Awkward Kris

Christmas Oneshots with EXO

A knock was heard and Sunhwa opened the door revealing her tall boyfriend, Kris, holding a bag in one of his hands.. He rubbed his nape and meekly smiled, "Can I come in?" She stepped to the side and he entered the cozy apartment. The two have been going out for about a month and by now Kris would be comfortable with Sunhwa, but he's still awkward.

Kris took off his shoes and stepped into the living room. He looked around and his lips nervously. Normally Kris would be the confident Duizhang, as his friends call him, and girls would swoon left and right when he would walk by. But when it came to Sunhwa, his confident air disappeared and he was shy.

Sunhwa titled her head up to look at him and smiled, "Wanna take your jacket off?" He nodded and took it off, carefully placing on the couch and laid his bag on the side. She smiled at him, "So, ready for our Christmas movie night?" He smiled and nodded. The two made themselves comfy on Sunhwa's cream plush couch after she put "A Christmas Carol" into the DVD player.

Kris wrapped his arm Sunhwa's shoulders and pulled her close to his chest. She leaned her head on his broad chest and heard the sound of his racing heart. She smiled softly to herself and cuddled up against him, getting comfy as the movie played.

After an hour and half, the movie ended and Sunhwa got up to stretch a bit. Kris stretched his legs and arms and groaned when he noticed how stiff his limbs were. She looked down and smiled, "Did you like the movie?" He nodded, "It was pretty good."

She sighed inwardly. It's been a month or so and yet he still isn't comfortable with her. Remembering the gift she got him, she pointed to him. "Stay right there. I'll be back." She ran to her room and looked through her closet.

Outside, Kris breathed heavily, nervous about the present he got her. He glanced at the bag and a million thoughts raced through his mind. "Will she like it? What if she doesn't like it? Ugh." He muttered quietly.

His girlfriend came out of her room with her arms behind her back. "Are you ready for my gift?" Kris stood up, thinking it was a bit rude to be sitting when she gave him her present. "Ta-da!" From behind, she pulled out a cute alpaca plushie with a pink vest and pirate hat.

He gasped at the sight of the plushie. Sunhwa smiled, "You like it?" Kris walked towards her and grabbed the plushie. He gave her an eye blinding smile. "I love it. Thank you." He gave her a sweet kiss on the lips. Her eyes widened at how he took the initiative this time.

Kris grabbed the bag by his jacket and handed it to her. She opened the bag and pulled out a green baby dragon plushie.

She smiled and hugged it. "It's so cute! Thank you Kris." He looked down and smiled to himself, mentally fist pumping because she liked his gift. "I'm gonna name you Duizhang." He lifted his head up when he heard his nickname.

"You're gonna name the dragon Duizhang? Why?" He asked. She petted the dragon's head, "His name is Duizhang because you gave me the gift and sometimes you can be scary like a dragon." He pouted, "I can be scary like a dragon?" Sunhwa squealed and tip-toed to pinch his cheeks. "You are so cute!"

Kris blushed and looked away. He looked down at his alpaca and smiled, "I'll name you Ace." Sunhwa furrowed her eyebrows, "Ace?" He nodded, "When I was younger, I wanted to become a singer and wanted my stage name to be Ace." She raised an eyebrow. She thought the name would have something to do with her.

He noticed how she looked a bit down. "Did I do something wrong?" He panicked. She shook her head. "No, it's just that I thought you would name your alpaca after me or something." She looked down and played with her hands.

He blinked a few times at her and when he finally realized what she meant, his mouth formed an 'o' shape. "Actually, I think I'm gonna it Sun because you're like the sun in my life. Without you by my side, it's dark and I can't see. You light up my world."

Sunhwa's heart melted at how romantic he sounded. She looked up with wide eyes. "Really?" He nodded, "Really. It's only been a month and I know I've been extremely awkward around you, but it's only because I don't know how to express myself around you." She hugged his waist and smiled, "Aww, Kris, no need to be awkward. Be comfortable around me. I'm your girlfriend, aren't I?"

Kris hugged her back and rested his chin on top of her head. "Thanks." She pulled away and pulled his face down for a kiss. His eyes widened at first and then he closed them, responding back to the kiss. The two broke the kiss and Kris leaned down, resting his forehead against hers. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you too." Sunhwa whispered back before kissing him again.



Hope you guys enjoy reading about Kris and his awkwardness :)

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shinnaminra #1
Chapter 2: this is sweet i loved it!