Cassie is in love ~~~ to Donghae

Donghae's Girlfriend

Kyuhyun's POV


I heard Heechul-hyung and Kibum-hyung talked about Cass-noona and Donghae-hyung.

He's getting tired of loving noona ?? Hmmm ..


Everyone is busy now. Like Eunhyuk-hyung and Ryeowook-hyung, they cleaning the dishes with the help of Kibum-hyung. Heechul-hyung and Hankyung-hyung arranging the table. Leeteuk-hyung, Manager-hyung and Choona-noona were talking. Sungmin-hyung and Siwon-hyung were helping Cassandra-noona. Yesung-hyung, Shindong-hyung and Kangin-hyung were arranging the chairs that we use. Do you wanna know what i'm doing right now ?? Well~ playing on my psp :D As always. I'm the youngest here so I don't want to do anything.


wait a minute ..

Someones missing ????



where is he ??


"Kyuhyun-shi, Can you please stop playing on your psp and help Sungmin-oppa and Siwon here." Cassandra-noona said to me.

"Arasso . Im coming." i said ..



"Yah~ If you didn't help them. YOU'RE DEAD ." she said .

"Arasso noona" i said.

"Are you angry?" she asked.

"nope .." i said.

"GOOD BOY :D" she said and pat my head .

"I need to go to my room. I forgot my fone." she said .

"Arasso ..." i said ..






"Sungmin-hyung. Did you see Donghae-hyung??" i asked Sungmin-hyung.

"Nope. Why ?? I thought he's with you .." He said.

"Aniyo .. I thought he's helping you.." i said.

"No~~ .." He said.


Someone interupt our conversation.

It's Heechul-hyung and Hankyung-hyung.


"Yah ~ Where's Cass??" Heechul-hyung asked.

"She's in her room... She forgot her fone." i said.

"Good .." hyung said ..

"Heechul-hyung.. Where's Donghae??" Eunhyuk-hyung asked.

"Hyung~ you already did something ??" Kibum-hyung asked. What are they talking about ??

"Uhuh~~" he said and laugh evily ..

"Heechul.. What did you tell Donghae ?" Leeteuk-hyung asked.

"I told him to go to Cassandra's room and i lie that Cassandra want's him to get her fone their." Heechul-hyung said.

"WHAT ?" i said .

"Tsss~ hey you guys.. Were not included in this okay .." Manager-hyung said.

"Yep ~ Were gonna pretend that we don't know anything." Choona-noona said .

"Arasso hyung and noona" Heechul-hyung said.

"Now we need to wait for the result" Kangin-hyung said.

"Pretend guys that you don't know anything." Leeteuk-hyung said.

"Whyy ??" i asked.

"Were having our prank time in the two of them :D" Heechul-hyung said.

"Now think a move that can make them together. Like what we are doing right now." Leeteuk-hyung said.

"Were gonna lock them their." Hankyung-hyung said.

"Ahahahaha ~ I hope you don't get busted" i said.

"No were not :D" Heechul-hyung said to me.

"Now let's go, Heechul, Hankyung and Kangin, Come with me." Leeteuk-hyung ordered them.."

"Yes ~ Come on .." Heechul-hyung said .



[ Leeteuk-hyung, Heechul-hyung, Hankyung-hyung and Kangin-hyung leave.]



So all of us stare at each other.


"Yah ~ are you done ??" Manager-hyung asked.

"yes ~." we said.

"okay ~ i will go first . I wanna sleep." hyung said.

"Arassoo .." we said.

"Guy's need to go to my room and arrange my things there. Bye" Choona-noona said.

"Yes~~" we said.



After Manager-hyung and Choona-noona leave. We started talking .. and also we leave the place where we have our breakfast and go back to the house.





Siwon : Yah ~ I don't want to be included in this.

Ryeowook : Me too.

Yesung : Were just helping them.

Eunhyuk : Yep ~ Yesung-hyung is right ..

Shindong : We need to help them .

Sungmin : Okay ~ Do you think Cassandra have a feelings for Donghae?

Ryeowook : Sungmin-hyung is right . Do you think Cass-noon have a special feeling's for Donghae-hyung.

Kibum : Yes' She has..

Kyuhyun : How did you know Kibum-hyung ?

Kibum : Hmmm .. Remember the day that we have a party in our recent dorm ??

Eunhyuk : Ahhhh~ Yes yes ..

Shindong : Cassandra get's drunk.

Kibum : BINGO :D

Yesung : and then ..

Kibum : I sent her at her dorm.

Kyuhyun : Then ??

Kibum : You know she's drunk. She accidentaly tell me that he have a feelings for Donghae-hyung.

Sungmin : What ?

Ryeowook : Are you sure ??

Kibum : Yes ~ Ahahah .. I can't remember the other details of it. BUT I'M SURE THAT Cassandra-noona is also IN LOVE to Donghae-hyung.

Shindong : Whooa~ This is a great news.

Yesung : Are the other's know this??

Kibum : Yep~ Heechul-hyung is the first one who know this .. then Leeteuk-hyung interrupt pur conversation then he joined us with Kangin-hyung and Hankyung-hyung.

Eunhyuk : Whoa ~~ This is great . Thank you Kibum for telling us ..

Kyuhyun : Now we have to think a way to make them together.

Siwon : Yah ~ Kibum . Why didn't you tell us earlier ??

Kibum : Mianhe Hyung ~ I want this to be kept as secret because noona want it to be a secret.

Siwon : But why did you tell it to all of us .

Kibum : Because I really want to help that 2 to developed their feelings for each other.

Siwon : Ahh ~ Okay .. Thank you for telling us .

Shindong : This is good :D

Eunhyuk : Bwahaha .. Guys. Let's talk this later when we our in the house .

Kibum : Hyukjae-hyung is right. Let's watch first the prank of the HYUNGS :D

Shindong : Yep Yep ~ Then we need to do the second move for them.

Yesung : This is good.

Kyuhyun : Okay Let's go .




Done with this .I hope you like this chapter. Enjoy :D

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Chapter 46: Really hard to update using mobile. Maybe later, I'll update using my pc.
Chapter 34: Messed ideas right now! OMG.. I'm thinking of another story .. Now I can't think what's the next of this story .. OMO TT__TT
Are you going to continue this?
Upated 2 chapter :DD<br />
OMG . I'm a FANSTALKER yesterday because of Siwon , Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun .<br />
<br />
Best day ever : January 2. 2012
Still in middle of making the next chapter :DD<br />
Wait for my update ...
hehehe soo sweet! i will just make him kiss me man~!
hope you update soon!
Sorry for not updating :[