◤The Second Season◥ School 2013


CHAPTER four; partners




"So that is your assignment and those are your partners." The Science teacher spoke while the classroom sighed. 

Assignments, they make you sigh don't they? Classroom 2 is no difference. 

"The deadline is before May. Anytime later than that month and you will not get any marks." The Science teacher threatened them.
"Ne!" The members answered him. 
"Ya, Park HeungSoo, you better do well on your part, arasso?" SeolHyun said to HeungSoo who was dazily staring at the front. 

HeungSoo stared back at her and nodded. "I'll try to do well." He answered.
"No 'tries'. You must." She spoke to him sternly.
"Ne." He answered once again. 
"Ooh, that you got Yoo SeolHyun for your assignment." NamSoon shivered at the mention of her name.
"Ya, she's scarier than Song HaKyung." YiKyung added. 
"Ya, ya." JiHoon said, signalling the others that Seolhyun is nearby. 
She scoffed at them and past by them. "You better do well. Idiot." 
"Ya, I won't do well if you keep telling me that." HeungSoo's temper was gone.
"Ya, ya, kemanhaja. Arasso. Ya, SeolHyun, go and find your friends." YiKyung told her. 
SeolHyun sneered at them and mumbled "Whatever."

Then, they went off to lunch. Though, NamSoon stayed behind because he needed to make sure that nobody is in the classroom during recess. He peered into the classroom and sure enough found Kim JinHo sleeping on his table. The way he slept made him seem calm and oblivious of the world. It was weird how he was able to sleep sitting up. 

"At least you have manners." NamSoon mumbled as he walked towards him.
"Ya, JinHo-ah. Wake up, it's recess." NamSoon shook him gently.
"Ugh." JinHo groaned as he woke up, annoyed by the shaking from NamSoon. 
"Kaja. I don't want to see you eating in class later. C'mon it's recess." NamSoon invited him. 
"Ah, sirheoyo. I won't eat in class. I'm not hungry." JinHo declined and closed his eyes to go back to sleep.
"Well, I am. And I can't leave becase of you." NamSoon said as he pulled him up and dragged him out.
"Aish! I can walk on my own, bastard." JinHo pulled his arm out of NamSoon's grip.
"That's what I want to hear." NamSoon smiled.

JinHo and NamSoon came to the cafeteria together, it was quite a sight for some students. For instance, JiHoon, YiKyung and HeungSoo. Even HaKyung. Somehow the two's entrance was amazing to others. 

"What took you so long?" HeungSoo asked as he pushed a tray of lunch towards NamSoon.

NamSoon picked up the chopsticks and dug in to the food rather hungrily. 

"Ya, chew slowly. You're gonna choke." JiHoon patted his back. 

NamSoon choked because of that. 

"Aish, Lee JiHoon! Here some water." YiKyung gave him a bottle of water. 

NamSoon controlled his breathing and drank the water. His choking subsided.

"Did you have to do that? I was eating fine!" NamSoon exclaimed.
"You were eating too fast. HeungSoo was to shy to tell you to slow down." JiHoon said cheekily.
"YA! When was I shy?" HeungSoo said in a rather scary tone.
"Keman! JiHoon-ah, let's go and play soccer with the others." YiKyung said as he pulled JiHoon out of the cafeteria.

There was a flicker of disappointment on HeungSoo's face and he looked down for a moment. 

"Mian." NamSoon spoke.
"I told you to stop." HeungSoo said as he picked up the tray.
"But I still feel guilty." NamSoon mumbled as he picked up his tray and followed after his friend.
"Ya, Kim JinHo. Meet me at the library in 10 minutes." HaKyung said once she was near him.
"What happens if I don't want to?" JinHo asked her rudely.
"You're dead." HaKyung whispered towards his ear rather intimidating.
"Crazy woman." Tao mumbled under his breath as she leaves.
"One of the craziest I've ever known. But she seems alright." JinHo said as he finished his drink.
"I'll go to the library with you. I have some research to do." Tao joined him as he put away the tray.
"What? Huang ZiTao is going to do research? That's a surprise." JinHo said jokingly.
Tao punched the latter's arms and said "Ya, at least I'm smarter than you, ."
"Arassoyo." JinHo replied to him. 

