Like A Fool

The Shadow Of You

I move my lazy body when I heard the sound of the annoying alarm. I peek the time because the alarm didn't stop ringing. It's 8:52. OH NO, It's 8:52! I woke up immediately, and went directly to the bathroom. I quickly took a bath and wear a proper clothes. He promised me to come here today. We've been dating for 1 year. But the thought that he is coming to my house is still making me smile and giggle at myself.

Since I haven't had any breakfast, I think it would be nice if I cook for breakfast. I'm going to make him fascinated by my foods. I smiled and continued my cooking whole-hearted. 
I finished cooking, and it's already 10:30. I began to feel hungry. Where the is him..
I went back to my room and started rummaging through my bed, looking for my phone. I wanted to ask why he's so late, but before I called him, I notice that last night he sent me a text I haven't read.

I promise to come there tomorrow, right?
Ughh, I'm so sorry to say this but I don't think I can.
I suddenly feel so sick, I think I won't be good by tomorrow, I'm going to rest more.
Sorry my baby.. Please don't be mad!^^

Ahh, seriously. I looked so stupid. Why didn't I check my phone before getting ready.. I went downstair again to eat my breakfast. But I feel lonely, so I decided to have a breakfast outside.

I inhaled a deep breath, shivering a little because of this cold weather and began walking away from my apartment, looking for a good restaurant where I can have a breakfast. 

I was walking down the small restaurants on the roadside, when I think I see something good to eat. I can see a huge noodle brochure through the glass at a restaurant down the road. The restaurant didn't covered by walls, but all sides covered with clear glass. So you can see everything inside it! I jumped a little to that restaurant, began to feel hungry again when I think about the delicious taste of the noodles in the brochure.

The restaurant was starting to look clear. I can see people who sit and eat there. I saw a family that seemed to be talking about something exciting. At the table next to them I could see a man wearing a suit. He brought a laptop, and it looks like he will go to work after eating here. At the table next to him, I could see a pretty girl, she was sitting with her boyfriend. They looked very sweet. The boy seems like telling the girl a story, while the girl laughs at everything he said. I haven't seen this girl, but her boyfriend is familiar.

He's really familiar...Why does he seem so familiar?


I can't see his face clearly, but I'm 100% sure that guy is Lee SeungRi, my boyfriend. I was trying to control my emotion. I was trying really hard to think about the possible reason why is he sitting there with that lady when he said he was sick to go to my house. It's probably his cousin who asks him to accompany her. But why would he lie? Hm, it could be his friend. Or his cousin forced him to accompany her eating without thinking about his sickness.
I keep looking at them, praying they will do something that can give me proof that they are just friends. 

The next thing they did answered my questions. My boyfriend, Lee SeungRi is kissing the girl in front of him.

I swear I could hear my heart breaking into pieces. I forgot the taste of the noodles that I wanted to eat, I forgot the reason I came here. My eyes blured by tears, I wanted to go inside and slap that boy and the girl, but my body doesn't want to. It can't move. I just stand there looking at them kissing for only God knows how long before I saw Jiyong oppa standing a few metres from me, also watching them making out.

I ran away before Jiyong oppa see me.

I sit at the bench not far from my apartment, and started crying like hell. My tears can't be controlled. I closed my eyes with my hands and let the tears flow out of my eyes heavily.

I wiped my wet face, took a very deep breath, and started walking home cause it has been darker. for the first time I felt, walking home this time is the most painful and lonely walk I've ever take.


I woke up, feeling so weird, tired, and wet. I realized when I got home yesterday, I laid on my bed and continued to cry and slept. I took a bath, and thinking how ridiculous it feels, when the last day I woke up feeling so happy at the fact-or thought he was going to come here. And now I woke up feeling extremely broken because he was cheating over me. I don't even know since when.

I looked myself at the mirror, my eyes are still so red and they are swelling. I inhaled, and braved myself to go downstairs, where there's so many picture of me and him hanging on my wall. I hold back my tears, and started unhanging our pictures. I don't think a bastard like him could even deserves my tears.

Suddenly my phone rang. It was from Lee SeungRi. "Hello?" I said, pretending not knowing anything. "Hello, baby! Sorry I didn't go there yesterday!" He said happily, exactly the same as usual. This made my heart stabbed by a knife, so he has been lying to me this whole time. I breathe deeply, holding my tears, "yes. That's ok really. Have you been better?" I bit my lips, praying he won't find out I'm crying. "Yes, baby! I'm a lot better now! Yesterday I slept all day. It was boring actually, but I imagined you're accompanying me! So I felt better," He said, making me crying even harder. Lies, lies. It's all lies. "Joo-Joo?" He made sure I'm still there, because it was too hard for me to hold the tears, I turned off my phone and started shaking and crying again.

I relax myself, I put my phone away. I didn't answer any phone call or text messages. It has been 3 days since I found out he's lying. I decided to go out for refreshment.

I went to the mall alone, trying to make my heart feels good again. I was looking for shoes, I think I started feeling ok again, when I saw Jiyong oppa. He was with his friends, laughing and talking together. I remembered that day, when I saw him looking at SeungRi oppa kissing other girl. But why didn't Jiyong oppa asked me or told me what happened?

"Hm, Joo-Chan?" I heard his voice. Ohh, how I am missing him so much right now. I wish we didn't get away, I could just hug him and cry my emotion out to him right now. "Jiyong oppa?!" He smiled, "how are you?" "I'm good, oppa!" "I see, glad to hear it. Now my friends are waiting for me, bye" He smiled and left me.

What? Why didn't he mentioned SeungRi oppa? I'm sure he saw them. But why? I sighed. He doesn't care about me anymore. Yes, who am I to him after being strangers for 1 year?
Why would I expect he would ask something?

I went home feeling dissapointed again.


I was walking at the mall with my friends, when I saw my bestfriend, Joo-Chan is walking alone at the mall. I remembered the day I saw her boyfriend cheating on her. I hope she's okay now. I saw her looking at them at that day. But before I got to do anything she ran away.

"Joo-Chan?" I called her, I hope she would hug me and tell me all the things she saw. "Jiyong oppa?!" She looked shock, and smiled. "How are you?" I tried to make her spill out her emosion. But she only said she's good. She saw her boyfriend making out with someone else and said that she's good?

She still wants to be his girlfriend? 
What kind of girl still wants to be his girlfriend after finding her boyfriend cheating?

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BigBangTop17 #1
Chapter 12: It's was really sad but I loved it
MagicSnowFlakes #2
Chapter 12: Sequel please! :)
Chapter 11: I cried so hard T.T
Authornim I don't mind if you did it different way as long as Lim Joo Chan a.k.a. the heroine live happily ever after with jiyong!! Please.... I'm dying seeing this story just end like this.........
Chapter 12: Authornim, please make a sequel where the heroine die and she found jiyong in the dead persons world and they live happily ever after!!! PLEASE MAKE IT, I CAN'T SEE THIS STORY JUST END LIKE THIS.......................
Chapter 12: Omo .. So touching
deniece1718 #7
Chapter 12: he never had the chance to propose?! so heartbreaking :'( </3
Chapter 12: I thought that jiyong will appear in the end suddenly._.

But, I think this is good story! O(≧∇≦)o
exobunny #9
Chapter 12: WWWHHHHYYYYY DOES HE HAVE TO DDDIIIEEE!!!!!! WAAAHHHH!!!!! I love this story!
wanniewagon #10
Chapter 12: Oh god!!!! this story is soo sad!!!! author-nim!!! you make me cry because of this!!! i hope theres a squel for this story...anyway...i love it :''')