
Be My Girl

Nelly’s point of view

    At night. Like always I sat on my chair in fount of my laptop, but tonight it’s different. I’m a bit nervous, curious and excited registering on a dating site. My fingers are typing on my keyboard so fast; it looks like my fingers are dancing on it and my fingers are tremble. I quickly fill out the information to sign up for this site. Suddenly I stop; I stare at the two blanks I left ‘ID’ and ‘name’. The reasons why I had chosen this site were this is one of the most popular website, it won’t leakage the stuff you fill out and most of all is you have your own privacy, don’t need to put your real name or something like that on there, at least you want to. I fill out my ID blue_moon and my name Nerin (fake name).



Login and I saw my dating page, on the top I can fill out more information about myself and some pictures. I fill out some of them and something special about this website is you don’t know the person you are talking to look like. But there are some people use their real pictures, not animated pictures. After this I saw on the top of my page there’s an area called “feelings”. Most people use that areas as their diary, for me I decide use it as my diary too but in a different way. I went into my “feelings” and think what should I type.

Recalled what happen this noon at the school garden



We were sitting on the bench, eating lunch, and listen to music, like we always do. Shared each other’s secrets, feeling, what happen during class......we can talk all day long nonstop if we could. And we talked about everything, anything you could think of. We talked about fashion, economic, art, news, j-pop, k-pop……asks each other questions, anything.


“Why would you sign up for a dating website?” My friend Maggie asks.

“Yeah why? It’s not like you are a loner and you need friends. Come on you have the most out of us. Just look at your Facebook page! 300 friends!!!! If you add my friends and Maggie’s friends all together you still have more friends than us!” My other friend Stacey said.


Like Stacey said I have lots of friends, and I talked to all of them. Maybe not as often as to my best friend (of course) even though I could talked to them any kind of subjects, and looks like they are as close as to my best friends. But they never reach to my heart and know me. My best friends Maggie and Stacey......they know me well, very well. They are those few people that really know me and accepted me, but sometimes they just couldn’t understand the way I think like now.


“Well~ don’t you guys think it’s a good experience?” I grin and asked them back.

“Nelly!” they both yelled at me and said. “Tell us the truth; we both know this isn’t the reason why you sign up for that dating website!”


From their eyes I can really tell they are worried about me. But I’m fine. I could handle the strictest teacher in school and be his favorite student ever; even I’m always doing some things that are always against to his rules and he never gives me any punishments for it. If I could handle that then I could handle every single thing that comes up to me, at least that’s how I think.


“Guys, I told you. I’M FINE. Nothing happen, okay?”

“You sure?” “You were pretty down for a while you know.”

“Trust me, I’m fine and yeah don’t you guys have classes at afternoon? You two should be hurry, class is going to start soon~”

“Okay, call us, txt us when you need us, got it?”

“Yes Maggie and Stacey”


I waved my hand, had a smile on my face to prove I’m okay to them and watch them leave for class. If I could handle anything that pops out to me then there’s no such thing that could hurt me……maybe I’ll get hurt but it doesn’t hurt as much as you guys think. I’m fine……like I always am.


End of recall



After recall what happen this afternoon, I start typing my feeling in “Feeling”.


“Why would I sign up for a dating website?” I think it’s because I’m tired of my real life. The stress, pain, attitude, all that kinds of stuff are giving me a headache! Can’t take it anymore! So I decide give myself a break……


Done typing all the stuff I wanted. I decided to take a shower. I don’t think I’ll get any message yet, since I just sign up. But apparently I was wrong. I got a whole bunch of messages. Most of them are like “HI!!!” “Hello~” “How are you?” “Hey I’m xxx. How are you?”……all the same, make me felt like ‘did I do the right decision? Should I sign up for this kind of website at the first place?’ while I’m thinking of my though a message show up and makes me want to talk to this person. Maybe this is the thing I want something interesting that won’t happen in my real life. Anyway it’s a guy and he sent me a message “Be my girl.” Short and easy. It won’t happen in my real life but I do have some confessions from guys and yeah no one makes me said yes beside…... ‘Hum……a guy that didn’t know me and have no idea what do I look like (the pictures I posted on there did not show my face)……how can he sent this message to me? Perhaps he’s a player?’ I mumble and stare at that message. I have a feeling it’s going to be a fun game to play.

