The crystal

Welcome to Neverland: The Land of the Midnight Sun (Sequel)


Finally, Kevin reached a room filled with gold, but no crystal. Kevin looked around, *This must be a trap for others to forget about the crystal and just go for the gold, I’m not interested in any gold* he thought and went to find you in your hallway

You and Dongho reached the end of your hallway, but it wasn’t where the crystal is, it was also a room full of gold.

You looked around for any possibilities if the crystal was there, but before you could go there, someone yelled, “WATCH OUT!”

You turned around to see Junhyung almost stabbing Dongho’s back. Dongho easily dodged, “Thanks Kevin”

Kevin nodded and ran towards Junhyung, but Junhyung ran towards you. Before Junhyung could touch you, Dongho went on your defense, “Search the room for the crystal” He said

“The crystal isn’t here! This is just a fake room! The real room for the crystal is in the hallway Zico took” Kevin said

When Junhyung heard it, he made a run for it to get to where Zico was, *I will get the crystal before they do and use it to destroy them all!* he thought

“AFTER HIM!” Dongho shouted and all of you chased after Junhyung

Lucky for Junhyung, he manage to avoid the dead ends, but the three of you didn’t

“Dead end again!” Dongho said and ran to the other direction. You were already tired and laid your hand on the wall for a while, but then the wall moved, your eyes widened as you fell into the hidden room.

“AHHHHH!!” you screamed at the top of your lungs when you saw snakes around you

“~~~~~!” Kevin grabbed you out of the room before the snakes could attack you. You hugged Kevin’s waist, “there are hidden rooms”

“Hidden rooms!?” Dongho asked, then it clicked, “The crystal might be in one of the hidden rooms”

“How are you sure?” Kevin asked

“Usually the treasure in some movies are in the hidden rooms” Dongho said

But then all of you heard a loud shout, “DONGHO! KEVIN! ~~~~~~! HELP!! I GOT THE CRYSTAL BUT JUNHYUNG IS AFTER ME!”

“That must be Zico. Thanks for stalling us with your hidden room theories” Kevin said and ran towards the shout

He found Zico running towards his direction holding a blue stone that is shaped as a crystal

“Hurry!” Kevin shouted

Zico passed the crystal to Kevin and both of them ran towards where you were, but you and Dongho weren’t in sight

“They were here a while ago” Kevin said, and he saw the hidden door that had a room full of snakes was open again, “Don’t tell me, they went in there!” Kevin said

Zico looked for you closely, he spotted you and Dongho in there, “They are there”

“Aw man!” Kevin said and went in he imagined a stick to keep the snakes away and went towards the way you were.

“~~~~~!” Kevin called out

You ran to Kevin, “Oppa!”

“Here is the crystal! Hurry and save Neverland!” Kevin said

You shook your head, “That is not the real crystal” You said

“Muh?” Kevin and Zico was confused

“This is the real crystal, it is shining more brightly that that crystal” You held out the crystal, “But I don’t think it works in here,”

“It said so in the manual. And that crystal you are holding, once it breaks, a portal will open to a different world” Dongho held out the manual he found

Just then, Dongho heard something and pushed you out of the way, there was a sword that almost hit you. Zico saw Junhyung coming towards all of you, “I’ve got a plan” He whispered, “Give me the real crystal, Junhyung doesn’t know about the two crystals. You get what I want to happen right?” Zico asked

“I understand” you said and quickly gave the crystal to Zico, Zico immediately hid the crystal in his coat before Junhyung could come

Juhnyung finally came, “I’ll break the crystal before you could use it” Junhyung said and ran to grab the crystal from Kevin. Junhyung jumped and reached for the crystal, his hand touched it and the blue crystal fell towards the floor. Junhyung smirked, *I did it!* He thought

Before the crystal struck the ground, all of you backed off just for all of you to avoid the portal to the other world.

When the crystal broke, a portal did appear. Junhyung was shocked, *Was I tricked?* He paniced and reached out to grab someone. He grabbed Dongho’s shirt and dragged Dongho with him and both of them entered the portal

“NOO!” You reached out, “OPPA!”

“~~~~~~~ NOO!!” Kevin shouted but it was too late, you were in by the portal, before Kevin or Zico could come after you, the portal closed


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Chapter 29: I love the story! I hope u could do more stories like this
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 29: Loved it thank you for making this story
Chapter 29: I love the last part ~ Kevin oppa is silly ... >_<
Chapter 29: This is so cute!!~~ The last part!! I love it~~~
NicLuvGuiLun #5
Chapter 29: Hxbahajcskj althought it was a short story, but it was cute :) ZELO XJSUSIXND
Chapter 29: cute~~!!!! zelo oppa your sooo cute~~!!
dimplegirl_ain98 #8
Chapter 29: Happy ending~ =D
Chapter 29: Yeah you completed! Zelo is so cute. ^^
Chapter 28: Yes yes a portal just in case super junior comes