Chapter 4. Definition of flowerboy?

Everything will be fine [Sequel Lian]


“Well the only advise I can give you is that you should give his offer a good thought before you decide.” I nod, still smiling, I could almost touch the love in her expression and voice. “I will,” her eyes fell on the beautiful flower in the window. “That’s still such a beautiful flower. How does he does that? It’s always blooming and looking so healthy and strong.” I knew she had often remarked the flower, and even spoken to me about it when I was in coma. And the first thing I had noticed after I woke up was the flower on my nightstand. Standing there proudly, blooming and smiling at me.


Often when I was unable to leave bed, but I was awake and staring around the room, my eyes had rested on this specific flower. It had.. something… It had so much. It was graceful, bright, shining and at the same time loving sweet, and also a hint of sadness was seen in it. Of course this could very well be more of a reflection of my own emotions rather than what the flower expressed, but it meant a lot to me. “I know, it’s always standing so strong and bright. Do you know who brought it? Or which flower it is?” Manager Kim shook her head, “No, I’m just as curious as you are. One day it was here, maybe you should ask your mother? She was here every minute during that time.” I nodded slowly, still thinking about the curious flower, and even more it’s curious about its mysterious giver. “Yes, I’ll ask her when I speak mom.” I shook my head to rip my mind back to manager Kim. “Thanks for stopping by. Good luck on the promotions with HANA.” She smiled at me, with a hint of sadness in it, “Thank you, I know you are monitoring it all. They will wrap up their promotions next week.” I raised my brows in surprise, “Already? No follow-up promotions?”


“No they are already exhausted.” Smiling even wider, she added proudly, “Plus, they have to prepare for SMTOWN world tour~!” I gasped, “REALY!?! Omo that’s so awesome!” We were both jumping up and down in excitement, until I started to feel lightheaded, and quickly sat down. “Really, that’s so great. Which countries are involved?” Manager Kim seemed to think, “Well of course several dates in  Seoul, Busan, Tokyo, New York and Beijing” I smiled widely, “Also they have extended their tour beyond what they ever did before, Osaka, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Singapore, London, Paris, Barcelona, Toronto have been added, and that’s not even the definite tour yet! They might add dates. Of course the tour will be divided in several tours, and they will return to Korea a few times, under which they will promote during two months and will immediately return to the tour again.” I let out a whistle, “Wow, that’s one packed schedule.” Manager Kim nodded, grabbing her coat again, “Yes, but they are very enthusiastic to be able to spread their name, they want to show you that they will reach their and your goals together. They believe you are watching over them.” My high spirits fell a bit again, “Well I am watching over them.” Manager Kim then hugged me, and she promised she would visit again next week, and also that the visits might become less often since HANA would be so busy.


When manager Kim left I continued thinking about HANA, EXO and their first world tour. Manager Kim told me they would kick off next month in Seoul, and that they would be touring for 8 months, roughly from October till may next year. Sadly I thought about the fact that I wouldn’t be fit enough to visit their show in a few weeks, then I realized most of the times they started and ended their tour in Seoul. I would move heaven and earth to make sure I would attend their final show in Seoul.




The next weeks went by in a flash. I had a purpose again, in eight months I would be fully recovered, no matter how many times the doctor told me it was impossible, no matter how many times I fell down in the hallway. Gradually I regained more and more strength and  my stamina rose. When I wasn’t busy practicing walking and slowly starting jogging in the hospital gym, I was composing. At the moment I had written numerous  of songs, but now I was working on a special project. Since I had accepted Lee So Man’s offer last week he had given me the directions to compose a song of HANA. This was my hardest project yet. I wanted it to be perfect for my friends. It had to fit them, and they had to be on top of the charts for weeks. This was obviously easier said than done, and I also didn’t want to write a song leading from former great hits. It had to be completely original. I was pondering this while I caught myself staring at my flower.


Just as I questioned myself who could have given it, my phone rang. Grabbing it from my nightstand, I answered the phone without checking the caller ID. It was mom, of course. “Hey lovely, how are you?” I smiled, “I’m fine mom. How are you? Still happy with your job?” I asked her mockingly. Since she hadn’t wanted to go back to the US while I was in coma, she stayed here and found a job. Most amusing was that after dad she hadn’t ever had a lover, but now she was having sort of a flirtatious relationship with her boss. He was single, so there wasn’t any kind of problem, but she kept hesitating. “Oh Romy,” she sighed, and I smiled even wider as I sat back down in bed, ready to listen to her story. After a long story about every small detail of his behavior, and after I had given her my piece of advice she said, “I’m just walking back into the office right now, I was given the morning off, so I’m still a bit …” I frowned as her voice died away. “What’s it mom? Mom?” Suddenly she started to giggle, a very un-mom-ly giggle, like I was talking to a teenager instead of my middle aged mom. “Honey, there is a bouquet of flowers on my desk.” When my eyes returned to their normal size I started to beam from ear to ear. “Mom this is a keeper, make sure to treat him with care.” She sniffed a bit, but answered, “I will sweetie.”


The flowers had given me an idea, “Mom I just recalled, do you remember the large potted flower in my room?” “Ah, yes of course.” “Who brought it?” “I bought it for you, I saw one of these flowers on the funeral, on your grave. I knew you’d love it just as much as I did, and I wanted you to see it once you woke up.” “Aah,” I replied, “Thank you mom, I really love it.” There was a small silence between us, “I have to go Romy, work’s waiting.” “I know, I love you mom.” “I love you too.” “Bye.” I said, before hanging up. Still looking at the flower, it was indeed beautiful, but somehow I felt it had more to tell me. Unable to think of the missing link in the story I put on my dr. Dre headset again, and continued working on my music.




“Yongguk-shi? Would you take off that necklace, and put on this one?” I frowned, “Why?” The young girl inched a bit smaller under my glare, “I-it’s for the teaser pictures. This one fits your outfit and image better.” I noticed the young girl must be a new stylist. I was still glaring at her, when Himchan interrupted, “Sorry noona, Yongguk never takes off this necklace,” he sent her a beaming smile, “Can you please try to work with it?” The small girl nodded, and hurried away to change the clothes she was holding, and to hide her blushing face. I snorted as I returned my eyes back to my phone, I was zapping the numbers forward until I found the song I was looking for. “Yongguk,” Himchan sighed, “You should stop scaring her, she might seem small and stupid, but when it comes down to styling she’s really good.” I mumbled something incoherent, and continued concentration on my phone. Everything is fine, as long as they don’t touch her necklace.




“Omo, first teaser is released! Omo, who would it be?” I hurried to my usual music news site. Nervously tapping the sides of my screen as I waited while the site loaded. When it was done loading I was greet by his fierce expression. Pinning me down, even when it was through a picture. For the next few minutes I couldn’t rip away my eyes from his. When I was finally able to take in the rest of the picture I noticed a curious necklace. It was a graceful silver pendant, it looked like a flower. Somehow it seemed familiar, my eyes shifted from the picture to my plant, there was some similarity… No, it was probably my imagination.




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shackiee #1
Chapter 6: I am so intrigued by this sequel and its original(: GOOD JOB! Can't wait for the update
nia_smstan #2
Chapter 5: Update please~ I'm already attached to Lian & her life.