◤The Second Season◥ School 2013

CHAPTER sixteen; lastly from the president

{namsoon's pov}



Sometimes you need to watch from the sidelines to know what happens. And trust me, you'll get a lot more true information if you watch what happens instead of listening to other people. That's what I did, throughout this year. Well, its nearing the end of October, but not many major things happen near the end of the year. I've watched the heartbreaks of all the new students that came. Honestly, this year wasn't much fun for me. There weren't major fights like we had last year, I think there was once early of the year, but I wasn't involved. 

Hmm, is the universe giving me a break from all that fighting? Maybe. It is nice to watch other people fight for once. 

"What are you smiling about?" KangJoo asked me. 

"Me? Oh, just ... how peaceful this year went by." I answered her with a smile. 

She scoffed at me. What? Did I say something wrong?

"What?" I asked, innocently.

"You seem to be regretting it." KangJoo answered me.

"I am, a bit. But it's nice to have quite a peaceful year." And watch other people's dramas for once. 


As I walk down the hallways, I saw YiKyung and Yuhyi sitting by each other, I went to them.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm teaching YiKyung about Korean. Wanna join?" Yuhyi offered me. 

YiKyung was wearing headphones, and it seems that Yuhyi is the only one that can speak to him through a phone call. 

Such a waste and rise in bill. But well, at least someone's finally getting to understand the 'formal Korean'. 

I turned and saw InGuk watching the couple closely. I went to him. 

"You know, if you like her, you should ask her back." I told him as I face the couple as well.

"It won't be easy if that scum is around her all the time." InGuk sounded angry. 

"Yeah, but ... Yuhyi still likes you." I told him.

"Oh yeah? How do you know that?" He asked me, as if he was mocking me.


"I just do. Besides, if you don't hurry and fight for her, using a civil way, Kyung is gonna get her." I warned him. 

If they were to have a fight, my money is on YiKyung. InGuk may seem tall, but YiKyung was able to beat me up once in a while despite his height.

"Shut up." InGuk said as he moved away from me.

I shrugged and went to find MinKyung. He was supposed to be waiting for me, by the food store near the cafeteria.


Along my way of going there, I saw HeungSoo and Seolhyun. Making out. I shivered. 

"Ya, go and find a room." I told them as I passed by them.

"Oh, shut up. Jealous ." HeungSoo teased me. 

SeolHyun looked at me with a blush. I never knew that HeungSoo could beat me into having a girlfriend. I'm losing my touch.

"Whatever dude. Don't let SeungYeob catch you. You know what he did to JinHo." I warned him. 

He nodded with a chuckle and patted my back.

"Okay, NamSoon. C'mon Seolhyun. Let's go." I watched as they locked their fingers together. 

What I would do to get that scene out of my head. Ugh. 


Now you must be wondering what happened to Jinho. Well, he started going ... a bit crazy. After Tiffany left him, he started taking down anything ... golden. Such as SeungYeob's precious golden pin he got from his older siblings. And the controversy started from there. So, right now, we're protecting Jinho. Which is why I need to go and see MinKyung. 

I continued passing to many more hallways. Jihoon and Hyunyoung took art together. 

It looks like they're doing pottery. Hmm, Jihoon had his hands over HyunYoung's as the wheel spun.

Nice move, JiHoon. I nodded towards them and the teacher who was giving me a weird look.

I saw KangJoo alone by the door of the exit.

"Hey, why are you alone? I thought you were going to meet up with ChanSuk." I asked her. 

She looked up at me, her eyes red. 

I smiled and wiped a tear off her face. 

"Ya! When a girl cries, you're not supposed to smile!" She protested.

"Yeah, but they say a smile is contagious. And I want you to smile." I told her with a smile. 

She pouted and wiped her face slightly. 

"ChanSuk went off with his friends." She told me, she sounded disappointed. 

"HaKyung?" I asked about her best friend. 

"She's off to England. Again." She said with a pout. 

