Abandoned Home

Welcome to Neverland: The Land of the Midnight Sun (Sequel)


Dongho finally found Junhyung infront of a weird shaped house

“What is that?” Dongho made a face at the house, it looked like it was abandoned and left there to rot

Junhyung faced Dongho with a serious look, “I have a strange feeling about this”

Dongho then studied the house, the door was covered and the windows too. He slowly walked over to the door and peeked inside, it was all dark. Dongho shook his head and faced Junhyung, “nothing is in there. It must caught your attention because it is only the house here like that”

“Only an empty room?” Junhyung asked

“Just darkness-“ Dongho stopped, “Wait!” *Why would it be dark in there, there are small holes that can cause light to come in* Dongho thought and peeked again inside, “What the heck” It was still pitched black

Dongho put his slowly put his hand inside the hole and reached for something, he stopped when he felt a cloth type of material. He got his hand back ad looked at Junhyung, “There is something strange inside, there is a black cloth covering what is inside. Help me remove these” Dongho motioned to those that were covering the door

Junhyung went up and helped Dongho, he imagined an electric saw, but it came out as an ordinary saw

“That will help” Dongho said and used it

When the coverings were all removed Dongho and Junhyung slowly entered the house. They stopped infront of the big cloth. With a deep breath Dongho touched the cloth, “in the count of three, we’re going in”

Junhyung nodded

“Han” Dongho started

“Dul” Junhyung continued

“SET!” Dongho threw back the cloth to see themselves inside a living room type of room

Junhyung and Dongho’s jaws dropped. The place looked as if it was cared often. Dongho walked up to the sofa and touched the cloth, “It’s perfect”

Junhyung walked around the room and saw another room with a glass door, he could see that it was a miniature garden, “They also have an indoor garden in here, with lots of plants” Junhyung said

Dongho went over and looked at it, it was perfect, he went in and walked around the room, he touched the plants and examined it, “These plants are like 5 years old” He said

“So?” Junhyung asked

“Someone is living here” Dongho said and went out of the room, “It’s either Beast or U-kiss”

Junhyung made an are-you-kidding-me face, “Seriously, why would we live in this kind of place? There isn’t even a music player in here”

Dongho nodded, “So, it means-AH!”

Out of no where Dongho and Junhyung was knocked out by a random blow


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Chapter 29: I love the story! I hope u could do more stories like this
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 29: Loved it thank you for making this story
Chapter 29: I love the last part ~ Kevin oppa is silly ... >_<
Chapter 29: This is so cute!!~~ The last part!! I love it~~~
NicLuvGuiLun #5
Chapter 29: Hxbahajcskj althought it was a short story, but it was cute :) ZELO XJSUSIXND
Chapter 29: cute~~!!!! zelo oppa your sooo cute~~!!
dimplegirl_ain98 #8
Chapter 29: Happy ending~ =D
Chapter 29: Yeah you completed! Zelo is so cute. ^^
Chapter 28: Yes yes a portal just in case super junior comes