
Welcome to Neverland: The Land of the Midnight Sun (Sequel)


“BAEKHYUN-“ a tall guy entered the house and stopped to see you. He blinked at you 3 times and looked at your clothing, it wasn’t that of Exo.

4 more guys came in and stopped to see you.

You blinked at them, *These are really aliens?*

“W-Who are you?” one of them asked

You were about to reply when Baekhyun came over, “Oh! You’re back.” He said and saw that they have seen you, “This is ~~~~~~, I found her-“

“You found this weird looking girl?” the other one asked

“She is not weird Chanyeol.” Baekhyun said

“B-but, she looks weird” Chanyeol pouted

“She is from earth” Baekhyun said

All of them gasped

Baekhyun held his hands out, “No need to worry, she is completely harmless” *Even though she almost attacked me a when I saw her* “She is completely harmless” He said and looked at you, “~~~~, they are my friends, Suho, Kai, D.O. Chanyeol, and Sehun”

You awkwardly waved at them

“What is she doing?” Chanyeol whispered to Baekhyun.

“I think it is what they call waving, if you just study more about earth, you’ll know” Baekhyun said

“Oh” Chanyeol said

“How did you get here?” Sehun asked

“Um, by a portal formed by this crystal” You held out the remaining piece of the crystal

“Muh?! Crystals can transport you somewhere?” D.O. asked

You shrugged, “It might not be possible here nor in earth, but it is possible from Neverland” You said

“I thought you said she was from earth?” Suho asked

“I am, but there is this other place called Neverland. I came here from Neverland, but I live in earth” You said

“Oh.” They all nodded

“It’s our first time seeing a human, I thought they would look weird” Sehun poked your eye

“OW!” You touched your eye

“OH!! It also hurts you! Sorry” Sehun said

Kai shrugged “I also thought they would have more than 2 arms or something. Nothing tells us in the books about how humans looks like, but there was a humor that a long ago about a human able to come here-“

“You mean there were also humans like me who came here to Exo?” you asked *That human might have been from Neverland*

“Yup. But it was a very very very long time ago, um, when my great-great-grandfather still lived” Suho said

“Was that human able to get out of Exo?” You asked

“I don’t know that human just suddenly disappeared from Exo and was never again seen” Suho said

*That person must have went back to where he came from* “Where was he spotted last?” You asked

You were now standing in the entrance of a big cave

“They said the human went inside here but he never went out anymore, others searched for him inside but couldn’t find him anymore” Suho said

*There must be a door to a portal somewhere in there. I better start looking for Dongho*You thought, “I need your help to look for another human who came with me here in Exo”

“What does he look like?” Sehun asked

Baekhyun made a face, “A two headed human with blue skin and a long tail”

“REALLY!?!” Sehun’s eyes were big as saucers

“No” Baekhyun said and Sehun pouted

“Ok. It might not be that hard to find more humans around here, but it might be a bit hard if they landed somewhere further” Suho said, “But we’ll try”

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Chapter 29: I love the story! I hope u could do more stories like this
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 29: Loved it thank you for making this story
Chapter 29: I love the last part ~ Kevin oppa is silly ... >_<
Chapter 29: This is so cute!!~~ The last part!! I love it~~~
NicLuvGuiLun #5
Chapter 29: Hxbahajcskj althought it was a short story, but it was cute :) ZELO XJSUSIXND
Chapter 29: cute~~!!!! zelo oppa your sooo cute~~!!
dimplegirl_ain98 #8
Chapter 29: Happy ending~ =D
Chapter 29: Yeah you completed! Zelo is so cute. ^^
Chapter 28: Yes yes a portal just in case super junior comes