Baekhyun or Luhan?

Christmas Oneshots with EXO

Eunso threw on a oversized white hoodie and some dark jeans. She stared out her bedroom window and smiled at the steadily falling snow. Her head turned when she heard her phone ringing. The caller ID was from Luhan, her ex-boyfriend. They had just broken up recently right before winter break.

She her lips nervously and picked up the phone. "Hello?" The other voice sounded cheery. "Merry Christmas Eunso!" She smiled, "Thanks. Merry Christmas to you too, Luhan. So, why did you call?" The other line went silent for a moment before she heard him speak. "I was wondering if you wanted to get back together."

At that moment, the door bell rang and Eunso sighed. "I'll call you later, Luhan." Before she hung up, Luhan gently spoke, "I'll wait as long as I need for your answer." The other line beeped and she threw her phone on her bed. The door bell rang again and she jumped up. Eunso ran down the stairs and opened the door, revealing a smiling Baekhyun.

Baekhyun stood before Eunso wearing a gray knit beanie, a collared shirt underneath a striped long sleeve shirt, and a gray jacket to top it off. He smiled, "You ready to go out?" Eunso had forgotten that she made plans with Baekhyun. They were extremely good friends and he was there to comfort her when Luhan broke it off.

Eunso nodded, "Just give me a sec." She ran back up to her room and grabbed her black jacket and navy shoulder bag. She double checked for her belongings and ran down the stairs. She grabbed her knit scarf from the couch and hung it around her neck. She set her bag on the floor and grabbed her tan UGGs. She tried to balance while slipping the boot on but nearly fell back if it weren't for Baekhyun who grabbed her waist just in time.

"You okay?" He asked. She noticed how close his face was and took that moment to examine it. He was really handsome. Not a blemish on his skin and his cheeks were a bit rosy from the cold. She nodded and he helped her up. This time, he held onto her when she put on her boots so that she wouldn't fall. She pulled her jacket on, wrapped her scarf tightly around her neck and slung her bag on her shoulder.

The two headed for Myeongdong for their little date. The streets were all decorated with Christmas lights and there was a huge tree in the center. Eunso and Baekhyun walked around, did a bit of windowshopping and ate some good food.

While walking, Baekhyun exhaled loudly. Eunso looked worriedly. "Are you okay?" He looked at her and nodded, "I'm fine. It's just a bit cold, don't you think?" She noticed how his nose looked red and she grabbed his hands, gasping at how cold it was. "Why didn't you dress more warmly? You know it's freezing, especially since it just snowed." She took off her scarf and wrapped it around his neck.

He stopped her. "You wear the scarf." She gave him a stern look, "I'm not the one freezing my off in this cold so wear it! It'll keep you warmer." He didn't argue anymore and just let her wrap the scarf around him. She smiled, "There! Now let's go!"

Eunso turned around and saw Luhan looking at her with sad eyes. "Luhan." She whispered. Luhan walked up to them and gave them a forced smile. "Hey guys, I didn't know you came here to hang out." Baekhyun noticed how the atmosphere was a bit awkward so he made up an excuse. "I gotta use the bathroom real quick. Luhan, watch over her, will you?" He nodded and Baekhyun ran off, giving the two a little time to talk.

Luhan cleared his throat, "So, did you think about what I said before?" Eunso looked at her shoes and mumbled, "I did." He lifted her chin up, making her look him dead in the eyes. "Will you be mine again?" She gently pushed his hand away. "Luhan, I loved you. But you were the one who wanted some personal space and suggested we see other people. I don't think it'll work out for us again. I'm sorry. We can always be friends though."

He gave her a sad smile. "I knew you would say that. But you know what, I'm okay with that. I'll probably regret breaking up with you but as long as you're still by my side as a friend, I'm cool." Eunso hugged him and whispered, "I'm sorry." He patted her back and smiled, "I'm sorry." He pulled away and gave her a dazzling smile, "Hope you and Baekhyun have fun together." He waved and walked away.

A voice called for Eunso. "Eunso? Are you okay?" She turned around and saw Baekhyun looking worriedly at her. She nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just talked a bit with Luhan, that's all." He sighed and then nodded. "Let's go into that shop! I saw some really cute plushies." Eunso bounced up and down like an excited child. He chuckled and followed her into the store.

After looking around, the two exited, Eunso holding a bag and Baekhyun holding a bag. Baekhyun looked at his watch and smiled. He grabbed Eunso's arm and then ran to the huge Christmas tree in the center. "Baekhyun, why are you pulling me?!" Eunso cried out. He laughed, "Just trust me on this! You'll be in for a nice surprise!"

The two panted after they arrived and Baekhyun smiled. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" The crowd cheered. The Christmas tree lit up at exactly 11:30 PM and everyone cheered. Eunso marveled at the sight and looked at Baekhyun. "Is this why you were dragging me here?" Baekhyun smiled, "You like?" She nodded fervently, "I love it! Let's take a few pictures too."

Eunso took out her phone and she took a few pictures of them smiling sweetly in front of the Christmas tree.

It was getting late so Baekhyun decided to send Eunso home. At her doorsteps, Baekhyun gave back her scarf. "Thanks for lending me your scarf. I hope you had fun today." She took it back and smiled, "Today was great. Thanks Baekhyun." She waved and then proceeded to unlock her door. Before she entered her quiet house, Baekhyun grabbed her wrist and turned her around, kissing her sweetly on the lips.

Her eyes widened and when he pulled away, she noticed how red his cheeks were. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Oh my god, what did I just do?! I'm sorry Eunso, I'm so-" Eunso cut off his stuttering with a soft peck. Baekhyun stared at her. She giggled, "Don't you have something to ask?"

Baekhyun's jaw went slack and then he straightened himself up. "Eunso, will you be my girlfriend?" She smiled and grabbed his face. "Just kiss me." She crashed her lips onto his and he kissed her back. When they pulled away, snow started falling from the sky again. Euno held her hand out and smiled as she watched a small snowflake fall on her palm. She looked at Baekhyun and smiled, "Merry Christmas." Baekhyun pulled her close and whispered against her lips, "Merry Christmas," before kissing her sweetly again.

Christmas is definitely one of the happiest holidays. For some, finding new love occurs and others move on. Either way, they will still end up happy. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Oneshot requested by iloveexo12345: complete! Hope you enjoy!

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shinnaminra #1
Chapter 2: this is sweet i loved it!