
Why Do You Come Back?


Hyukjae’s POV



So, here’s I’m.

Sitting near his bed and looking at his face.

He fainted after he said those words.

His body was burning. He must be really sick.

My head is so full of curiosity.

‘And please make him forget about me’

Why he wanted me to forget about him?

He didn’t need to comeback to my life if he wanted me to forget him.

Actually what’s his plan? I can’t guess it.

It’s too complicated for me. And I’m in the middle battling to myself.

I want to hear his reason badly. I want to know why he leaved me. But I don’t want.

I don’t want to give him another chance.

I believed that when someone has broken your heart, he will always be.

He whimpered at his sleep. He always likes this when he is sick.


I want to hug him, because it’s the only way to make him comfortable when he is sick.

But I know that I supposed to be hated him. I hate him. I hate him. I don’t care about him.

I finally went out from his room.

I didn’t want to his face any longer. No! I have enough of him.

I went to my room and tried to sleep. But I can’t.

It’s raining now. And I could hear loud thunder.

Is he ok? He is really scared of loud thunder.

Stop it Hyukjae!!! You can’t care about him.

It's fine if he was scared, just think of it as part of my revenge.

Just a while when I finally heard a screaming from the first floor and I knew it’s him.

I went down and I met several maid gathered around his room.

‘Young master. It looks like he is in pain.’ One of my maids said to me.

‘Let him be.’ I said to them.

I didn’t know where those words came from, but I just said it out loud.


‘I said that just let him be. Go to sleep now!’ I shouted to them and they obey me immediately.

I went to my room and tried to sleep again. But still I can’t.

I thought that after I treated him like this, I will be happy and can sleep peacefully. But it’s not.

Finally I’m desperate enough to sleep but I can’t.

I went down again and I walked to his room.

I didn’t know what brings me here, but here I’m, standing in front of his room.

I could hear a heart-wrenching cry.

I opened his door and the lamp.

But the scenes in front of me shocked me to hell!

I saw him sitting in the far corner of the room, curled himself. He is shaking really hard, and crying incessantly. Each of the thunder boomed, he would scream and cry louder.

When I approached, I saw a sight so painful.


He hurt his hand with a razor blade.

'Sick, sick, sick I had to make it go away.' He said when he was still hurting his hands.

OH ! I have to know about this.

He has really bad memories about a heavy rain and loud thunder.

He was almost killed by his parents when he got home in a heavy rain and loud thunder without money. And he was still kid at that time.

I didn’t know he could do something like this.

Because I used to beside him, it’s the first time I saw him like this.

‘STOP IT!’ I took a razor blade from his hands and hugged him.

He was shaking too much and kept crying.

I kept hugging him until he was asleep in my embrace.

He never changes. Never changes at all!

I brought him to bed and went to get first aid.

I treat the wounds on his hands.

The rain had subsided, he was asleep, and I do not know why, suddenly I felt my heart was so relieved and I started to get sleepy.

I covered him with blanket and I went to my room.

As soon as I threw myself on my bed, I was asleep.


I woke up at 4 o’clock and I run as soon as possible to the first floor.

I saw him was walking to front door with his backpack.


He turned his head to me.

‘Where are you going?’ I asked him and I walked near him.

‘Do my part-time job.’ He answered me.

‘Don’t do it again.’


‘You don’t do part-time job again.’

‘But I have to.’

‘I will give you money as much as you want. Just quit from your part-time job.’

‘I don’t need your money young master. It’s not mine.’

Somehow I feel it’s so bad to hear he called me ‘young master’. I missed him calling me Hyukjae. He was the only one called me ‘Lee Hyukjae’

‘You can work at this house and I will give you money. Fair enough, right?’

I saw him thinking but I didn’t care. He couldn’t work outside again,

It’s not that I care to him. I just… just… just something… I don’t know.

‘Ok.’ He finally answered me.

‘Come back to your room. It is still 04.00 AM and don’t go to university before I get out from my room. ’

He saw heavy eye bags. His face is pale. He must be still sick. The scars are still visible on his body. He is really pitiful.

I went back to my room and slept again.

I woke up at 7 o’clock and took a bath.

I got out from my room and I saw he was in the dining room.

‘Young master, can I go to university now?’ He asked me.


‘I have class at 9 o’clock.’


‘I have to take train and it takes much time.’ He told me.

‘It’s ok. You can go with me.’

‘It’s ok. I will not be late if I go now.’ He kept insisting me.

‘When I said no, it means no.’

‘Yes, young master.’

He finally obeyed my order.

‘You already have your breakfast?’

‘Yes.’ He nodded. But I know he was lying.

‘No, you’re not. You can never lie to me.’

He just looked down and didn’t want to look at me.



‘Sit down and have breakfast.’ I told him.

‘Thank you young master, I will have my breakfast in the kitchen. Excuse me.’

He wanted to walk out but I held his hand.


‘Sorry. It’s still hurt?’ I asked him. I accidentally held his wounds.

‘A little bit. Thank you for tonight.’ He smiled to me.

Even though it’s not the smile that I used to know, but it’s good to see he smile again.

‘Sit down.’ I asked him again.

‘It’s ok. I will eat in the kitchen.’

‘S-I-T  D-O-W-N.’


He finally sat down and ate his breakfast.

‘Let’s go.’ I said to him.

‘Young master you can go firstly, I will take train or another public transport.

I just rolled my eyes and dragged him with me.

I pushed him inside the car and drove my car.

He sat down quietly.

I don’t know why I did something like this.

But, but, but, too much but in my head.

But the first thing I have to know is why does he come back to my life?

And why he wanted me to forget him.

I have to know that!




Upddaaaatteeee ^o^

I update all of my stories todaaayyyyy...

I'm in a good mood :)

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Awanelisha #1
Chapter 8: Really guys... Anyone who know this author please tell/ask him/she to update this storyline...the story isn't complete yet and we reallllllyyy curious of what happen next TT
laimun #2
Chapter 8: yaa, pls update soon
Chapter 8: I hope one day I'll update this story.... ㅠㅠ
HanBaram #4
masasama #5
Chapter 8: Please update soon
nanaaachan #6
anna9085 #7
Chapter 8: I'm addicted to this story....i need the update pleaseéeeee...
hilda921022 #8
Chapter 8: Please update soon pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 8: OMFG new sub here *wave the hand* please update soon ^_~ Hyuk save Hae please T^T I really wonder why Hae leave Hyuk 5 years ago *pout* OMO and why Hae say that he is going to leave in a few months???? Kyaaaaa I want to know >.< please please update soon ne~~? *puppy eyes*