Save Me (Part 2)

Why Do You Come Back?


Donghae’s POV

My head was spinning badly.

I slowly opened my eyes, and I couldn’t see anything.

I felt that my hands were tied tightly, my eyes were covered by something, so did my mouth.

‘Boss, he has wakened up.’ I heard unfamiliar voice.

Where am I? Why I could be here??

‘Open his eyes and mouth.’

‘Ok boss!’

As soon as I heard that, the thing that covered my eyes was released and the tape on my mount was opened.

‘Hello beautiful.’

I saw a big man with tattoo all over his body, his body muscular, tall, and his face creepy’

‘Who are you?’ I asked him. It’s useless if I felt scared towards him. I couldn’t escape from him. He tied me really tight at chair.

‘And who are you?’ He asked me back.


‘What’s your relationship with Lee Eunhyuk?’ Did he kidnap me because he didn’t want me to go near Hyukjae? Seriously? This big guy is a fan of Hyukjae too?

‘I don’t have any kind of relationship with him.’

He suddenly laughed really hard and at about 15 guys behind him was laughing too.

‘Don’t make me angry dear. Answer me!’ He yelled at me.

‘It’s true. I don’t know him.’

He got up from his seat and walked to me. He held my chin and lifts my face.

‘You don’t want your beautiful face become ugly right? So answer me!’

‘What answer do you expect me to answer?’

‘This guy is really stubborn!’ He came back to his chair and looked at me intently.

‘Lee Eunhyuk will not let anyone to sit at his favorite car. Lee Eunhyuk will not let anyone to come to his house and definitely will not let anyone to live in his house.’

! How could he know?

‘He only wants to be friends with his ‘high society’ gang.’

‘No! He is not like that! He treasures his friend most! He doesn’t want to be friend with another because they only want his money!’ I suddenly yelled at that scary man. I didn’t like how he mocked Hyukjae.

‘So? I’m right. You know something about him! Now tell me! What’s his weakness?’

‘I don’t know!’ Until I die, I will not let you touch Hyukjae.

‘I will not hurt you if you tell me.’

‘I will never ever tell you even though you kill me!’ I said it firmly.

‘You will not protect him if you know actually he’s a bastard.’

Oh man! I’ve known him for so many years and he was my lover back then! Of course I know who he is actually! Stupid big scary man!

‘Boss! I have interesting news!’ Suddenly one of those unimportant men came to that big scary man.


‘He is Lee Donghae and he is Eunhyuk’s ex boyfriend.’

OH !!! How could he know that???

Suddenly that scary man turned his head to me and smirked.

‘So??? Ex lover? I get it. You have a little reunion with him? So you live with him??’

‘NO! He is lying. I don’t have any…..’

‘STOP! Let we test it!’

Suddenly that scary man came to me and pulled out the knife from his pocket.

‘You know? Because of his family, I became poor. He still can live happily with bunch of money when I even don’t know if I can eat or not tomorrow.  I’m sick of his happiness.’

‘Stupid! It’s business. It’s not related with him!’

‘I hate him too because I was always compared by him. He always gets what he wants. And I was dropped out from my school because of him. I want him to get lost from this world. I try to search his weakness, but I never success. And finally I found you, and I was true. You must be someone that precious to him.’

He came near and near to me, and I started trembling.

I didn’t scare because he wants to kill me or what, but he’s indeed crazy! I’m afraid he will do something bad to Hyukjae.

‘Call him!’ He ordered me when he put his knife at my neck.

‘NO!’ I said and looking to his eyes.

‘I’m not kidding with my words. Call him or you will get many bruises at you body.’


He definitely was not kidding. He really sliced the skin near my neck and I could feel my fresh blood coming out.

 ‘C-A-L-L H-I-M!’ He threatened me again.


‘Jong Sook!!’ He suddenly called one of his friends.

‘Yes boss!’

‘Search his phone on his pocket!’ He commanded his friend.

‘STOP! I tell you! I have bee hurt him so much! He will not care if you kill me or not. He will not come! It’s useless!’


