B.A.P Café

"This is Yongguk's place." Jaewha's jaw drops from the sight of Yongguk's humongous house.

"He's a rich child after all." Youngjae mumbles, walking through the gate. Jaewha follows behind as she made more jaw dropping faces of the scenery.

Youngjae rings the door bell and the door opens. A maid bows at them. "Master Yongguk is waiting in his room, Youngjae."

"Thank you."

The maid steps back. She saw me. "Oh? A female guest?"

"She works with us." Youngjae smiles. He pushes the awestruck Jaewha up the stairs. "Can you not act so weird?" Youngjae mutters. "You look like this is your first time in an amusement park."

"I didn't know he was this rich!"

"You just met all of us. There are plenty of things you still don't know about us."

Youngjae stops at a door and walks in. "We're here."

Jaewha felt darts striking her chest. Yongguk's room looks like another house. The living room was as big as a regular. The bathroom and kitchen and even a balcony was set on a nice place to view the sunset.

"There she goes again." Youngjae palms his face.

"Jaehwa?" Jongup waves his hand in her face. "You can sit down."

Jaehwa join them on the couch. "Yongguk..."

Yongguk was the only one standing. He pulls table in front of him and set a blank paper on it. "What?"

"Y-You are rich!!"

Yongguk just looks at her. "For our stand I was thinking of making light sweets. It's easier for people to eat and it'll be easy for us to make."

Jaehwa looks at the walls that are covered by frames and drawings. This is so cool.

Yongguk saw Jaehwa dozing off and he threw a marker on her head. "Pay attention."

Jaehwa nods, touching her head. Zelo leans close to her. "I was the same way too." He laughs.

"Since there are seven of us we should divide into three stands."

"I'll be with Jaehwa!" Daehyun hand shot in the air like a rocket.

"Us too!" Jongup and Zelo hand rose at the same time.

"He said three stands meaning two people at each one expect three people will be at one." Youngjae says.

Daehyun, Jongup and Zelo gave each other looks before saying, "ME!"

Youngjae roll his eyes. "Alright, I'm done."

A knock suddenly fills the room.

"Yongguk!" A very mature girl came skipping to Yongguk and hugs his arm. "Let's go on a date!"

Yongguk sighs and pulls away from her. "Seulgi, what are you doing here?"

"I came to see my boyfriend!"

"Aye I thought I was yours babe?!" Himchan whines. "Did you forget about me!?"

Seulgi blew a kiss to Himchan who caught it and fell on the couch giggling. Youngjae made a face. "I am disgusted right now."

"Leave, Seulgi. We're busy."

Seulgi eyes roam around the room and fell on Jaewha. "Who is she?"

Jaewha points at herself. She didn't expect Seulgi to talk to her. "Yeah you. Are you Yongguk's girlfriend?" She asks.


Yongguk heaves a big sigh with his fist tighten. "Seulgi, we are busy. Leave, NOW." He was pushing her towards the door when suddenly she spun around and pecks Yongguk on the lips.


"Whoa can I get a kiss too?" Himchan says very excited.

"Oh gosh." Youngjae palms his face.

Zelo and Jongup looks at each other and stuck out their tongues with a cringe.

"Seulgi! OUT!" Yongguk shoves her away and out the door. "I love you Yongguk!" She shouts before he slams the door at her.

Yongguk wipes his lips with the back of his hand. Seulgi.. He was about to explode in any second.

The guys felt it and back away.

"Maybe we should finish this plan some other time eh?" Youngjae speaks out nervously.

"Yeah we can finish this at school." Himchan adds.


 Everyone sat down with their hands on their laps.

Yongguk began talking as nothing happened.

Jaewha was having thoughts in her head. Is that Yongguk's girlfriend? She is very pretty and beautiful. They surely look like a item to me....

"Jongup." Jaewha whispers. Jongup quickly  turns his attention to her. "Yes?"

"Who was she?"

"That's Seulgi"

Jaewha nods.

"She's Yongguk's step sister."

