Meeting Two Koreans...

Playboy's lie






This wasn't where he wanted to be. Being on a high school in China wasn't his dream after all. But not that being here on a normal high school instead of being in America and making his dream true was already punishment enough for him, no, he had to get into a kinda fight with this other guy. The name of the guy was, when he heard right, Kris. He wondered, why does the boy have a name like that? The tall boy was Chinese, he saw it in his face, he looked all Chinese like. But the name, it didn't fit. Kris doesn't sound like a Chinese name, no matter how often you say it. But why did he even thought about that? Kris wasn't worth that, Tao should think about nice things like... Luhan!


Tao looked over to Luhan and had to chuckle, Luhan stared to nowhere with a huge smile on his face. As he nudged his best friends side, the blond haired boy turned his head to the younger one and asked. “What is Tao?” - “Why do you smile so creepy, you seem to be somewhere else with your thoughts, but where?”, Tao replied and tilted his head, wondering why Luhan blushed lightly. “W-Well.... Because... Just cause~” Tao chuckled, this wasn't really the answer he wanted to had, but it was cute. He pinched Luhan's cheek and stuck his tongue out, when Xiumin commented their conversation. “Is our little Luhan thinking of this boy called Sehun?” Now Tao tilted his head even more.


Who was Sehun again? Wasn't he one of Kris's friends? The one who helped them... Yes, that was Sehun. Or at least Kris called him Sehun. “Shut up Xiu!”, Luhan huffed with a cute pout on his lips, making the boy with the cute cheeks laugh. “Don't tell me you like this guy” Luhan stayed quiet and turned his head back to the teacher, who actually tried to explain the students who he is, what they will do together in the next time and how everything on the school here works, but like no one really listened to him anyway. The tall teacher didn't even seem to care, he just talked and talked and talked, without a break.



A few hours later the three boys finally were able to get something to eat, Luhan already was starving cause he was so hungry, at least he kept on saying that. But honestly, the younger boys were also hungry, so they tried to find the cafeteria as quick as they could, which wasn't really hard since like everyone walked to it now.


Xiu! Tao! Come on, hurry guys, I AM HUNGRY!”, Luhan shouted over to his best friends as he run to the cafeteria, almost dragging them with him. The others couldn't help but had to laugh about it, Luhan really acted way too cute for his age. When they wouldn't know him they never would guess that boy is really 18 already, he acts like a 14 years old boy, maybe 15. But that was one of the things they loved about Luhan – his childish behaviour towards everyone. Sometimes it could be really annoying, but they loved it and they never would change that about Luhan, this behaviour fits to him. He's like that since they know each other and they can't even imagine Luhan not being like this, not that they even wanted to imagine that.


Arriving at the cafeteria Luhan pouted as he saw how many other students were there, and they all wanted to get something to eat too. “Tomorrow I am bringing food from home!”, he said and crossed his arms on his chest, looking to his best friends. “Xiu~Tao~ can't one of you guys get the food for all three of us?”, he used his puppy eyes and whined cutely, he knew they always did what he wants when he does that. Tao sighed and nodded. “Fine, give me the money and I'll get something for us”, he said as Luhan hugged him shortly with a huge grin on his face. Giving him his money he pushed Tao toward the long line to get their food while he was going to search a table to sit at, dragging Xiumin with him.


Tao sighed as he looked at the line, it was a really long one. This will take years, he thought. And all the students didn't even know how to behave right, they pushed each other forward all time to get their food quicker, which made Tao almost fell down again. Happily someone stood in front of him so he could hold on this guy, not caring who it was. Tao sighed again, why does this always has to happen to him. First he crushed together with this Kris guy and now he almost fell down and dragged a guy with him, but luckily the boy in front of him was strong enough to keep himself from falling down, which also stopped Tao from falling.


S-Sorry...”, the panda-eyes boy mumbled as the boy in front of him turned around to him, with a small smile on his face. “Ah, it's okay, it's not your fault~”, he said with a happy voice which made Tao looking up to him. The boy in front of him, who ever it was, grinned at Tao and his grin got even bigger as he eyed Tao, looking all over his body. “My name is Chanyeol, nice to meet you~”, he introduced himself to the Chinese boy. Tao wondered, again a name that didn't sound Chinese. But at least this boy didn't even look Chinese, he looked Korean... Maybe he was a transfer student?


I'm Tao...”, Tao almost whispered, making it hard for the other boy to understand him. But Chanyeol seemed to understand Tao because he now took the hand of the black haired guy and shook it quickly, still having a smile on his face. “Hello Tao~ Let's be good friends! I am new here, I live here since the summer break and actually only got one friend till now, so please be my friend?” Okay, that was new for Tao. Normally the people never wanted to talk to Tao and always seemed to hate him, but this guy, he really wanted to be friend with him! Okay, they knew each other since like 2 minutes but it already made Tao feel a bit happier, since the day was all ty like, at least till now.

