Chapter 12

If Only..



Krystal walked into a familiar garden. The garden is beyond amazing, she touch and smell the beautiful flowers and she smiled in response. She felt someone is standing behind her, she then turned around and gasps. "U-unnie...?" she asked to the figure standing in front of her, then she, Jessica to be exact, smiled and nodded. Krystal immediately hug her and Jessica hug her back. "Bogoshippoe, unnie..." she whispered to her unnie. Jessica broke the hug and spoke "Krys, I came her to talk to you" she smiled. "About what, unnie?" Krystal asked. "Lil sis...I always tell you, that if you love someone, just let it be. Don't denied it, don't block it, just let it flow...feel it with your heart. Because if you denied it, you'll be in misery..." Jessica said and her little sister's hair. "And if someone love you, don't push them away. Embrace them, believe them, accept them in your life" she smiled. "Because that means that happiness will finally approach you, because there's nothing better then to be loved. And that means that this someone, is willing to take care of you. Is willing to replace me. Well, I believe that this someone, is really sincere in loving you" Jessica chuckled and hug Krystal one more time. Krystal nodded between their hug. "Just promise me one thing..." Jessica said without breaking the hug. "Please, just be happy. I don't want to see you sad again, I don't want to see your tears. Please, be happy, for your unnie?" Jessica released the hug. "I promise unnie..." Krystal said to her. "Well, my work here is done. Please take care of yourself little sis, I love you" Jessica flash her angelic smile and started to dissapear. "Andwae! Kajima! Unnie..please let me go with you" Krystal bursted into tears



Krystal woke up, panting and crying. Her heartbeat races, she touch her chest and try to calm herself. She sigh, "I dreamt about unnie again..." she whispered. She looked at the clock hanging on the wall, it shows 01.00 in the morning. "Omo! did I slept that long?" she said to herself and shook her head. Her phone rings, she check it and Kris call her. "Yeobseyo? Oppa is everything alright?" Krystal said. "Krys, you gotta help me"



"Geez guys! I am not drunk!" Kai said to the exo members and he suddenly laughs like a mad man. "Kai, you are drunk, let's go home" Suho said to him and drag him to the car, helped by the other exo members. "I can walk by myself! Don't treat me like a child!" Kai shout and released himself from suho's grip. Kai walk by himself and suddenly he fell, losing balance and he started to faint. All of the exo members approach him and start to pick him up to the car. They all went to Kai's home and fortunately, there was no one home. They ley Kai in his bed, and Kai started to groan in frustation and he cried. "Aish, what are you thinking?! you never drink before, and why on earth you drank 3 bottles of Absolut Vodka by yourslef?" Chen said in disbelieve. "He hates alcohol for god's sake. What made him did this?" Baekhyun said and he shook his head. "I never see him like this before, he's definetely stressed. Like REALLY stressed" DO said and all of the members agreed. "Hey, I think you guys should go downstairs and calm yourselves down. I'll take care of this" Kris said and all of the members agreed. Kris turned to Kai, "Aish, what the hell happened? Why do you to this?" Kris said as he put a wet towel on Kai's forehead. "Soojung-sshi..." Kai whispered. "W-what? what did you just said?" Kris said to Kai. "soojung-sshi..." Kai whispered again, but louder. Kris snapped his fingers as he spoke "I think I know what happened. And I know just the right thing to do..." Kris immediately took his phone and dialled someone's number. As the person is on the line, Kris spoke "Krys, you gotta help me"



Kai groaned as he try to get up, but he failed due to the massive headache he has. "Jongin-sshi, don't push yourself, you still need a lot of rest" A voice made Kai widened his eyes. He saw the figure who is seating beside his bed and stared in disbelieve. "Jongin-sshi, it's me, you forgot me already?" Krystal chuckled. Kai blink his eyes several times, and he finally spoke "Krystal, is that you?" he asked. Krystal laughed, "Jongin-sshi. you are really drunk" she took the water and offered him to drink. Kai took it and drink the water, "did you stay here all night long?" Kai asked and he finally smiled. Krystal nodded, "Yup. Just like what you did when I was hospitalized" Krystal chuckled and . "Y-yah! who told you about that?!" Kai said and he scratch his head. "Um, about what you said yesterday..." Krystal suddenly spoke, making Kai's hearbeat increasis. "I...I don't know how to answer, I don't know how to tell you how I feel. But I think this will do..." Krystal said and she leans closer to Kai and finally their lips met.




























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niss125 #1
Chapter 12: Huaaa they are kissing omg
update please
thanks for writting
Chapter 12: Hwaa they're kissing!! Omona! I wonder what will happen next. Update quickly please :D
Chapter 12: omg you're update XD
hi! new reader on your story :)
yeah, more KaiStal!!~
twists #4
Just don't worry, KaiStal is going to reunited soon! And there will be more KrisYul! Sorry if I disappoint you...and I'm going to try my best. Jeongmal mianhae, kamsahamnida!:-)
Chapter 5: but i thought there was going to be krisyul...;;
Chapter 11: OMO! Krystal don't thinking like thet! You're not like that! Please, make KaiStal together :"( its hurt saw both of them in pain. Kai, don't give up!
kaistal_sm #7
Chapter 9: i'm so curious yeah~ update fastly~
Chapter 9: Whaat? Where's the next chapter about kaistal? Oh author-nim you make me really curious, you know? Please update quickly!! :D
Chapter 5: LOL I hate yuri here >.<
Kai even slapped Krystal??
Thank God there is Kris to lean on :D