
Welcome to Neverland: The Land of the Midnight Sun (Sequel)


You then closed your eyes and imagined a bat for Dongho, “Oppa!” You called and tossed him the metal bat

“Thanks” Dongho said

Hyungseung looked at the bat, *A metal bat? How? Maybe she thought of something stronger than a metal bat and it came out as a metal. I wonder if I should try to think of a flaming bat* He thought and imagined, but it turned out to be a wooden bat. *What the- WOAH!* He blocked himself from Dongho’s bat that was almost an inch away from Hyungseung’s head

Dongho drew back and smirked, “If you are in a fight, get your attention on the enemy, not on the object you just imagined” Dongho said

Hyungseung’s eyebrows crossed, “How dare you nag the Prince of Neverland!” Hyungseung swung his bat towards Dongho, but Dongho easily dodged it

“Pft! Prince my , you couldn’t even hit me with a hard to dodge swing” Dongho snorted

“Now disrespecting the Prince? I’m going to kill you!” Hyungseung charged at Dongho, but Dongho easily hit Hyungseung on the and even made a yawn, “Bore-ing” Dongho said in a funny tone that even you laugh

Hyungseung glared at you and Dongho and thought of something. He smirked and stood straight

“Oh great. The ‘Prince’ has lost it” Dongho said in a humerous manner

“you won’t be laughing anymore after I kill your precious girl first” Hyunseung said

You and Dongho stiffened, *What did he just say?* Both of you thought

Hyunseung imagined something and a barrier came between him and Dongho and he went towards you

Your eyes widened, *Uh-Oh*

“If you dare lay a finger on her, I swear I will kill you!” Dongho barked and tried to destroy the barrier

Hyungseung stuck his tongue out and started walking towards you

You held your hand out, “Come any closer and you’ll get hurt” You warned

“~~~~~! Don’t do it!” Dongho said, *You’ll get found out*

It was only a foot away, just like you didn’t heard Dongho, you imagined a strong wind and it came out of your hands and blew Hyungseung far to the other room

*What the hell?* Hyungseung thought

You imagined the barrier break into pieces and ran towards Dongho. He caught you in his arms and looked at Hyungseung, “Do you think he noticed?”You asked

“I hope not” Dongho said

Then the rest of U-kiss scrambled through the room and stopped to see the situation. Kevin was the first to realize you used your power, “~~~~~” He whispered, “Did you?” HE asked

You slowly nodded and watched Hyungseung stood up dumbfounded

“Y-You” Hyungseung finally spoke

You hoped he didn’t noticed but all hope was lost when he finally said, “You’re powers are not one of the normal people of Neverland” He said and began to walk towards you

U-kiss then guard you from all directions

“Stay away from her” Soohyun said

Hyunseung looked at you from a distance, “So is this the Princess you have been waiting for miss Snow?” Hyungseung asked Snow.

Snow gulped, as a fairy of Neverland, she can’t lie, or she will die

All of you knew about this. Your heart beat faster, *Don’t lie Snow, you’ll die* You thought

Then, Snow opened , “Leave her alone Hyunseung. She,” Snow took a deep breath

*No!* you thought

“She,” Snow paused again and bit her lip

*If you tell the truth we will know, if you lie we will know whether it is true or not* Dongho thought

Snow grabbed a piece of icicle behind her, “SHE ISN’T! She shouted while trying to stab Hyungseung by surprise, but failed

At that moment, your heart broke into pieced, “NOOOO!!” You screamed and ran to Snow, who fell to the ground as if she was very heavy. You sat next to her and cradled her head, “Snow~ why did you-“

“I have to keep my loyalty to you. Even though I get caught up in this dilemma, I need to be loyal to you.” Snow said

“But it doesn’t matter whether you lie or not, it will be easily seen” You said

“If I told the truth I would have been disloyal to you” Snow said

“But I need you” Your eyes began to moisten

“I know.” Snow said and tried as much to lea closer to your ear, “Defeat them by using the last crystal in the North side of Neverland.” She whispered and then finally turned into a thousand pieces of snowflakes

“No, SNOW!!” You shouted and tired to catch the snowflakes that melted in your hands. You then began to snob

Hyungseung smirked and looked at you, “Wait until Hyung finds out about this” Hyungseung made a dash out of the room, closed the door from the outside and ran to Doojoon’s room

Hoon banged the door with his fists, “Arg! He got away!” He said

“We got to get to him” Eli tried to imagine something, but Kevin stopped him. Eli looked at Kevin with a questioned look. Kevin shook his head and looked at you in grief

Eli then knew, what was more important.

Dongho came to you and hugged you. You shedded your tears on Dongho’s shirt. Dongho patted your head and rocked you back and forth hoping that will comfort you



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Chapter 29: I love the story! I hope u could do more stories like this
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 29: Loved it thank you for making this story
Chapter 29: I love the last part ~ Kevin oppa is silly ... >_<
Chapter 29: This is so cute!!~~ The last part!! I love it~~~
NicLuvGuiLun #5
Chapter 29: Hxbahajcskj althought it was a short story, but it was cute :) ZELO XJSUSIXND
Chapter 29: cute~~!!!! zelo oppa your sooo cute~~!!
dimplegirl_ain98 #8
Chapter 29: Happy ending~ =D
Chapter 29: Yeah you completed! Zelo is so cute. ^^
Chapter 28: Yes yes a portal just in case super junior comes