Never Had The Chance

The Shadow Of You

Today is our anniversary, I'm looking at the ring I chose yesterday, smiling at the wonders of how will she react.

I stand up and put the ring on its box and take a taxi to the airport.

I'm going home, and will arrive at night. While I wait for the plane to take off, I decided to make her a little surprise, so I type her number on my phone and call her.

"Jagiya?" I say.

"Baby! You'll be home today right? Are you on the plane now?!" She sounds very excited 

"Ah.. Umm babe, I don't think I can be home by tonight. There's still something that I got to do. Maybe I'll be home tomorrow or the next day. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry," I laugh a bit because right now I'm sitting on the plane.

"What?! Really?!" She seems to be very dissapointed

"Really, babe. I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you. Sorry,"

She sighs, "okay.. What else can we do?"

I kind of don't have the heart to make her feel sad like this on our anniversary, but before I change my mind to just say 'no babe, I was just kidding, I'm sitting on the plane now and about to go home. After that I'm going to propose you and we'll get married,' to her, the stewardess asks me to turn off my phone.

"I'm sorry, jagi. Please forgive me. I have to go now, I'm really sorry okay? I love you."

"Yeah, I love you too," she says still sounds very dissapointed,

I laugh at how innocent she is to believe this kind of lie. 

The plane takes off, and US starts to seen shrinking. I take a deep breathe. I take out the ring and stare at it, wondering about things again. I close my eyes, imagining and trying to make the best plan to be the most romantic guy for her. 

I've thought a thousand plans of how am I going to propose her this night. I don't know how long have my eyes been closed.

I open my eyes when I hear noices, and I realized that I fell asleep. I look around to see what's happening and why is everyone screaming.

Then the plane shook violently, making everyone seems to be really horrored, some of them are praying, and some of them are just screaming and crying. The man beside me is praying, I'm very confused, so I ask another guy, "hey! what's happening here??"

He didn't answer, but this time there's a sound from the intercom, "everyone please do not panic, our plane is loosing its balance. We're really trying---" It stopped. Our plane was downward sloping, I was really terrified, "oh no," I thought. I held the ring tightly in my hand, while everyone else were screaming. My tear fall down from my eyes. "This shouldn't be happe--" I didn't get to finish the line.

The plane falls down.


I sigh, so this time we have to celebrate our anniversary seperately? I look at the clock, ticking.

But suddenly it stopped.

Suddenly I feel so hard to breathe. I try to calm myself down, and try to breathe. Cold sweat starts out. I feel so panic for something. I once again breathe, before suddenly my phone rang.

"H-hello?" I ask, still in pain. "Is this Joo-Chan ssi? A friend of Kwon Jiyong ssi?" His words make me widen my eyes. "Yes, I am. What happened?" "I'm sorry to say this, but Kwon Jiyong-ssi's plane fell down. He got a very bad injury. Good thing we can still contact his family through his phone. He has rushed to the hospital, please come to see him."

Wait,wait. It's too sudden. WHAT?! My tears start to flow. "No, no. Jiyong oppa isn't at that plane. He isn't going home today! YOU MUST BE KIDDING ME RIGHT?!!" I feel so angry to the police who called me. "TELL ME YOU'RE JUST LYING!" I cry. But instead of getting answered, "yes, I was just lying.", he answered, "I'm sorry,"

Being totally terrified, I rush to the hospital he mentioned. "God, please let Jiyong oppa be safe." I cry on my way there. "Please,"

"Where's Kwon Jiyong's room?!" I ask impatiently. "It's 254."

I immediately ran to room number 254.

I open the door,

There, I saw my Kwon Jiyong laying on the bed. Looking so terrible. His head bandaged, also his legs. I don't come in, I just stand at the door. I can't see him like this. I cry, hard. And before I know, I fainted.


I woke up and thought it was just a dream. "Are you awake?" Said the doctor near me. Oh, . This isn't a dream. "How's Kwon Jiyong?!" I ask him once I realized. "Well, you can go to him now." Said the doctor after he make sure I'm okay.

