Simple As This

The Shadow Of You

"Because I did,"

His sound repeats in my head, and before I got awaken fully, I notice that my lips are already touching his. I gasp a little, but then his closed eyes tempt me to slowly close my eyes too.

Everything starts to come up to my mind, every memories of me with him. How he has been treating me for the whole years, how he keeps giving me courage and care, how he looks at me so deeply in my eyes, and also how he sounds everytime he calls my name. 

I hug him so tightly, and he remove his lips from mine. 

"I've never thought I would be in love with you," I say in his arms. I blush, "but somehow, I noticed that everything about you is so perfect."
He hug me tighter as I continue, "I'm not sure if your question was a dream or not. I'm just going to tell you in case it wasn't a dream. I thought everything would be alright when you kissed me last night. And I was right, everything became alright. But that has nothing to do with SeungRi oppa like I thought it has. Once you stopped kissing me last night, I don't mind seeing him making out again. Because I realized, even if he was still there kissing another girl, you would still be right next to me."

"Stop talking," he stopped me. "You're making my heart racing too fast." He says, and he blushes. 

He looks deeply in my eyes. I shiver as he takes my hand and holds it. "So, Lim Joo-Chan," he stops, "would you be my eternal partner, instead of being my forever friend?" He smiles.

He smirks as I nod, and once again he kisses my lips. 

"Oppa! Want to continue our song?" I ask. "Right! Hey, I just remembered, I have a friend, Min Hyun, who works as a composer. I told him a few things about how you make songs like him, and it turns out he got interest in your songs, if he likes it, maybe he will buy your song."

"WHAT? That can make me become a real composer! Oppa!! Why didn't you tell me earlier? You're not joking right?! Hmm, which song should I play for him?!" I become so excited, knowing that this Min Hyun guy can help me to reach my dreams. "Hmm, I think your best song is How The Moon Looks at Me. Why don't you play him that song?" 

I think for a while, "Ah! I'm going to show him our song! I'm sure it will turn out better than every other songs!" "Wait, really?! Jagiya, but what if I mess up?" He asks. I blush at him calling me 'jagiya'. "You're not going to mess up. I trust you oppa!" I smirk, and he looks away,  trying to hide his reddened cheeks.

We continued our song for hours playfully, "ya, jagiya. You should rest, it's already so late," he says. "Oh, you're going home now?" I ask him. "Why? You want me to sleep with you?" He teases me. "Yah!!" I blush, "that's not it! Just go home," I say. He laughs, "night, babe." He kisses my cheeks and went to his car. Then I wave my hands before his car can't be seen anymore.

I run into my bed, blushing at every memories I can remember, before getting asleep.

A year has passed, my love has grown so strong until now. Everyday we talk about random things and laugh about anything that isn't funny at all. Sometimes we argue, but it was never more than 2 hours. Tomorrow is our first anniversary, 

"Baby, what's up?" I say once I saw the name 'Kwon Jiyong'
"Since tomorrow is a special day of us, I want to ask you to go to something special."
"What? Where?" I'm getting excited again.
"You're going to meet my parents!!" He said, sounds so happy.

he laughs.

"Don't be nervous, they are from Busan. They come here for a holiday and to visit me. They also insisted me to introduce you to them."
"Oppa!! Why did you say yes?!" I'm very nervous, how could I not?

he laughs again.

"We need approval from our parents to get married, right?"
This time I'm shutted, I blush, "fine.."
"Puhahahha, okay baby. Remember, just relax. They'll love you as much as I do. See you!"
"Bye," I hang up.

I immediately run upstair to my bedroom, opens my closet and start rummaging it. 

What should I wear? What if they don't like me? What if they ask oppa to break me up? Ah, I'm frustated.

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BigBangTop17 #1
Chapter 12: It's was really sad but I loved it
MagicSnowFlakes #2
Chapter 12: Sequel please! :)
Chapter 11: I cried so hard T.T
Authornim I don't mind if you did it different way as long as Lim Joo Chan a.k.a. the heroine live happily ever after with jiyong!! Please.... I'm dying seeing this story just end like this.........
Chapter 12: Authornim, please make a sequel where the heroine die and she found jiyong in the dead persons world and they live happily ever after!!! PLEASE MAKE IT, I CAN'T SEE THIS STORY JUST END LIKE THIS.......................
Chapter 12: Omo .. So touching
deniece1718 #7
Chapter 12: he never had the chance to propose?! so heartbreaking :'( </3
Chapter 12: I thought that jiyong will appear in the end suddenly._.

But, I think this is good story! O(≧∇≦)o
exobunny #9
Chapter 12: WWWHHHHYYYYY DOES HE HAVE TO DDDIIIEEE!!!!!! WAAAHHHH!!!!! I love this story!
wanniewagon #10
Chapter 12: Oh god!!!! this story is soo sad!!!! author-nim!!! you make me cry because of this!!! i hope theres a squel for this story...anyway...i love it :''')