Chapter 2

Fate that Goes in a Rectangle

A/N: I'm changing the point of view from first person to third person. First person is just so difficult to write...


“Hi Dad, Hi Mom!” Eun Mi said grabbing a bite of some freshly made cookies while dragging her backpack from school.


“Hey! Stop eating and go wash up for dinner dear!” her mom yelled, hitting her hand away from the cookies.


“Okay okay!” Eun Mi went to her room and checked her phone.


Five unread messages from Young Mi. Three unread messages from Hoya.


“Eh? That is a bit unusual for Young Mi to text me so many times unless B.A.P made a comeback. What is even more unusual are Hoya’s messages. He never texts more than one message.” Eun Mi quickly opened her phone.


Young Mi: Hehe, sorry for the spam :) B.A.P. is so awesome girl.


“Aha, as expected Young Mi-ah. The hugest and most dedicated BABY fan I know.” Eun Mi sat on her bed and opened up Hoya’s messages.


Hoya: Hey (: Are you going to practice this Thursday? I think I am going.
Hoya: Actually, you busy on Saturday?
Hoya: If you are busy though, then it is okay…


Eun Mi pondered a bit and quickly formatted a reply.

Eun Mi: Hm, a little busy, but I am totally free after 1! ;3


A text came back really quickly.

Hoya: Okay, I thought I would invite you over to watch a movie at my house just because now that I think of it, we have been friends for so long, but you haven't seen my house yet! ;]


For Eun Mi, she never had a boyfriend and barely hangs out with any guys outside her activities let alone being over at any guy’s house because of her parents. Was she scared of guys that much? Eun Mi thought, "That is a change I guess. Now that he mentions it, it is kind of true. I don't even know if he lives in a big or small, rich or poor house. Now the other question... am I going? Well, Hoya loves watching scary movies and I hate them."

Eun Mi: I know you too well man. You are going to watch a scary movie and you know I hate them. So sorry, I don’t want to go…Have fun watching by yourself!


Eun Mi thought her excuse was really good.


Hoya: ;( But what if I choose a movie that you can watch?


Eun Mi thought for a long while pacing back and forth from her room. It seemed really fishy for her, but she thought, “YOLO man. I will take the risk.” She sat down and texted a reply.

Eun Mi: LOL the type of movies I like watching are cartoons and chick flicks. I know you hate those types.
Eun Mi: If anything, I would probably watch an action movie with no blood so you wouldn’t have to suffer. xD
Hoya: How does The Avatar sound good to you?


“That movie seems fine...”

Another question popped in Eun Mi's head. She was puzzled as to why, just why did Hoya suddenly invite her over to watch a movie. Was there a holiday? No. A special occasion. No. She wanted to ask him directly.

“Maybe I am overthinking this...”


Eun Mi: That movie seems fine to me. But I'm sorry if this question seems weird or out of the ordinary, but why am I invited to watch a movie at your house this Saturday?


Five minutes passed and Eun Mi started to get panicky that her question was too direct.


Hoya: LOOOL. Actually, my gang of friends  and I want to throw a surprise birthday for one of my friends and we wanted a LOT of people to come so he can be freaked out.
Hoya: Have Young Mi-ah come with you too! My house, at one on Saturday!


Eun Mi blew a sigh of relief.

Eun Mi: Oh okay then! Seems good to me! See you then! ~



Hoya ran straight to the door and composed himself. He opened it slowly.


“Hey Eun Mi-ah! Oh hey Young Mi-ah,” Hoya waved. Eun Mi was standing at the door holding a bag of chips with Young Mi standing right behind her.


“Yo!” Eun Mi and Young Mi chimed. They both forced their way inside the house.


“Nice house Hoya!” Young Mi said in admiration, staring at the high ceiling.


“Nah. Come in come in! You guys are the first ones here.” Hoya ushered Eun Mi and Young Mi into the living room. It was surprisingly neat and clean.


Hoya felt awkward while the two girls stood quietly in the living room. “Say something Hoya! Dang it,” he thought.

“You want some drinks or anything?” Hoya asked suddenly breaking the ice.

“Just water is fine for both of us! So...what is the plan? I heard this was a surprise birthday party for somebody?” Young Mi exclaimed, getting all excited since she absolutely ADORES surprises.

“Oh, uh... so my friend is going to come here around 3 so we have two hours still. I think my friends wanted to pretend for some time while he is here that we didn’t know it was his birthday. Then we get in some fight or something and then surprise him with a cake,” Hoya articulated. He took the chips from Eun Mi’s hands and walked into the kitchen. “Have a seat you guys. I think my friends will be a bit late.”


The moment Eun Mi and Young Mi sat down, the doorbell rang. Eun Mi and Young Mi just looked at each other while Hoya ran swiftly to the door.

“Hey guys! Wow, you guys all came together?”

“Yeah! Myungsoo’s mom was not using her van so we all just took it,” spoke an unknown voice.


Eun Mi and Young Mi got up to observe the mass of men coming into the house.

Five men came in, each with party trays of food as they struggled to take off their shoes. One of them spotted the two girls.