I ran to the room again, but in front of the room, there's Jiyong's mother and father. "Joo-Chan!!" His mother calls me, she's crying. I run to her and hug her. Then suddenly a doctor came out from his room. "How is he?" Asked Jiyong's father.

"I'm really sorry to say this, but I guess there's nothing we can do about it. We've tried our best. He was bleeding very, very badly." The doctor said. "SO ARE YOU SAYING THAT HE WON'T SURVIVE?!" Asked his mother. "COME ON, YOU'RE THE DOCTOR!!" She cries even harder.

The doctor sighs, "I'm really sorry. But I think he's waiting for someone to come. He should've been gone, but he has not. I think he's really waiting for someone." The doctor says and leaves.

I was crying so very hard. "What's the meaning of this? Jiyong shouldn't be on that plane. He really said that he wasn't going home today!! God, please tell me this all is just a dream. And tomorrow I'll wake up and will tell Jiyong about this dream, he will laugh. Please, let us see his laugh again. Let him love me once again." I pray, and cry harder. 

His parents hug me. "Come to see him, we're sure he's waiting for you," says his father. I shake my head, "he's waiting for me? So what will happen if I go there? Will he stop waiting?" I cry again, I feel like killing myself. His parents are also crying, "Meet him, Joo-Chan. He will continue to feel pain if you don't come. After you come, he will go and leave the pain," his father tells me. 

I look at Jiyong, and brave myself. I go in to the room and beside Jiyong. "Oppa, is this really you?" My tears flow out again, "You shouldn't be here, right? I know this is just a dream. You promised me so many things that you haven't got the chance to do." I cry harder. "You promised me to build a family with me? To protect me forever? Why are you leaving?" My tears isn't coming to an end at all. "You promised me to be home at our 4th anniversary. Why are you leaving me behind?! Don't go." I cry.

Suddenly, a tear come out from his eyes. "Oppa! Are you hearing me? Don't cry." I told him and erased his tear. "Can I be selfish just for once? I want you to open your eyes, stand up and tell everyone that this is just a joke. Please, I'm begging you, oppa. I want to see your smile again. Please," my tears are rampant.

A tear come out from his eye again. Then he smiles. It was a little smile, but it shocked me to death. He smiles a little for a second. But then suddenly a doctor came, pat my shoulder. And closes my boyfriend with a white cloth. I was crying so hard that I can't even hear anything. I can't even see anything. I only can feel this heart breaking. And it hurts so much.

"Joo-Chan, do you know why did he said that he wasn't going home today? It's because of this," his father gives me a ring. "He was going to propose you as a surprise." 

After I heard what he said, I cry even harder. And it feels really hurt, I don't know how I got home that night.

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BigBangTop17 #1
Chapter 12: It's was really sad but I loved it
MagicSnowFlakes #2
Chapter 12: Sequel please! :)
Chapter 11: I cried so hard T.T
Authornim I don't mind if you did it different way as long as Lim Joo Chan a.k.a. the heroine live happily ever after with jiyong!! Please.... I'm dying seeing this story just end like this.........
Chapter 12: Authornim, please make a sequel where the heroine die and she found jiyong in the dead persons world and they live happily ever after!!! PLEASE MAKE IT, I CAN'T SEE THIS STORY JUST END LIKE THIS.......................
Chapter 12: Omo .. So touching
deniece1718 #7
Chapter 12: he never had the chance to propose?! so heartbreaking :'( </3
Chapter 12: I thought that jiyong will appear in the end suddenly._.

But, I think this is good story! O(≧∇≦)o
exobunny #9
Chapter 12: WWWHHHHYYYYY DOES HE HAVE TO DDDIIIEEE!!!!!! WAAAHHHH!!!!! I love this story!
wanniewagon #10
Chapter 12: Oh god!!!! this story is soo sad!!!! author-nim!!! you make me cry because of this!!! i hope theres a squel for this story...anyway...i love it :''')