Sorry everybody. I have to go now,” Woohyun said in an unhappy voice. As Jin Hee got up, she purposely pushed on Eun Mi’s chair with her high heel without Woohyun noticing.

“Oops.” Jin Hee gave an evil smile. She quickly followed Woohyun out of the shop while everybody stared.

“Damn. She is one fierce lion,” Sungjong whispered to Myungsoo. Myungsoo gave a quick nod.

All the while, Eun Mi stared at the door feeling very guilty inside. “She probably could not take Woohyun’s questioning anymore because of me...”

While Eun Mi sulked, Hoya came up from behind and gave her a jolt of surprise.

“Shi-” Eun Mi turned around facing Hoya, “zzles.Stop scaring me would ya? You almost made me cuss.”

Hoya started to laugh. “I would like to hear you cuss. I think you would be very cute!”

“Hoya! Nobody is cute when they cuss!” Young Mi protested, “Eun Mi-ah is a very innocent girl.”

“Are you sure? She sure does kick some during our karate class! I bet she can take down all the men in this room at this instant,” Hoya gave a huge huff.

“Psh. I deny it 100%.” Eun Mi crossed her arms.

Everybody watched as the two bickered on and on about who was better at karate, until Eun Mi realized she had to get home or else her parents would start worrying.

“See you guys later!” Eun Mi quickly left the shop in a jiffy.

She got into her dark gray compact car which was parked next to Hoya’s purple sports car. She started it and begun to back up.


“Oh shoot. Did I hit something?” Eun Mi got out in a panic at the noise. Apparently, she ran over a carton of milk, which splashed onto Hoya’s car.

“Aish!” Eun Mi pulled her hair in frustration.

She opened her car and grabbed some paper towels from her car and started to wipe Hoya’s car.

When Eun Mi was almost done, she stood up and smiled at the good work she was doing.

“You are doing a great job there.”

The voice surprised Eun Mi. She turned around and came face-to-face with Hoya. Hoya gave a wide grin.

“Keep cleaning my car yo. It’s in need of a car wash anyways,” Hoya said pointing at the paper towel Eun Mi was holding.

Eun Mi blushed in embarrassment and looked straight at the ground.

“How long were you watching me?” she asked in a quiet voice.

“Oh just like a couple of minutes. Dongwoo pointed out that you were cleaning my car for some funny reason, so I just came out to observe. But really, I do know why you are cleaning my car for me!”

“Really? Why?” Eun Mi was curious. She looked up to see Hoya’s face filled with amusement.

“Do you really want to know?”

“Of course!”

Hoya moved forward towards Eun Mi, which made her lean against his purple car. She gulped while staring into Hoya’s eyes.

“You want me to take you to see a movie right?”  Hoya said in a whisper. He then straightened his posture and gave the hugest smile that lit his whole face up.

“Uh. Yes,” Eun Mi stuttered. Although that was not true, Eun Mi’s brain for some reason could not function at that moment and she could not tell the truth.

“Alright. Done deal. I accept your cleaning services and I will pay you back with a movie.” Hoya proceeded to shake hands with Eun Mi who could not believe that she was speechless.

“I will text you with the movie time tomorrow once I have a date in mind. You should go home or else your parents will worry!” Hoya got into his car. As he backed out, he waved.


Once Hoya was a fair distance away, Eun Mi shook her head in puzzlement.

“What did Hoya just do?”

All the meanwhile, Hoya looked at the puzzled Eun Mi through his rearview mirrors, which made him smile all the way home.

<3 Yay! Today is Hoya's 23rd Birthday soooo I'm updating in honor of him ;D so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HIM! 

And just a little note: that whole milk carton incident that happened to Eun Mi actually happened to me too! Like I ran over some milk carton and had to wipe the car. It really for me. 

Comment and subscribe! <3 The next few chapters will have more Woohyun for sure!

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ForeverFive #1
Chapter 8: who are you Jinhee? im so curious
Tarantulax #2
Chapter 2: Oooh~ Looks like Woohyun is making his entrance ;DDD This is going to be awesome! DUDE I LOVE MYUNGJONG! They are so cute. ;D

Young mi, I super agree with you girl. BAP FOR LIFE! OMG! DAEHYUN AND HIS HIGH NOTES ARE GLORIOUS!

Ho ho! Sneaky Hoya. I bet you aren't even doing this for Woohyun. You just wanted to invite her over. This as sneakiness writen all over it ;DDDD So smart~ Muahaha!

Lovely update~ ;)