Chapter 5

Fate that Goes in a Rectangle

The next day, Eun Mi was seated in her Biochemistry class as she waited for the professor to arrive. Suddenly she heard the seat next to her being dragged across the floor. She looked up and saw Woohyun handing her a present-like box.


"Sorry about yesterday. I am pretty sure you are feeling guilty because of my girlfriend right? She gets jealous way too easily," Woohyun pushed the present towards her.



"Oh, it is okay. I am fine! Besides, we did go past the boundaries yesterday so it is pretty understandable," Eun Mi smiled, "so you don't need to give me this." Eun Mi pushed the present back to Woohyun.



"But I feel guilty! Just take it so I can feel better!" Woohyun pouted. Eun Mi gave in to his cuteness and took the present.



"Okay then, thanks? Aha I don't know what to say in these situations. Well I hope you are feeling better!"



"I am!" Woohyun flashed a huge smile.



At that moment, the professor walked in and begun the lecture.



Once the class was over, Eun Mi packed up her stuff and got up.



Woohyun suddenly said, "Are you having lunch now?”



“Yeah I am, with Young Mi-ah,” Eun Mi responded.



“Could I have lunch with you guys? I have nobody to eat lunch with so yeah."



"Well, if you do not mind Young Mi, you could join us."



"That would be great! I thought I was going to be lonely today," Woohyun jumped up and eagerly followed Eun Mi like a puppy.



They both arrived at the school cafeteria.



"Over here Eun Mi-ah!" Young Mi was waving her arms furiously. She was surprised at the sight of Woohyun, but she still called them over. Eun Mi and Woohyun walked towards the saved table.



"Have a seat, have a seat!" Young Mi scooted her stuff for more room.



"Hi Young Mi-sshi!" Woohyun waved as he took a seat.



"Oh yeah, Young Mi. Woohyun has nobody to eat lunch with today so he is joining us today." Eun Mi said, taking out her lunch.



"Ah I see.”



The three of them started to eat their lunches in silence. Eun Mi, who was seated next to Woohyun, took a glance at Woohyun’s perfect face from the side, which made her whole body tingle. “Oh gosh, why am I feeling this way when he is taken already?” Eun Mi thought. She tried to get rid of her evil feelings.  



“Ahem,” Young Mi cleared to break the silence, “Woohyun-sshi. Just wondering! You know your group of friends? How long have you guys been friends?”



“Hm, I think since high school ish,” Woohyun scratched his head,  “but we sort of came together just during lunchtime one day and I guess we stuck with that.“ He smiled thinking about his past times.



“You guys must have been through a lot to still be together today!” Young Mi said. She then lean forward and whispered, “Could you tell me any funny stories about Dongwoo-sshi?”



“Ayy girl! You are making it so obvious!” Eun Mi remarked.



“No, I am not! Guys are really slow anyways, no offense Woohyun-sshi,” Young Mi added.



Woohyun gave a chuckle. “You like Dongwoo hyung, don’t ya?”



Young Mi’s face turned the brightest red ever, “No, I don’t.” Young Mi stammered as she stared down at her lunch.



“All the girls like Dongwoo’s carefree personality. You have no idea how many girls tried to pursue him in high school.”



Young Mi gave a frown and checked her watch.



“Oh shoot, I got to go to class! Catch you guys later!” Young Mi packed up her things quickly and left getting out of a situation and talk she did not want to deal with.



“How could you tell that Young Mi liked Dongwoo-sshi?” Eun Mi asked when Young Mi was out of earshot.



“Aha, she is totally obvious. She kept staring at Dongwoo hyung the whole time we met up together and I think at the party, they talked a great deal,” Woohyun responded.



Woohyun’s face suddenly lit up as he sat in thought.



“How about we try and get them together?”

<3 small update~
Sorry it is soo boring, but it has more Woohyun now! 

Thanks for reading!


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ForeverFive #1
Chapter 8: who are you Jinhee? im so curious
Tarantulax #2
Chapter 2: Oooh~ Looks like Woohyun is making his entrance ;DDD This is going to be awesome! DUDE I LOVE MYUNGJONG! They are so cute. ;D

Young mi, I super agree with you girl. BAP FOR LIFE! OMG! DAEHYUN AND HIS HIGH NOTES ARE GLORIOUS!

Ho ho! Sneaky Hoya. I bet you aren't even doing this for Woohyun. You just wanted to invite her over. This as sneakiness writen all over it ;DDDD So smart~ Muahaha!

Lovely update~ ;)