Reunion Pt 2

Crush on my straight best friend.


The car was moving now and I just sat there not saying anything, what could I say? I was so confused at his actions, didn't he hate me?.

"Thanks for helping me" Was that my voice, it sounded way more girly that it usually does.

 I needed him to say something, anything. The car had been moving for several minutes now and not one word was said. 

"Yeah sure, isn't that what friends are for"? There was no mistaking the sarcasm in his voice. I wanted him to yell or even scream at me but he wasn't doing that. You're killing me Seunghyun.

"I heard about your company....sorry I didn't know about it"

"That's fine" he said shortly and I just wanted to shake him. His responses were killing me. Just back at the restaurant, he had been flirting or I thought he was and now he's cold. I know I shouldn't feel like this, after all I was the one who left him.

"Can I ask why you're leaving"? 

"You don't love me anymore, so why do you care" I was hurting, but probably not as much as he would be so I wasn't going to let it get to me.

"You know I care about you Seunghyun, always have"

"You have a fine way of showing it Jiyong. I've decided to let it go, you should too if you can. Lets just settle with being friends, isn't that the way it was always supposed to be"? It wasn't the way it was supposed to be, it was how it had to be. 

The car was silent till we arrived at the venue and the others were already there and waiting for us.

"Wow Seunghyun, did you cut through town. It was like eight blocks from restaurant" Taeyang said laughingly.

"I need a drink" Seunghyun ignored everyone and went in.

"What happened"? Daesung whispered to me as we followed Seunghyun's path. The lights in the lounge was dim but I could still see everyone.

"Nothing" We all got a booth and I made sure to seat as far away from Seunghyun as I possibly could. Drinks were served and I couldn't take my eyes away from Seunghyun as Seungri tried to brighten the mood around the table; he was downing everything possible and I wanted to stop him. Seunghyun was never the type to drink, but here he was quietly sipping on his Long Island ice tea after downing four shots of tequila.

"Easy there Seunghyun. We don't want you blacking out on us" Daesung said trying to take the bottle from him.

"I...never get drunk" he was starting to slur his words and I knew he was tipsy already. Like me, Seunghyun had a low tolerance to alcohol which was why we barely drank, although Seunghyun liked to indulge in a little wine from time to time but this was different. This was hard liquor.

"Aish whatever" Daesung gave up trying to take the drink from him "Let's dance babes" Daesung left with Hyunseung to the dance floor, leaving me to sit beside Seunghyun who quickly finished his Long Island ice tea and was pouring himself a shot of vodka.

"Is it me or is it getting hot in here" Seunghyun sighed, he was definitely drunk this time.

"Or maybe it's hot because you're sitting beside Ji, your Ken doll" Im back to hating Seungri, only him would make an already awkward situation more awkward. 

"Ken doll"? Seunghyun scoffed "I only called him that because I thought he was perfect"

I wanted to dig a hole and bury myself deep in it. Seunghun's words hurt and I knew I deserved it.

"Seriously, what happened between you two"? Taeyang asked this time. It wasn't fair, now that Seunghyun was drunk, he would answer everything and that's what they were getting at. Some friends they were.

"Nothin...." I started to say but what cut off by Seunghyun

"See...that's what happened, Jiyong lying to me"!! He was yelling but the good thing was, we had the loud music to mask it.

"I can't be here. I have to go" I stood up to leave; this wasn't what I planned for, all I wanted was dinner with Seungri not this. I'm not ready to face Seunghyun, not now, not ever.

"You're not running away this time Ji" Seunghyun pulled me back to the chair.

"I'm not running away"

"Yes you are, it's the one thing you're good at. Keeping things in till it kills you so much that you have to run away" 

"What the hell happened this time"? Seungri was getting impatient. All I wanted to do was get out of there, it was getting stuffy and I couldn't breathe.

"You know I asked Jiyong here to marry me"? Seunghyun asked 

"What"?!! Taeyang and Seungri exclaimed in unison.

"Yeah, tell them Jiyong" Seunghyun nudged me, he was smiling too, one of those cocky smiles as I just looked away trying to hold my tears in. I thought I was hurting but Seunghyun was probably hurting ten times over and it killed me. "He actually said yes, we even made love a couple of times and it was perfect. Then he went to Paris for a couple of days and decided that he was over me. Funny right"? Seunghyun laughed.

Maybe I should have gotten drunk also, I'm really not sure how much more I can take if I'm going to be sober. The mixture of the tension, Seunghyun closeness, the loud music, Seungri and Taeyang's eyes on me was making me fuzzy.


"I need to dance" Seunghyun said cutting seungri off as he rose up and walked to the dance floor and I watched him sway to the dance floor

"What did you do Jiyong, what happened to you in Paris"? Taeyang asked worriedly.


"Like I said, you're the hyung. Fix it. It's a little scary seeing Seunghyun like that, he's usually the calm mysterious one and now you ruined him" Seungri spoke as both he and Taeyang rose up. They couldn't possibly be leaving me with Seunghyun right?. The last time, I was left alone with a drunk Seunghyun, things almost happened and then I thought he just a straight friend that I was in love with. I'm not so sure what would happen now that I'm sure he loves me back but I'm supposed to stay away from him.

"Where are you going"?

"I have a wife waiting for me at home" Seungri said shortly, he was mad and he had a reason to be. He did his best to help me and Seunghyun be together.

"I have to meet Bom" Taeyang said also.

"Wait. We'll leave with you guys, someone's getting handsy here" Hyunseung approached the table, guiding Daesung who was groping him everywhere and biting his ear.

"Get a room guys"! Seungri kided, pretending to cover his eyes.

"I'm trying"

"Bye Jiyong" they said and was leaving. I wanted to beg them to stay but they actually had significant others they had to attend to and mine was drunk and on the dance floor so I couldn't.

