This is it

Welcome to Neverland: The Land of the Midnight Sun (Sequel)


“Dongho! Dongho!!” a faint voice called

Dongho opened his eyes to see a blurry vision of someone infront of him

“Dongho! Is that you?”

Dongho made a face, “Who else?!” He barked

Kevin tilted his head, “Yah!”

Then the voice rang into Dongho’s ears, *I know that voice* He rubbed his eyes and saw a clear image of Kevin, “HYUNG!”

Kevin laughed, “Now, I’m your hyung.”

Dongho looked to his side to see Junhyung all tied up and unconscious

“We tied him up, he might cause trouble in here” Kevin said

Dongho shook his head, “He is on our side now”

Kevin gave him a strange look

“I promise, he will help us save Neverland” Dongho said, “Let him go”

“Araso” Kevin said and untied Junhyung who fell flat on the ground, “So, Dongho. Where have you been for the past 10 years? We’ve been worried. How were you able to come back?”

“One at a time bro!” Dongho said, “First of all, we were trapped in a world, I meant planet called Exo for 2 days, which is equivalent to 10 years here? I don’t know. And we were able to get back because there was a portal there”

“Did you just say planet?” Kevin asked

Dongho nodded,

“Like aliens? And spaceships?” Kevin asked

“You watch too much cartoon hyungs, the inhabitants there look like humans. Tall ones just like back in earth. Their planet is in big trouble, when Junhyung was playing his songs, it strangely brought the planet back to life” Dongho said

“You mean, the music that is destroying Neverland, is working in Exo?” Kevin asked

Dongho nodded, “~~~~~ told me”

“Speaking of ~~~~~~. Where is she?” Kevin asked

“Omo! I forgot about her! She is waiting for us in the temple” Dongho said

“MUH!?! TEMPLE?! It is dangerous there!” Kevin said

“Dangerous?” Dongho asked

“The rest of the members of Beast are watching the temple closely, just incase any one of us are going back there. They know about your disappearance and is also waiting for your return” Kevin explained

Dongho stood up, “Where are the others?” Dongho asked

“Upstairs” Kevin said

“Call them” Dongho said, “We have to go to ~~~~~”


“Let me go!!” You struggled to get out of the hands of Kikwang

Doojoon slowly walked towards you, “Well isn’t it the Princess of Neverland who was missing for 10 years” He said

“Doojoon, Please listen to me. I found you and beast a place where you can party all day long. Without having to destroy the area” You said

The other members of Beast made a face, “Like we believe you. Where is Junhyung and what have you done with him!?” Hyungseung barked causing you to flinch

“You left him in the place you went. Did you?” Doojoon shouted

“He is over here!” a voice shouted

All of you turned your attention to Dongho beside Junhyung. Junhyung smirked “Yo, sup?”

Doojoon gaped. Yoseob let go of your left and ran up to Junhyung, “Hyung!!”

You spotted some of the Ukiss members behind Dongho, you searched for your best friend, but then someone covered your eyes, “Guess who?”

A smile grew on your face, “Minah!”

She giggled and put down her hands. You faced her and you hugged her tight.

“JUNHYUNG WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON?” Doojoon yelled causing your reunion with Minah to stop

“In Beast’s side of course” Junhyung said, “I found a nice place for all of us to party all day and night. No disturbances too” Junhyung said

“Were you brain washed by them?” Hyungseung asked

Junyhung made a face, “Brainwash my face! I’m too smart for that kind of thing. ”

Doojoon was still wearing a doubtful face

“You know I talk seriously” Junhyung put on a serious face

After a while of silence and the two members of Beast exchanging looks, Doojoon finally agreed, “Araso. Why don’t we check it out.”

“Hyung. You’re serious?” Dongwoon asked

“Have Junhyung ever let us down?” Doojoon said

Junhyung smiled and faced you, “~~~~~, will you send us there?”

You nodded and took out a piece of that crystal out of your pocket; you threw it to the wall behind beast, it formed into a portal again

“See you soon. Care to visit us anytime ~~~~” Junhyung said

You laughed, “Araso” You smiled as you watched the members of Beast hesitantly entering the portal

“Hurry up!” Junhyung pushed Yoseob in, “Bye!”

You waved, “Bye”

After Junyhung entering, the portal closed. You sighed in relief.

“Now, for the real purpose” Minah took out something from behind her, it was the crystal that was going to save Neverland, “~~~~~, I did believe, you could save Neverland” She said and handed you the crystal

You carefully accepted it, “This is it” You close your eyes and imagined.


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Chapter 29: I love the story! I hope u could do more stories like this
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 29: Loved it thank you for making this story
Chapter 29: I love the last part ~ Kevin oppa is silly ... >_<
Chapter 29: This is so cute!!~~ The last part!! I love it~~~
NicLuvGuiLun #5
Chapter 29: Hxbahajcskj althought it was a short story, but it was cute :) ZELO XJSUSIXND
Chapter 29: cute~~!!!! zelo oppa your sooo cute~~!!
dimplegirl_ain98 #8
Chapter 29: Happy ending~ =D
Chapter 29: Yeah you completed! Zelo is so cute. ^^
Chapter 28: Yes yes a portal just in case super junior comes