Chapter 3

Fate that Goes in a Rectangle

Nam Woohyun stepped into the house with his girlfriend and immediately saw Eun Mi and Young Mi first. "She looks very familiar," he thought.


Hoya cleared his throat, "Eun Mi, Young Mi, this is Nam Woohyun and er Kim Jin Hee." His voice faltered at the end of Kim Jin Hee's name.


The name rang a bell in Woohyun's mind. "AH, Eun Mi! You are in my biochemistry class right? Aha what a coincidence to see you here!" He extended a hand.


Eun Mi smiled nervously and shook his hand. "Woohyun gets more handsome every time I see him! Although I should not think that way in front of his girlfriend." she thought.


"Alright! Everybody inside the living room!" Dongwoo screamed. Hoya was grateful to Dongwoo and made a mental note to pay Dongwoo back for he really did not want to speak with Kim Jin Hee. Everybody hustled their way into the living room.


"How about a movie or a game?" Sungyeol suggested while they all sat on the sofas.


"No movie... You and Dongwoo were so loud and obnoxious," Sunggyu complained, rubbing his forehead.


"A game sounds totally great!" Young Mi chimed in, "Charades anybody?"


"Yeah okay!" Everybody beamed.


Hoya made an excuse to be in the kitchen since he was the "host" so everybody else was split into teams of three. Sungjong, Myungsoo, and Sunggyu were on one team. Woohyun, his girlfriend Jin Hee, and Sungyeol were on another team, while Eun Mi, Young Mi, and Dongwoo were the last team.


Eun Mi's team was the first team to go.


"Uh, monkey! No... zoo!" Young Mi shouted. Dongwoo had such excellent gag acting skills, while Young Mi was a good guesser so Eun Mi's team got a lot right.


Woohyun's team was the next to go and although Sungyeol was a good actor in Eun Mi's opinion, Woohyun and Jin Hee were not creative enough. Woohyun kept a tight grip on his girlfriend’s hand and was smiling the whole time. Sungyeol sighed a long sigh by looking at his helpless team. Myungsoo and Sunggyu chuckled at their low score, knowing their team could do much better.


Sungjong's team was the last to go. Hoya entered the room and without Woohyun looking, gave a thumbs up to everybody else signalling the beginning of the plan. Young Mi quickly exited the room to assist Hoya, while the rest continued with the game, acting as if nothing happened.


Sunggyu began the game. He kept flailing his body to act every single word and his teammates could not guess. Sunggyu tried his best to not talk hold in his anger while Sungjong and Myungsoo kept guessing these weird words. In the end, Sungjong's team lost.


"AHA, punishment time!" Dongwoo cried. He stood and playfully imitated Roh Ji Hoon’s Punishment dance.


“Dongwoo, that is not a torturous punishment! Go outside to the cold and run shirtless you three!" Sungyeol pointed to the door.


"Yeah!" Woohyun added. Eun Mi could not bare to look at the drama that was about to unfold.


Sunggyu simply said, "No," while Myungsoo and Sungjong were rapidly shaking their heads and hands no.


"How about a forehead finger slap?" Jin Hee suggested.


"Yeah! That would work!" Sungyeol laughed evilly. He cracked his fingers to get ready.


"Alright then," Woohyun got up and hit Sunggyu in the head. The whole room went oooh while Sunggyu held his head in pain. However, something was terribly wrong. Sunggyu was crying.


Woohyun panicked a bit, "You okay Sunggyu? I really did not mean to hurt you!"


"Now the drama begins," Eun Mi thought looking really amused, “So much for being a ‘tough’ guy.


"Yah! You think this is okay!?" Sunggyu lashed back in anger. He proceeded to slap Woohyun in the face. Eun Mi, the bystander, knew that Sunggyu was just pretending although the mood got really serious.  


Everybody went silent.


"Woah, woah Sunggyu! It is only a little slap? Did it hurt so bad that you need to see a doctor? It does not look like it that way to me!" Woohyun frowned. He touched Sunggyu to comfort him.


Sunggyu suddenly shoved Woohyun, which made him fall down. Everybody gasped and stared at the scene.


At that moment, Eun Mi felt her heart constrict. “I think that was a little too much Sunggyu-sshi.” She wanted to go hug Woohyun who started to have tears fall down his eyes.


Woohyun turned his face away from Sunggyu and sobbed silently as thoughts ran by in his mind. “It is my birthday and yet I get pushed down like this...”


Dongwoo knew it was too much for Woohyun. He went up to Woohyun and wiped his face and tears tenderly like a mother. He gave him a big hug.


"It's okay. It's okay. Not your fault," Dongwoo uttered.


Sunggyu's heart started to tighten as he saw Dongwoo wipe Woohyun's tears. He never ever wanted to do this to Woohyun ever, although he really wanted to give him the best birthday surprise ever. All the sudden, Sunggyu went down on his knees and started to sob really loudly, “I AM SORRY WOOHYUNIE! I REALLY DID NOT WANT TO YELL AT YOU. PLEASE FORGIVE ME.” He proceeded to hug Woohyun really tightly even though Woohyun tried his best to push him away.