‘It’s useless! He will not come!’ Even though I kept telling them that Hyukjae didn’t care to me at all, somehow I still hope that he will come and save me.

They held me tightly and searching my phone and finally they found it.  

‘Oh please! I have told you, he will not listen!’

They didn’t hear me and they kept calling him.

‘Hello…’ Suddenly my heart stopped beating. A girl’s voice?

‘Where’s is Lee Eunhyuk?’

‘Oh, Eunhyuk oppa is sleeping now. Who are you?’ That girl asked.

And my heart was hurting so much. I know he hate me. I know he doesn’t love me, but I never expect him to sleep with another girl.

‘I’ve told you…’ I whispered but that scary man could hear me.

‘Tell him that he has to call to this number as soon as possible. Every 10 minutes, means one scar.’

After that he hung up the phone.

‘Ok. I understand. You still love him and he doesn’t?’ He said to me while looking at me.

‘My name is Hyun Jae. I actually don’t want to hurt you, but I have to.’

‘Hurt me as much as you want, but please don’t hurt him.’

‘If I were him, I will not waste the person like you.’

‘So? Please release me.’ I was begging to him.

‘I’m sorry. I hate him much more than I pity you.’

After that he leaved the room.

‘Guys, every 10 minutes he doesn’t call back, punch him, slice him, or whatever.’

‘Ok boss!!’

Please Hyukjae! Don’t come here. You can’t get out alive if you come here.


Hyukjae’s POV


‘WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?’ I saw Jessica at ‘our’ cafeteria holding my phone.

‘Nothing oppa. I miss you so I come here.’

‘What the hell? GET OUT!’ I dragged her out and pushed her. Yesterday was Hyeoyon, now is Jessica. Until when they could let me live peacefully?

‘Who is Donghae?’ Suddenly she asked.


‘Donghae! He just called you and asked to call you back.’ She told me.

‘Why did you answer my call?’ I yelled at her.

‘I’m your future girlfriend, so what?’

‘Crazy .’ I turned my body and wanted to leave him.

‘Anyway, I told him that you’re sleeping. Maybe he though that we ‘did’ something.’ She giggled and it made me pissed off.

I slammed the door in front of her face and threw my body at sofa.

‘Why did he call?’ I wanted to call him, but I didn’t want.

‘If he needs me, he can call me back.’ I threw the phone to the table and shut my eyes.

‘Why did he call? And why he doesn’t call again???’

I kept waiting his call, but my heart couldn’t calm down.

It has been one hours from his last call. Should I call or not?

Suddenly a video message came.


From : Donghae

Subject : Revenge

Hey Eunhyuk!!

Do you remember me?? I’m Hyun Jae!

Anyway, I met your little toy when I walked near your university.

See?? He is beautiful actually, but, you can see now…

It’s because you’re too late.

I’ve told you, every 10 minutes you don’t call back. It means one scar to him.

And I’m sorry. It looks like my friends have so much energy and they can’t stop.

OH! I almost forget! He kept telling me that you will not come.

He even can’t get up and his blood now everywhere in this room, but he kept telling that you will not come and you actually don’t know him.

Such an understanding ex boyfriend right? You can’t tell anyone about this.

I will give you 30 minutes, before I sent his corpse to your house.

Good luck ‘my best friend’





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Awanelisha #1
Chapter 8: Really guys... Anyone who know this author please tell/ask him/she to update this storyline...the story isn't complete yet and we reallllllyyy curious of what happen next TT
laimun #2
Chapter 8: yaa, pls update soon
Chapter 8: I hope one day I'll update this story.... ㅠㅠ
HanBaram #4
masasama #5
Chapter 8: Please update soon
nanaaachan #6
anna9085 #7
Chapter 8: I'm addicted to this story....i need the update pleaseéeeee...
hilda921022 #8
Chapter 8: Please update soon pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 8: OMFG new sub here *wave the hand* please update soon ^_~ Hyuk save Hae please T^T I really wonder why Hae leave Hyuk 5 years ago *pout* OMO and why Hae say that he is going to leave in a few months???? Kyaaaaa I want to know >.< please please update soon ne~~? *puppy eyes*