Jongdae's personal nurse

Christmas Oneshots with EXO

Being a bit unlucky, Jongdae got into a minor car accident a week before Christmas. He ended up with a broken leg and his parents refused to let him go out. On the very day of the holiday, his parents went out for a Christmas dinner for two leaving him home alone. That's why he decided to get his girlfriend to come over.

The doorbell rang and he slowly walked to the door with the help of his crutches. He smiled when he saw Yoojin, his sweet and caring girlfriend. She entered the warm house and quickly took off her shoes. "You should go sit down, oppa. You still need to rest that leg of yours."

Obeying her, he made his way to the living room and slowly sat down, occasionally grunting. Yoojin ran in and grabbed a pillow, placing it on the tale and gently lifting his leg onto it. She took off her scarf and jacket and set it on the arm of the couch.

She made sure that he was comfy and bent down a bit, curling a strand of hair behind her ear. "Do you want anything? I could make you some food if you're hungry." Jongdae smiled, "Thanks. I was getting a bit hungry." Yoojin nodded and sped off to the kitchen. He felt a bit bad about making her take care of him on Christmas day. They were supposed to go out for a nice dinner at a popular Japanese restaurant in Itaewon. But he just had to get into that car accident.

Yoojin came back 10 minutes later with a sandwich in one hand and a cup of water in her other. She sat down next to him and handed him the food. He gratefully took it and started eating it. "Need some water?" Jongdae swallowed, "Yes please." She handed the cup of water to him and waited until he was done.

Jongdae looked apologetically at her, "Sorry for making you do this on Christmas day. I feel like an idiot for not watching the road." Yoojin shook her head with a smile, "It's fine. Although this isn't the Christmas we planned it to be, as long as I can spend it with you, I'm okay with it. So don't beat yourself up about it, oppa."

He smiled at his understanding girlfriend and kissed her cheek. He went back to eating his sandwich that Yoojin made for her. Jongdae breathed out loudly, "That was good. Thanks babe." She smiled and shook her head, "No problem. Do you need anything else?" He shook his head and she went off to wash the dishes.

She soon came back and sat down next to him. "So, what do you want to do now?" She asked. Jongdae thought for a moment, "Hmm, wanna watch some TV?" She shrugged and the flat screen.

Playing on TV was The King of Dramas. Yoojin intensely watched the drama and got frustrated at the CEO. "Aish! You're such an idiot! You should've never done that to her in the first place!" She yelled. Jongdae poked her, "No need to get worked up. It's just a drama." He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. She got comfortable and huffed, "I know but he's such an idiot! And the CEO of Empire just pisses me off!"

He chuckled and leaned his head on top of hers. The couple watched the drama and burst into laughter at some moments or just yelled at the TV. The episode soon ended and Star King started playing. "Oh, oh, OH!!!!" Jongdae cheered as he watched the person throw the card at the aluminum can. It cut the can and put Infinite to shame.

They watched in awe as the people performed their talents. Yoojin laughed as he watched Boom and Kang Hodong argued over something as if they were children.

The hours flew by and it was nearly 11. Jongdae sat up and stretched out his body. "Hey Yoojin, mind helping me up the stairs? I wanna take a shower." She nodded and lifted his leg off the table. She helped him up the stairs. Because of his broken leg, what would've taken him 10 seconds now took about 2 minutes.

Yoojin helped him sit on his bed and watched as he wrap his leg up in plastic so it won't get wet. "Yoojin? I hope you don't mind but I'm gonna need some help in the shower." Her face reddened, "W-What?" He shook his hands, "I meant when I get out. Don't worry, I'll have my towel on but I just need some help getting out of the tub." She hesitatingly nodded and shooed him off to the bathroom.

She sat on his bed, face still red and warm. Yoojin jolted up when she heard faint knocking from the wall. The bathroom was conviniently located right next to Jongdae's room so it wouldn't be that hard to get back. She stiffly got up and made her way to the bathroom. She twisted the knob and gulped when she noticed it was unlocked.

She slowly entered and saw Jongdae leaning against the wall for support. Like he promised, there was a towel around his waist. His face was red and he cleared his throat, "Sorry for making you do this." Yoojin looked elsewhere, "No problem." She reached out and felt his hand grab hers. She helped him out and then left him to change.

In the hallway, Yoojin was fanning her face. She didn't know that being his nurse for a day meant that she had to help him out of the shower. The door soon opened and Jongdae limped out, fully clothed. Yoojin helped him back to his room and helped him dry his hair.

Jongdae smiled, "Thanks." She nodded and hung his towel on his closet door. She back down next to him and asked, "Do you need your medicine?" He pointed to his desk, "It's right there." She grabbed the bottle and handed him a pill and a bottle of water. He swallowed the medicine and thanked her.

"I feel a bit bad for making you take care of me like this." He apologized. Yoojin shook her head, "It's fine oppa. Until you're better, I'll keep on taking care of you for as long as you need it. So stop feeling bad. I want to take ca-" Jongdae cut her off by crashing his lips onto hers. Her eyes widened and she soon closed them, responding back to the kiss.

He pulled away and cupper her cheek, "You're the sweetest girlfriend any guy could ask for. I love you." She smiled, "I love you too oppa." They kissed once more and when they pulled away, they burst into laughter.


Ermagherd, I don't care if Christmas is over, I'M FINISHING WHAT I STARTED.

Hope you enjoy ^^

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shinnaminra #1
Chapter 2: this is sweet i loved it!