"Bye" I said and headed to the dance floor to meet Seunghyun who was in the midst of several girls who were grinding on him. I really wanted to tear them away from him immediately but I took the time to assess the view in front of me. Would I ever be able to see Seunghyun with other people, I mean I've done it before and it almost killed me but so much has changed since then, this time I know we were right for each other. Could I really walk away from him? 

"Seunghyun, we're leaving" I said sternly but he dismissed me and kept on dancing with the girls. If the girls were pretty then I'd understand a little but they weren't and they needed to get out so I took him and pulled him.

"Hey what..."they started to protest

"Back off es" like I said earlier, I'm usually a nice person till you piss me off, like rubbing your flat all over the love of my life. 

"OMG, it's Gdragon....." I heard them whisper as I pulled the whiny Seunghyun away from the dance floor and out of the bar.

"I want to go back" he said in a never before heard cute voice.

"No. I'm driving you home" it was my turn to push into his car, but this time I buckled his seat belt which turned out to be a feat because he wouldn't stop squirming in his seat.

I knew the way to his house for some reason but I didn't want to think much into that fact. Seunghyun was still squirming in his seat and it was making me nervous.

"Are you okay, do you want something"?

"I want Jiyong" he calmed down and said with a pout and he looked so cute that I wanted to pull him in for a kiss but I couldn't, I was reeling from the fact that he wanted me. He still wanted me.

"I'm here" It was all I could say.

"I did it for Jiyong" It seemed like what he said, but I couldn't hear properly because he was speaking so low, I was going to dismiss it till he spoke again "....father can't control us anymore...." Seunghyun knew. I really needed to keep my eyes on the road but I didn't want to take it off him.

"I love you" I wish I whispered it the way I wanted to, I didn't want him to hear how vulnerable I sounded but it was so late because he shifted closer to me. "What...what are you doing"? His hands were on my thighs, it upwards slowly and I was so bad.

"I want you" he leaned closer to me, making the hair on the back of my head stand.

"Stop Seunghyun, I'm driving" 

"Do you really want me to stop"? He asked but moved deeper to my inner thigh. I could do it, we would be at his house any minute now, and all I had to do was think about something gross so I wouldn't lose my senses.

"Oh my God"!! I swerved a little when his palmed me through my pants. I was hard as a rock now but the good part was that we were at his home. I quickly got out of the car, if the paparazzi were anywhere around, they'd definitely have a field day of seeing the gdragon get out of a car still in motion with a . TMZ would definitely have a field day if they were anywhere around.

I heard knocks on the window and I looked up to see a pouty Seunghyun, boy was he killing me. How the hell do you take care of a cute, drunk and person without them, especially now that I know what with Seunghyun was like. I finally got the strength to get him out of the car, and into his house after having to fight to get his house keys out of his pocket.

I got him up to his bed and laid him on it, i took my time taking of his shoes and his shirt while he dozed of so I sat there looking at his beautiful face for a while. He was really beautiful, even with closed eyes; I reached for his hair to get it off his face when his eyes fluttered open and I froze in my place. He looked into my eyes but I knew better than to stay longer as I shifted to move but he was too fast for me, he pulled me down and I fell on his face. I know how that sounds but I really did, it wasn't an attempt to kiss him or maybe it was but my God how sweet he tasted. I was on top of a half Seunghyun with his arms wrapped around me, pulling me more to him. I wanted to struggle but I was too weak, so I deepened the kiss, pushing my tongue into his mouth and exploring his mouth. I was even getting drunk off him, till I felt him harden beneath me and I knew I couldn't go deeper, not until everything was resolved. Plus he was drunk.

"No.... No..... No..." He started to say as I pulled away sharply.

"I can't" As much as it pained me to withdraw from him, I had do. There was so much to be done.

"Please don't leave me" he said and yawned and I was happy he was still suffering from the effect of the alcohol, so he couldn't come after me.

I wasn't going to leave him, not again but I was going to make things right. I had to and there was only one way I knew how, I just hoped it was going to work; I was going to grovel.

I hopped in Seunghyun's car, I really hoped he wouldn't mind but I was sure I would return it before he woke up. I drove the car to the one place I needed to be even though it was at the wrong time, the Choi residence. I needed to see Seunghyun father.

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Teyga648 #1
Chapter 14: Thank you for the story. I love it ^ ^
Chapter 14: i'm so happy i found an old fic like this and it's so so so good! the kdrama-y plot, the characters, ur writing style.. everything is so ao goooooood *groans*
thanks a bunch for this fic!!! <3
Latifahero #3
❤❤❤ This is so awesome and beautiful.
I love your story so much. Can I translate your story into another languge ? Thank you so much and I love you ❤❤
Danees #4
Chapter 14: Oh my! This is crazily beautiful and entertaining. I love it. Thank you so much and keep on writing. Fighting!!
Dragon63 #5
Chapter 14: oh my god....
that was beautiful!!!! :D :D :D gtop is so cute!!!~~ ^^ ^^
i knew seunghyun was hiding something, but i didn't know it would be something this big!!!! it was really good :D
thank you so much for this amazing fanfic authornim!!!!~~
nanessouille #6
Chapter 14: they are hopeless <3
jiyong is so funny, seunghyun is so dreamy !!
love love them <3
Chapter 14: i love this story it is silly and funny thx for making it
Chapter 14: This was so good! The ending was perfect! Jiyong loves so deeply and Seunghyun has such a sneaky little Dennis the Menace mean streak it's the bestest ever!
Chapter 13: The secretary should be taken out back, made to get on her knees, hands raised, and whacked repeatedly with a willow reed across her hands. How dare she open that door before using the intercom first!
Chapter 12: Seunghyun's so cute tipsy arsed drunk