Doctor Visit

Remember The Time

Ana woke up, smelling the strong aroma of hashbrowns, bacon, and pancakes. She got up and walked to the kitchen that the room was next to. Lock was standing at the stove, wearing a blue and green paisley apron with frills on the shoulders. Ana stifled a laugh.

“Good morning,” Lock said, not turning to look at her. Crap, he must have heard me giggle.

Under the apron, he wore a pair of baggy flannel pajama pants and a white v-neck tee, which looked normal and relaxed for a 21-ish year old guy, until you got to the apron.

It was just too much. It looked like something a stay at home trophy wife who weighs 82 pounds would wear. The frills on the shoulders stuck out and poked up, looking hilarious, and the pockets on the front were trimmed with rick-rack.

Ana cracked up laughing after she took in the whole thing for a moment, and a wave of dizziness and nausea crashed over her. She started to sway. Lock immediately turned and caught her, and carried her to a nearby chair. He bent down to her face level.

“Are you okay?” Lock looked at her a bit worriedly, forgetting the cooking for a moment. Ana nodded, but then ran to the trash can and gagged. Lock had to turn around and cover his ears when she vomited.

Lock quickly walked her to the nearest bathroom, and she kneeled next to the toilet. Lock stepped out and closed the door behind him. He walked across the hall to Bling’s temporary bedroom. He poked his head in the door.

“Bling hyung, Ana’s really sick. She almost passed out a couple minutes ago, and now she’s in the bathroom throwing up.”

Bling sat up straight in the tiny twin bed and looked at Lock.

“Really? Again? He looked concerned. This had been happening a lot lately, even before she came home.

He walked across to the bathroom and opened the door. Ana was leaning back against the wall, her face extremely pale. She was sweating.

Bling kneeled next to her and rubbed her shoulders and back. “You okay?”


“Do you need anything?”



“I don’t know.”

Bling sat back on his heels. “Well, do you want to go to the hospital? We can, if you feel that gross.”

Ana thought for a moment. “…Yeah. Let’s go.”

She went to stand up and almost fell over, when Bling caught her. He carried her bridal style to the car that is always waiting at the entrance to the house.

When Ana saw the outside of the house, memories flashed back to her.

Walking up the front stairs, between the huge mansion’s columns.

Shooting fireworks off the lawn.

Hiding from Flame, Mint, and Lock in the bushes that line the front of the house.

Ana’s eyes went wide. “I remember. Just some simple things about this scene, though. Like walking up the stairs, and shooting fireworks.”

Bling grinned. He set her in the car’s passenger seat and kissed her forehead before walking to the driver’s seat. After he sat, he gave her another peck.

He started to drive, and Ana felt her nausea build again. Luckily, it passed quickly.


When they pulled up, they parked and Bling carried her into the emergency entrance. Bling set her in a chair with a weird stain that looked like some sort of bodily fluid, but it was the cleanest one. He walked over to the receptionist lady at the desk, who looked to be about 25, and she was obviously flirting with him. Bling didn’t seem to respond to her advances.

Ana glared at her. Leave him alone, he’s mine.  She seemed to get the message, because once the two women made eye contact, the seductive smile was wiped off of her face. Her frown deepened after Bling said something else and smiled warmly. He turned and looked at Ana, and Ana smiled.

Bling came back with a little bean-shaped container. It was a sickly mint green.  “What is that for?” Ana asked him.

A huge wave of nausea came over her, and he held back her hair with one hand and the container with the other.


“Mr. and Mrs. Kim, you may come in now,” the receptionist girl said with no expression. Ana looked at Bling, wondering what the “Mr. and Mrs.” was about. He shrugged.

Bling picked up the thin, pale Ana and carried her into the tiny, sterile examination room. It reeked of hospital.

“What brings you here today?” The doctor looked to be middle aged, and a little bit worn down. He was a little bit skinny, and there were permanent creases between his eyebrows and by the corners of his eyes. He peered at Ana over the rims of his half-moon glasses.

“She has some sort of flu,” Bling said. “She’s been throwing up all morning.”

The doctor nodded. “Okay, can you please lie down? I need to feel your stomach.” Ana nodded and obeyed, while Bling watched the doctor’s hands closely to make sure they didn’t wander.

“Tell me where it hurts, or where it’s uncomfortable.” He began palpating her stomach where she indicated, and he looked a bit surprised. He stopped. “Miss, is there any chance that you are pregnant?”

Ana looked shocked. Bling opened his mouth to say something, but not before Ana did. “No. I don’t believe so.”

The doctor looked grim, and Bling took Ana’s hand and squeezed it to reassure her.

“We will need to take an ultrasound. Don’t expect good news.”



But, just so you know, i added a foreword to the story ^^ You can go back and read it if you want. 

I haven't quite decided what is wrong with Ana, so leave suggestions in the comments! I might just use them :)

P.S. Just realized how not intense this was even though I said it would be last chapter... but expect plot twists soon!!!!

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Chapter 10: Oh my gawd. You're right!!! We ARE connected! /mind-blown.
Well anyway, OH MY FLIPPING PANCAKES!!!! I swear!!! If Jonghyun does not save her, I will jump into this story and kill all these darn kidnapping achos with my potatoes!!!!
OTL. Who am I kidding? I love Block B too much to kill them. ;__;
And NO. You are not the worse author ever! I will slap you with a banana if you say that again. You're a really good writer, and deserve SO much more recognition than you get.
Chapter 9: Yeah, I know that feeling. OTL. When you know what to write, but you just can't actually write it. -__-
I hope you overcome writer's block soon! Excited! xD In the meantime, I'll just check out your new story! ;)
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh, what?! She's pregnant?! Holy crap! It better be Jonghyun's baby! ;____; I'll cry if it's not. Seriously. I will.
But if she's not pregnant, you should make her! c; And Jonghyun better be the father! Remember, authornim... I've got my eyes on you...... OTL. That sounded creepy.
But wow! I love the poster! And holy crap, is that Zico on there? Oh my gawd, he's in this story? My feels!!!! /explodes
Chapter 6: Oh, so you're going to be posting her story on your account? :o Either way, I'm excited! c:
Chapter 5: Omg. Wait. So Ana is Kevin's sister? /gasps/ Honestly, I thought he was in love with her or something XDD
Yay! Thanks for the update! :) So excited for the next chapter! >.<
Chapter 4: "...that death trap disguised as 'fun.'" LMFAO! I have never heard that one before! XD
Omg :o You mentioned me in your A/N >.< I'm blushing right now! I feel so special.... XDDD
LOOOOLL. Awesome chapter ^_^ Kekekee...
Chapter 3: Kevin! Yay! I also have an obession with him :P Who could not love that gorgeous man? :D
Ahahaa, I hope you update soon! I really like this so far! I'm not even kidding! >.< It's good, I hope you continue this! Anyways, fighting! I believe in you~ (Lol, I sound so cheesy) XDD
CrossSanford #8
Key!!!!! ^^

Chapter 1: Was I supposed to 'lol' at the 'chilling in the back of the car' part? Lololol. I 'lol'-ed so hard when I read that XDDD
Chapter 1: flame-minho, lock=key, mint-taemin, i right?