S-Step sister?! SHE KISSED HIM! Jaewha gasps in horror.

"Hey." Yongguk hands reaches out to her and he tugs on her cheeks. "Pay. Attention."

"O-Okay!" Jaewha slaps his hand so he would let go. Why does he have to pull on my cheek?? It hurts!

"If I let go I'm afraid that little brain of yours will start acting up again."

"I'm sorry! I will concentrate!" Jaewha cries as Yongguk grips onto the other cheek.

"Why does he always get the cuties!?" Himchan whines, bouncing up and down on the couch. "Not fair!"

Yongguk releases and stood in front of Himchan who slowly slouches into the couch.

After some mistopics and a lot of yelling, the night is finally over.

Himchan, Zelo and Jongup went together leaving the other three.

Youngjae was carrying Daehyun on his back. "You bloated monkey. Why you had to pass out now?"

Jaehwa was walking along their side. "Hey Youngjae, can I ask you something."

"This better not be stupid question." He side glance her with narrow eyes.

Jaehwa shook her head. "It's about Daehyun."

"Ok, this is stupid."



"Why does he seem to pass out of nowhere?"

Youngjae stare straight ahead and sighs. "I've known Daehyun since we were kids. We met by being neighbors in a small town. Daehyun was an energetic kid and he always wanted to play. He bugged me a lot of times and I couldn't say no to this kid because he wouldn't shut up. He seem fine when we played but then he suddenly dropped all of sudden. I try waking him up but he wouldn't budge so I thought he died."

They turn a corner and waited at a bus stop. Youngjae set Daehyun on a bench and sat beside him. "I ran to his house and called his mom. She followed me with a bag of treats."

"A bag of treats?"

"Sweets mostly. She gave him chocolate pieces and instantly his mouth started moving. She told me, 'Youngjae, Daehyun is a different than other kids. For him to keep his energy he has to eat sweets so whenever he falls asleep give him something to eat and he'll wake up.' I thought it was weird condition but I didn't really understand much about it. Ever since then I carried sweets with me when I'm with him." Youngjae says. "It was very frightening because he does it out of nowhere. Kids didn't really play with him because they thought he was a zombie. They would point a finger at him and scream 'Ahhhhh zombie' and cry. Daehyun doesn't say much about what people say about him. He always smiled when I asked him about it and just told me to play with him instead as an answer."

Youngjae took something out of his pocket. It was a lollipop. "He always smiled." He then let out a laugh. "I guess it's the sugar that's keeping him that way."

Jaewha smile. "Yeah..."

He unwraps the lollipop and puts it in Daehyun's mouth. Daehyun stirs and stretches his arm in the air. He open his eyes and let out a smile. "Morning."

"It's actually night, Daehyun." Jaewha laughs, ruffling Daehyun's hair. Daehyun caught her hand and kisses it. Jaehwa turns beat red and pull her hand away from him.

"D-Did you j-just!?!" 

Youngjae covers his face, "Control yourself will you? Or I knock you out myself."

Daehyun just laughs. "I'm just happy."

Youngjae crosses his arms and looks afar. "Too happy." He mumbles before a gentle smile reaches to his lips.












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princess2394 #1
Chapter 15: I love this story.. it's like 2am and I'm here reading this trying not to laugh out loud. It's really hard.. please update soon author-nim.
Chapter 15: thanks for the update ! nice story :D
Chapter 14: I found this story on one of the recommended stories here in aff. I'm so happy that i've found it hahaha this syory is really funny
beejello96 #4
Chapter 14: dae's so funny and cute here!! oh my god!! i'm laughing whenever daedae passed out xD daedae always smile>< and and, seulgi is yongguk's stepsist? ugh...;; cant wait for next chapter!
beejello96 #5
Chapter 13: lol daedae's character is so cute here. and that was close! dae was going to kiss her but....he's passing out xD aw woohyun?><
Chapter 12: Whooo~ loving this !
Jennyskater #7
Chapter 11: Waaaah~ finally an update! Please keep it up :3