The two went to the library together, side by side. Other people who see them, find them quite scary because of their heights and auras. Jinho chuckled mentally at how these people avoid their eyes.

"Looks like I'm working the look." He thought.
"Jaehyung oppa." The voice of someone JinHo is very familiar with.
"Oh! Fany-ah!" A man's voice, probably JaeHyung's spoke.

JinHo followed the movements of his love going into the embrace of another man. He was fine with just a hug, though he was shattered when he saw them kissing each other ... on the lips. He looked away and blinked away the sudden tears forming.

"JinHo-ah, isn't that .. JinHo?" Tao looked around for his friend who was just there.
"Now, where did he go?" Tao mumbled, looking around.
"He owes me for this one." Tao said as he took a deep breath and looked for his friend. 

The sound of books thumped onto the table of the study hall. HyunYoung was helping SeolHyun carry some books. Looks like they've started to become close.

"Thanks HyunYoung." SeolHyun thanked her and smiled.
"Just for the record, you look prettier when you smile. And you're welcome." HyunYoung said.
"Hehe, would you like to study with me? The idiot of Park HeungSoo isn't here yet. And I have no intentions on studying with him anymore." SeolHyun said as she sat down.
"Sure, I need a head-start against Lee JiHoon anyway." HyunYoung said.
"Why are we paired up with one of the idiots in class?" SeolHyun sighed.
"It's a wonder to me too." HyunYoung agreed with her.

The final bell rang and the students scattered to get out of school as soon as possible. NamSoon once again made sure that nobody remained in the classroom. JinHo walked out alone, head down and merely just going to wherever his feet took him. The memory of Tiffany and JaeHyung hugged and kissed played once again in his mind. He sat down suddenly, still quite in shock.

"Ya, are you alright?" Lee KangJoo asked him, coming up to him.
"I'm too late." JinHo mumbled to himself.
"You're too late for what?" KangJoo asked him.
"She's gone." JinHo still unaware that KangJoo was with him.
"Ya. Can you see me?" KangJoo slapped him hard on the cheek.
"AISH, WHAT THE F*** IS WRONG WITH YOU, B****?" JinHo cursed out loud when he got snapped out of his 'trance'. 
"Well, at least you responded. Don't stay out in the cold too long, you'll be frozen." She said with a smile as she went to the house in front of him.
"Worry yourself." JinHo scoffed before he realized that he has no idea where he is.





Author's Notes;  25032013

Oh my goodness!
Sorry for the late update!
Hope this made up for it! 
I wonder who I'm gonna spotlight next ... 
Anymore scene requests from my scholars? 


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guys, i really need your scene requests or anything to get me out of this writer's block


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shineefangirl25 #1
Chapter 3: ohh i luved it......
Chapter 17: I loved the last chapter! It's sad that it's ended, but thank you for the effort you put into this story :-) i enjoyed it!!
Chapter 17: But I loved it :D
Chapter 17: Me and Heungsoo O_O I wasn't expecting that. I was expecting like a heart to heart chat o_o
Chapter 17: I thought it was interesting.
I thought that SeungYeob and Jinho would really fight not fight with a game of basketball, lol. I like that the last chapter was in Namsoon's point of view. It just feels like this isn't an ending chapter to a story, but maybe that's just me wanting more. Haha.
Of course if you make more stories then I'll check them out. I enjoy your writing and this story was fun to read. Just tell me if you make another story and I'll come read it, or even apply if it's an apply fic.
Chapter 16: :( it's almost ending...and do you need a scene request.

Seolhyun works everything with Heungsoo, and Seung Yeop :D
Chapter 16: It is sad that they are leaving. At least they left each other on a happy note.
Chapter 16: ouch sulli why are you leaving with minho gahhh

i really like your posters btw!!
Chapter 15: Awwwwww Jinho :(
Chapter 15: Poor Jinho. I feel bad for him. The girl that he likes is with someone esle which isn't fun.
Its ending but it was a good story though. I enjoyed reading it though.