
Everything will be fine [Sequel Lian]

Hey guys, I'm back (again...)

Here you go, please enjoy this teasing prologue~




A woman hurried over the square, straight to the hospital. Her face was hidden in the shadows of her hoody, she looked no older than 17. When she entered the building she put down her hoody, and her face was revealed, she was somewhere in her twenties. She shrugged off her coat, whipping off most of the rain, before she headed strait for the elevators. She didn’t bother visiting the service desk, and the security person standing at the elevator looked at her face but nodded, like he knew her.


The sounds of clicking heels echoed through the empty and clean halls of the hospital, slightly leaving a trail of wet drops as she went. Suddenly she stopped in front of a door, and after a short knock she went inside and closed the door carefully behind her. She slowly walked over to the bedside, the only sound in the room was the beeping and ticking of the hospital gear attached to the person, attached to the small girl laying in the bed. She lay there, very peacefully; her long blond hair was draped around shoulders, slightly showing the darker hair at her skull.


“Everything will be fine”



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shackiee #1
Chapter 6: I am so intrigued by this sequel and its original(: GOOD JOB! Can't wait for the update
nia_smstan #2
Chapter 5: Update please~ I'm already attached to Lian & her life.