Guy’s point of view


“Hyun? What are you looking at?” a tall handsome blonde guy came by and asks.

“Remember the bet we made?” the red hair guy who is sitting in front of his laptop and said.

“Yeah? Something wrong with it?” blonde guy asks curiously.

“I think I’ll be ahead of you guys now” Also I have a feeling she is the one that I wanted for so long. And she will be my girl.

“But hyun, this picture doesn’t even show her face! You can only see her hair flying and her back! How can you know this is the person you are looking for?” Blonde guy looks at his hyun like he is crazy.

“Gong Chan you know, love doesn’t make sense…” the red hair guy trying to explain but Gong Chan cuts in.

“Oh My Gosh Hyun! Don’t tell me you are in love with a person that you don’t know and have no idea how she looks like! Even the bet it’s about to find a girl that you don’t know! But this is too strange and random!” Gong Chan looks at his hyun with a ‘You are really crazy’ look.

“Just let me finish what I want to tell you, okay?”

    “Yes hyun…”

End of guy’s point of few

Nelly’s point of view

I looked at the message “Be my girl” and click to that guy’s dating page. His user name is lead_fox and his name is Jinyoung. “hum…he’s a good looking guy with red hair. Just like me~ I wonder why he sends me that message though. It is because we both have red hair?” I mumble. I decide to reply his message and ask him why. Maybe I’ll find something interesting on here I though in my head.

    “Hi, I’m Nerin. Thanks for message me :)” I wonder would he reply or not?
    “Hi! Nice to meet you Nerin, I’m Jinyoung.” He quickly replies my message and introduce himself, but honestly I don’t know what to say next. Maybe I’ll just go ask what that message means then.
    “Not to be rude or anything but can I ask you what does the message you send me early mean?” I carefully put my words together and hopes he won’t feel offended.
    “Oh do you mean ‘Be my girl’? Just like the word said be my girl. :)” Seems like he didn’t mind I asks him this question. But why me?
    “But Jinyoung, you don’t even know me, you couldn’t even see my face from my picture.” Trying to find out what is he thinking about?
    “Haha. You are the second person telling me this.”
    “Can you tell me why?”
    “Anything you say, Nerin :) I just have a feeling about me and you will get along~”

Honestly, I really don’t get this person at all. He’s even harder to read than…ahhh stop thinking about that person Nelly! I promise myself not to think of that person that keeps pop out of my mind! It is that hard to stop thinking about you? I do everything I could to stop myself but it just seems like I’m an idiot. I’m still living under that shadow, which I couldn’t run away from.

Gongchan’s point of view

I have no idea what is Jinyoung hyun thinking about. He isn’t oldest in the group or the strongest, but he’s the only one can put us all together. “Be the one, All for one” that's how it works because of hyun. He know us, understood us very well, sometime I just think hyun can read our minds not just only the facts, it’s everything. He will know if something happen what will our reactions be, and the words that we will say. Kind of scary but that’s what hyun do, maybe he could read this girl’s mind too? But how? They just start messaging to each other only 5 minutes! How would happen to them? They are completely strangers! Maybe the bet we made it’s too crazy, but you can find love anywhere right?

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Chapter 9: update soon~~~;-)
Chapter 9: kyaaaahh Jinyoung love youu :-* :-*
Chapter 8: i like this chapter :-) update soon~~
Chapter 5: thankyou for the update i like it and update soom kk
Chapter 3: update soon~~
Chapter 1: woww~~jinyoung you really have......that great courage anyway i like this story^^
Chapter 1: Ahaha cute story :) i'll be looking forward to your updates!