"Ya, you're gonna look like a duck if you do that." I said as I pulled the corners of to a smile. 

"There, you look better like that." I told her as I let go of her face. 

"Not funny. By the way, where are you going?" She asked me, with a slap on my arm.

"To see JinHo. MinKyung's with him right now." I answered her as we went down the stairs.

"What, so now you're gay for MinKyung?" She joked. 

"I was never gay for anybody. I'm a straight person." I told her, with a sense of pride. 

"Whatever, president." She said to me. 


As we reached the food store, I couldn't see MinKyung or Jinho anywhere. Weren't they supposed to be here?

I pulled out my phone and called MinKyung. 

"NamSoon?" He souded breathless, like he was running.

"Ya, I'm at the food store." I told him, with hands on my hips.

"JinHo got called." I could hear his footsteps slowing.

"By who?" I asked him. 

"SeungYeob." He hung up. 

I knew where they were. There was always a sense of hatred floating ever since the MT incident whenever SeungYeob was mentioned. I ran with KangJoo following behind. I reached the bleachers of the field and saw that a crowd had already formed. Oh no. 

I ran to the front of the crowd, and was dumbfounded. There they were. JinHo versus SeungYeob. At a basketball match. 

I found MinKyung walking to my side. 

"What was that? You sounded serious like he was about to be thrown out of school." I whined.

"Well, I didn't know where he was until just now." He told me. 

KangJoo pulled the both of us to sit down because we were at some of the most awesome seats there was at the bleachers. 

"Whoa." We both said in unison.

"Would you guys sit for once? Don't you know you're incredibly tall and that is blocking other people's views!?" She scolded us.

Both of us chuckled. 


I heard Ms. Jung and Mr. Kang behind us.

"Was this year fulfilling for you?" Mr. Kang asked.

"Well, it was peaceful." Ms. Jung answered.

"Like how you hoped?" He asked.

"Yeah. How we hoped." She stated. 

I smiled, agreeing with the teacher as we watched Jinho beating SeungYeob at basketball.

For someone who fought over SeolHyun at the MT, he pretty badly at basketball.

Oh well, everybody's different. And that's not much of a difference.



Author's Notes;  20130629

Well, this is the end.

Sorry if it was boring and all, maybe that's why you guys stopped commenting. 

Thanks for those who has applied, and those who has silently read. 

Also, Happy Birthday to DONGHO!! and DaeHyun whose birthday was yesterday!

Anyway, I hope you guys would be interested in reading other fics that would come out from me. 

please anticipate it!

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guys, i really need your scene requests or anything to get me out of this writer's block


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shineefangirl25 #1
Chapter 3: ohh i luved it......
Chapter 17: I loved the last chapter! It's sad that it's ended, but thank you for the effort you put into this story :-) i enjoyed it!!
Chapter 17: But I loved it :D
Chapter 17: Me and Heungsoo O_O I wasn't expecting that. I was expecting like a heart to heart chat o_o
Chapter 17: I thought it was interesting.
I thought that SeungYeob and Jinho would really fight not fight with a game of basketball, lol. I like that the last chapter was in Namsoon's point of view. It just feels like this isn't an ending chapter to a story, but maybe that's just me wanting more. Haha.
Of course if you make more stories then I'll check them out. I enjoy your writing and this story was fun to read. Just tell me if you make another story and I'll come read it, or even apply if it's an apply fic.
Chapter 16: :( it's almost ending...and do you need a scene request.

Seolhyun works everything with Heungsoo, and Seung Yeop :D
Chapter 16: It is sad that they are leaving. At least they left each other on a happy note.
Chapter 16: ouch sulli why are you leaving with minho gahhh

i really like your posters btw!!
Chapter 15: Awwwwww Jinho :(
Chapter 15: Poor Jinho. I feel bad for him. The girl that he likes is with someone esle which isn't fun.
Its ending but it was a good story though. I enjoyed reading it though.