“Hoya! Are these your friends?? Hi! I am Dongwoo! Kekekekeke!” Dongwoo chuckled. His eyes sparkled and he was wearing a bright white smile. Young Mi waved and smile as well.

“Calm down Dongwoo. I will introduce my friends once everybody comes into the living room!” Hoya shouted.


Everybody came into the living room and surprisingly everybody fit in the two sofas Hoya had.

“Okay everybody, this is Young Mi and Eun Mi,” he pointed to each one of them.

“Annyeonghaesyo! You guys should give a brief introduction of yourselves,” Young Mi chirped. Eun Mi just waved.


Hoya nudged his friend who was sitting next to him. His friend had these small chinky eyes that you could not tell if his eyes were open or not. He also had a I-am-the-Boss aura, but deep inside, one could tell that he was a nice and easy person to get along with.

“Yo, I am Kim Sunggyu,” he waved from his slouching position.

Next to Sunggyu was a very feminine looking man. Eun Mi assumed he was probably the youngest.

“Hi! I am Lee Sungjong and this is Kim Myungsoo,” Sungjong pointed the very handsome-looking man who had an arm around Sungjong and was sitting next to him.

A tall looking man introduced himself as Lee Sungyeol. One look at him and, Eun Mi knew he was a kid at heart.

When it got around to Dongwoo’s turn, he just smiled, “I already introduced myself, but in case you forgot I am Jang Dongwoo, yeah!” Young Mi could not stop staring at his nice angel wing earring he had on.


“Okay, now everybody knows the plan until he arrives right?” Hoya suddenly said, “His girlfriend is coming too.”

Groans of pain arose from the men sitting on the sofas.


“Seriously? Not her again? Why?”

Hoya ignored the moans and the TV to switch up the atmosphere. He felt tense just thinking about the girlfriend who was coming.

“Hey, Eun Mi and Young Mi! Can you help me prep the food? The rest of you guys, don’t make a huge mess or my mom will yell at me again,” he said, walking towards the kitchen.

“We won’t!” Sungyeol yelled and pretended to knock down a vase of assorted flowers.

This sounds like it will be fun...” Eun Mi thought with a long sigh. Young Mi beamed, staring directly at the beautiful men who were sitting in front of her.

It was an hour until the whole plan was going to take place. Hoya kept pacing back and forth the kitchen to make sure everything was going to be just perfect. Eun Mi and Young Mi and the rest of the boys enjoyed The Avatar even though they all watched it a bazillion times. However, to both Eun Mi and Young Mi, it was such a unique experience because the boys were so loud.

“NOOOOOOOO, you blue guy! You can’t die!” Sungyeol kept screaming and getting directly in front of the TV. Dongwoo just kept asking questions and giggling at every part, even when there was something sad.


“Sunggyu-hyung! Why can’t he just kill everybody with all the dragons there??” Dongwoo asked.

Great for ruining the mood,” Eun Mi thought. But she was not the only one who thought of that.

“Dongwoo! For the gazillionth time! Just shut up! We are all trying to watch the movie here! And we have guests here,” Sunggyu snapped back.

“Yeah Dongwoo-hyung!” Sungjong complained, “And Sungyeol-hyung! Stop blocking the TV!”

To Eun Mi, Myungsoo seemed pretty indifferent to everything although he always kept an arm wrapped tightly around Sungjong. Tired of the chaos that was happening, Eun Mi motioned Young Mi to come with her to the kitchen where Hoya was.

“Hoya! You need help?” Eun Mi asked as she walked into the luxurious kitchen with Young Mi. Hoya jerked up in surprise as he was reading a list. “Damn, she gave me quite a scare! I need to get my jitters down...” he thought.

“Oh, er no I don’t. Everything is pretty set and we are waiting for him to come,” Hoya said, “You guys need any-”


“HE IS HERE!” The living room was filled with sound as the boys ran out to get the door.

Hoya casually walked out to the front door while Eun Mi and Young Mi followed behind. A man with a pretty fashionable woman who had super high heels walked in. Hoya felt his color drain by looking at the woman, while Eun Mi gasped at the man.

Eun Mi whispered loudly to Young Mi, "IT IS WOOHYUN!"


Sorry, this has not been updated in a while! I had writer's block and school. xD
Anyways! Did anybody noticed the MYUNGJONG (Myungsoo+Sungjong) I added? ;D They are soo cute and I SHIP THEM FOREVER! kekeke~



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ForeverFive #1
Chapter 8: who are you Jinhee? im so curious
Tarantulax #2
Chapter 2: Oooh~ Looks like Woohyun is making his entrance ;DDD This is going to be awesome! DUDE I LOVE MYUNGJONG! They are so cute. ;D

Young mi, I super agree with you girl. BAP FOR LIFE! OMG! DAEHYUN AND HIS HIGH NOTES ARE GLORIOUS!

Ho ho! Sneaky Hoya. I bet you aren't even doing this for Woohyun. You just wanted to invite her over. This as sneakiness writen all over it ;DDDD So smart~ Muahaha!

Lovely update~ ;)