Mission Impossible: Find Dongwoo: Long ride home

Mission Impossible: Find Dongwoo

After hours of searching for the right way to leave the forest or whatever you want to call it, the boys' finally escaped. But now they have to find a way back to their dorm and a way to find their managers.

"Aish! Oh my gosh can't we just like- I don't know, USE THE DAMN TELEPHONE TO CALL OUR MANAGERS?!!?!" Sungyeol shouts in frustration as Dongwoo tries dialing his mother's phone.

"But my mom-"

"No." Sungyeol says with glaring eyes and a very demanding tone.

"Fine...." Dongwoo hands the phone over to Sungyeol who snatches it and dials the managers phone. The boys' are in a gas station and it does not smell good at all. 

"Oh my gosh, I need to pee!!!" Sungjong whines.

"Can't you wait?! Or would you rather use them nasty stalls?!" Myungsoo asks.

"Forget you, I'm going." Sungjong quickly runs inside the other side of the convience store and he uses the bathroom, and he deeply regrets ever doing it. "Stupid Myungsoo, he always thinks that I'm nasty or impatient. Ugh whatever, I'll show him."

Sungjong comes back and stands next to Myungsoo.

"So how was the bathroom?" Myungsoo chuckles.

"Shut up."

Myungsoo bursts in the laughter which interrupts Sungyeol from calling the managers.

"MYUNGSOO SHUT UP!" Myungsoo does as Sungyeol says and motions that he will keep his mouth shut. Sungyeol converses with the managers and then he hangs up the phone.

"So what did he say?" Hoya asks.

"He said he's coming to where we are right now."

"But how does he know where we are?"

"I told, duh!"

"Okay. Do we have to meet him somewhere...?"

"No we just stay put and he'll find us."


The boys' stare at the ground and wait patiently for their managers to come and save them from the previous chaos. The sun shines brightly and the day is getting shorter.

"Aish, when are they coming??? It's been an hour and I'm hungry!!!" Sungjong whines.

"Then go get some food, we're in the convience store." Myungsoo suggests.

"But we don't have any money!!"

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Then, just wait, they'll come by soon."


Sungjong's stomach rumbles and the other members' stomach rumbles too. The boys' realize they're hungry. Without any money in their pockets and no one near them to lend them some.

"GUYS!!! LOOK!!" Sungyeol takes all the members' outside of the store to see a suv swerve by. "THAT'S OUR MANAGERS' CAR!!!"

Everyone waves their arms to signal for the managers' to come by but they accidentaly pass right by them. The car makes a U-turn and they finally arrive to the gas station.

"Get in the car!!" Their manager says. Everyone jumps in the back and to their surprise, they had food! Everyone gets desserts, meals and snacks. They drive off into the other direction and leave. "Alright, I want someone to explain to me right now how you all got lost."

The members speak over each other trying to explain but the managers' cannot comprehend. 

"Sunggyu, you're the leader, why don't you tell me what happened?"

Sunggyu gulps and opens his mouth.

"Okay, remember when we were at the set of our new music video?" The manager nods. "Okay, so Dongwoo ran away an-"

"I did not run away!!!" Dongwoo interrupts.

"Yes you did, anywa-"

"He did not run away, Sunggyu hyung." Hoya says.

"Yes he did!!!" Myungsoo retorts.

"NO, he didn't!!!"

"Shut up! We all know he ran away, right Myungsoo?" Sungyeol says. 


"Yes, BY RUNNING AWAY!!" Sungyeol shouts back.

"NO I-"


"YOU RAN AWAY!!!" Sungjong cuts Dongwoo off.

"OH MY GOSH! EVERYONE SHUT UP! FACE IT! DONGWOO WAS HOT AND LOOKING FOR SOME SHELTER!!!" Woohyun says after being quiet for such a long time.

The members' continue fighting over whether Dongwoo ran away or not and won't stop shouting. 

'This is going to be long car ride.....' the manager thought.


So hope you enjoyed this story!

Thank you for those who subscribed and commented frequently!

Love you! 

<3 Thanks so much for supporting my first fanfic!

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crossing_by #1
Chapter 9: My heart surely goes for the manager ...

Yupe it will be a long ride ... but stuff them with food will shut them out .... lol
sunfoolfinger #2
Chapter 9: Thanks for making this story. There's no many story OT7 with dongwoo as the center of story;-;
new subscriber lol
this is such a funny story ergash woogyu, yadong, mungyeol, and then SUNGJONG *spazz*
you know, it's still not explained why there was a voice recorder with dongwoo's scream... O.O
looking forward to the next chapter~ <3
Chapter 4: It's okay^^ i will wait for it^^ fighting author-nim!!