The lights suddenly went off and one could hear a loud party horn while Hoya came in with a lighted cake.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY WOOHYUNIE!" Everybody shouted. All the men bombarded Woohyun with a giant hug while his sobs kept getting louder.


"You guys are all so bad!" Woohyun sniffled between his sobs, “I thought you guys forgot about my birthday!"


Woohyun blew out the candles, while Sungyeol proceeded to smear icing all over Woohyun’s face. Meanwhile, Jin Hee snuck in a big fat kiss on Woohyun’s cheek which made everybody back away.


"He looks extremely happy." Eun Mi thought watching from a far distance, although her heart pained while she observed the kiss. She immediately looked down and played with her fingers until she saw some feet that have suddenly appeared in front of her. She looked up and saw Hoya leaning his face close to her face and staring intensely at her deep dark brown eyes. He opened his mouth.


“Do you want to go outside with me?”  




Eun Mi stared directly at Hoya’s eyes for a split second, while trying to comprehend what he was trying to say. She quickly flinched and looked down once again, while Hoya straightened his posture and cleared his throat. “Good job Hoya. Good job,” he thought, smiling to himself.


“Eh, sure,” Eun Mi quickly murmured. She got up and walked behind Hoya who was leading the way.


“Ah the night air feels nice!” Hoya stretched his arm out and looked up directly at  the sky. Eun Mi chuckled right behind him.


They both settled on a bench and looked at the night sky which was glittering with stars. It happened to be a nice clear night sky.


But there was an awkward silence.


“Uhm...” Eun Mi began. She turned and face Hoya and found him staring intensely at her. “Why is he staring at me?” she thought.


They both reddened and turned to face the ground.


“Sorry,” Hoya murmured. He got up and said enthusiastically, “You want to see something cool?”


Hoya quickly grabbed her hand and whisked her off to a small pool that was located on the side of the house.


“Wow!” Eun Mi’s breath was hitched as she stood and stared in awe.


There, the moon was shining in clear sight, creating a white shimmery light on the surface of the still water, illuminating brightly.


Hoya stood there smiling. “Haha, she is easily astonished.


Watching, Hoya suddenly was in a playful mood. He touched the water with his hands disturbing the still light and surprising Eun Mi.


“Hey!” Eun Mi pretended to be angry with her hands on her hips, “you destroyed a beautiful light! Now you got to pay!"


She quickly formed a cup with her two hands and grabbed some water and splashed it over to Hoya. She laughed really hard while Hoya hung his head down, stared at his wet legs and feet.


“But this is not your light!” Hoya bend over to the pool area and started to splash some water towards Eun Mi, but playfully missing her by a long shot. Eun Mi started to laugh even more, running away from Hoya’s attacks.


Suddenly, Eun Mi came up from behind the squatting Hoya and gave a slight shove to push him into the pool. Hoya wobbled a bit, but maintained his stance. “Man, why is he so heavy!” Eun Mi wanted to say it out loud.


“Yah!” Hoya shouted. He got up and proceeded to chase Eun Mi who was shrieking in laughter and was running towards the house.


Eun Mi quickly went into the house through a sliding door, slammed the door and locked it, all the while, catching her breath and giggling really loudly.


Apparently, the patio sliding door was connected to the living room where everybody was present and it became super silent. Eun Mi turned to face everybody. “Omo...” she said embarrassed.


Young Mi came up to her, “Are you okay? What happened?”


“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just that-”


“Omo, IS THAT HOYA?” Jin Hee interrupted. She let go of Woohyun’s tight grasp and pointed at the door. Hoya waved happily at the staring crowd.


“You were running away from him?!” Young Mi said in puzzlement. She quickly opened the latch and let Hoya in.


“What were you doing to Eun Mi?!” she said defensively pushing Eun Mi to be behind her. Hoya laughed.


“We were just playing around in the backyard,” Hoya shrugged, “I got to go change so I will be right back.”


Hoya left the room and the rest were in bewilderment.


“You okay Eun Mi-ah?!” Young Mi inspected every part of Eun Mi.


“Dude chillax. I’m totally fine! We were just chasing each other because I got Hoya wet.”


“Phew! Okay. I thought he did something else to you... or did he?” Young Mi wiggled her eyebrows up and down.


Eun Mi giggled, “Nah.” Both of them quickly took a seat on the sofa.


Meanwhile, Jin Hee, who smuggled with Woohyun, was staring intensely at Eun Mi. “I never expected Hoya to be this fast already.”


For you, Amy (: Roh Ji Hoon's punishment thing. LOL

Such a long time since I updated! I blame school... but since I am on break now, expect more updates! 

Thanks for reading! <3 <3 <3


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ForeverFive #1
Chapter 8: who are you Jinhee? im so curious
Tarantulax #2
Chapter 2: Oooh~ Looks like Woohyun is making his entrance ;DDD This is going to be awesome! DUDE I LOVE MYUNGJONG! They are so cute. ;D

Young mi, I super agree with you girl. BAP FOR LIFE! OMG! DAEHYUN AND HIS HIGH NOTES ARE GLORIOUS!

Ho ho! Sneaky Hoya. I bet you aren't even doing this for Woohyun. You just wanted to invite her over. This as sneakiness writen all over it ;DDDD So smart~ Muahaha!

Lovely update~ ;)