Tao nodded slowly and a bit shyly, a small smile appeared on his lips. “S-sure...”, he answered, not knowing if it was the right thing, but he felt like he could trust this guy. Chanyeol clapped his hands happily before he took two tablets and started putting some food on it, Tao did the same, but with two plates on one table. He hoped he would be able to carry that later, if not he would have a huge problem. “Three plates? Are you that hungry Tao?”, Chanyeol asked, a bit confused. Tao shook his head quickly, but he couldn't stop himself from chuckling quietly. “No, no! The other plates are for my friends, they're waiting for me... Y-you could come with us if you want..”, Tao said.


He was a bit shocked by himself, since when did he talked so much with strangers he knew since not even 5 minutes? Chanyeol really seemed to be different, maybe it was because he kinda remind the Chinese guy of Luhan? Tao didn't really knew it, but that could be a reason, actually even a good one. Hopefully Chanyeol didn't think he's crazy now, since they just met and he already invited the other boy to eat with him and his friends. Tao himself even thought he is slowly getting crazy, because that really wasn't himself. He normally never talks with strangers, always letting Luhan and Xiumin talk to them for him. But now he talked to one, and that all alone, without his friends with him! Okay, something was really wrong with him today.


Sure Sure! I'll invite Baekhyun too if that's okay, he's my friend and we wanted to eat together~ The more the merrier, right?”, Chanyeol answered, the huge grin on his face again, as he paid for the food for him and his friend which seemed to be someone called Baekhyun. Baekhyun, this name also sounded Korean. Maybe he was one too, just like Chanyeol? “U-uhm okay, sure...”, Tao replied, paying the food quickly and making his own way to his friends after he found them. It wasn't really hard to find Luhan and Xiumin since the oldest waved to him and screamed “Tao, here~”


Chanyeol followed the panda like boy quickly and looked around for his own friend, who he found really quick. Baekhyun was leaning against a wall, staring at the Korean boy. Chanyeol nodded over to him, sending him a signal to follow. Luckily Baekhyun understood his friend quickly and got up from the wall, slowly following Chanyeol to the table where Luhan and Xiumin were sitting at.


Tao, who is the boy next to you?”, Xiumin asked as he saw Chanyeol. The boy took his and Luhan's plate from Tao and placed them on the table, making space for Chanyeol and the other new boy. “I'm Chanyeol, nice to meet you! And that is Baekhyun, my friend.”, he introduced himself and Baekhyun, again. Luhan and Xiumin nodded, they wondered a bit that Tao actually took someone else with him, but they didn't really care. “I'm Luhan! And the other boy is Xiumin, nice to meet you two~”, Luhan said and waved happily, making the others chuckle. Chanyeol and Baekhyun sat down after they whispered a bit. Baekhyun didn't seem to be sure about this, maybe he was just too shy? Or he just didn't trust them, who knows.


So... Chanyeol, Baekhyun, are you two Korean?”, Luhan asked bluntly after they all had a short moment of awkward silence. Chanyeol looked to Luhan with big eyes before nodding quickly. “Yes, we are~ I just moved here from Korea and Baekhyun lives here for a bit longer, we are old friends and I am really happy to see him again~”, Chanyeol explained with a huge smile and ruffled the other boys hair, making him huff. “Don't ruffle my hair, idiot! And I can talk for myself”, he hissed and crossed his arms, making the others chuckle. “You two are cute... I like you! Let's all be good friends~”, Luhan cheered happily, making the Korean boys smile and everyone nodded, when not that happy like Chanyeol did.


Tao smiled to himself, maybe this school wasn't that bad after all. Okay, in America it still would be better, but he finally met two guys that seemed to be nice, not like this Kris guy from earlier. He shouldn't think about the tall boy now, that would be disgusting, he should talk with his friends and the two new boys. At least not everyone here is mean like this Kris guy. I hope I don't have to see that guy again, never ever again!, the panda like boy thought to himself as he watched his friends talking to the Korean guys.




Author's Notes;   Too bad Tao, you will have to see this guy again. Sooner than you think, trust me, I know everything >:'D
So... Chanyeol and Baekhyun appeared, finally someone nice and not scary~ Let's see what will happen next, neh?

And seriously, 29 subscribers already? Woah, guys, I love you all! I didn't thought so much people would read my fanfic. Really, I feel special. <3 xD
Comment and subscribe~

- TheVIPCoco.
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Chapter 6: Cany wait for the next update
Chapter 5: Can't wait for the next update^^
By the way you saw Teen Top? In which city?! :)
Bizzle2 #3
Chapter 4: Lovveee ittttt!!! I hope you update super super soon!!!
it's awesommeeee okaayy ;u; <3 MOAARRR
Bliss_Destiny #5
Chapter 3: Meanie Kris!! :(
Son't slapped my baby's head! ;(
Bizzle2 #6
Chapter 3: Well I hope the more intimate taoris comes in really soon!!! Fighting~!!!!
kiikiichan #7
Chapter 3: Waiting for the day tao grows some balls and kicks kris in the ___ ^^
Bizzle2 #8
Chapter 2: Update soooo nnnnn pleaseeee
Uzanagi #9
Chapter 2: Thank you for upfating!!! XD
Channy seemed to be checking Tao X3
Please update soon ^^
Chapter 1: I'M DYING.