
Welcome to Neverland: The Land of the Midnight Sun (Sequel)


Back in the real world, Minah just finished her last class and was on her way home. She took out her phone and called her boyfriend, Woo Jiho, aka Zico back in Neverland

“Zico bear?”

“Yeah?” Zico asked through the phone

“Do you think ~~~~ is upset with me because I told her I would be studying for an exam making her not able to visit me?” Minah asked

“I don’t think that is a matter to be mad of” Zico said, “Why do you think about it?”

“~~~~~ should have had called me this morning and during breaktime as she used. She always knows when to call me, but she never called me not once today” Minah said

“Hmmm, I don’t know. Maybe she doesn’t want to disturb you” Zico said

“I told her we can just talk to each other on the phone more than we usually do. That doesn’t mean she shouldn’t stop calling” Minah explained

“That’s my smart princess” Zico said

“Don’t change the topic” Minah snapped

Zico laughed, “Araso, so is the date tonight still on?” He asked

*He has changed the topic* Minah thought, “Yeah. I’m on my way home to get dressed”

“Araso. See you soon” Zico said and hung up.

Minah just arrived home and made her way to her room to get dressed. She opened her closet and began digging through her clothes, *What to wear? What to wear?* She finally pulled out a simple but elegant dress, *This will do* She thought and put it on. After 30 minutes of fixing her hair, she got her keys and went her way to the restaurant she was supposed to meet Zico

She arrived just on time.

“Oh, sorry if I kept you waiting” Minah said

Zico shook his head, “Don’t worry, I just got here” Zico said and held out his arm. Minah locked her arm through his and both of them entered the restaurant.

While waiting for the food to be served, Minah won’t stop checking her phone for any of your calls. Zico noticed, “Something wrong?” He asked

“It’s ~~~~~, she is supposed to be calling right now” Minah said

“Maybe she is busy” Zico said

“She is never busy” Minah said and looked at her phone again, “I wonder if something has happened to her. Maybe her phone got stolen. Nah~ if her phone got stolen she would have called me through the telephone. She knows my number”

“Or maybe she is really upset” Zico suggested

Minah shut him a look

“Or maybe her phone is broken” Zico took his statement back

Minah couldn’t take it anymore, “Nevermind, I’ll call her” She said and dialed your number. It did rang but no one was answering. Minah stopped the call when it reached to voicemail, “She didn’t answer” She said

After the meal, Zico and Minah went to the mall.

While Minah was fitting something inside the fitting room, she felt as if the mirror was turning a big blue, “What the?” She looked at it closer. The hem of her dress touched the mirror and rippled formed. Minah’s eyes widened, “OPPA!!!” She shouted

Zico immediately went into the fitting room, “What? Is there something wrong? You don’t look fat in that dress” Zico said

“It’s not that oppa, look at the mirror” Minah said

Zico turned his attention to the mirror, it hardly reflected anything anymore and was almost completely blue

Then suddenly, a voice was heard, “Minah!!! Minah!!!”

Minah was now scared. She clutched on Zico tightly, “What is that?”

“Minah! Don’t be afraid. It’s me, Kevin, the member of U-kiss from Neverland” the voice said

Minah let go of Zico and went closer to the mirror, “Kevin? Neverland?”

Then, the mirror turned completely blue and the imagine of Kevin came out, “Minah, ~~~~~ needs your help”

“~~~~~?!” Minah asked

“Yeah. ~~~~~ is currently here in Neverland.” Kevin said

“How?” Minah scratched her head, “Isn’t she too old for Neverland?” She asked

“I’ll explain later. Come here immediately!” Kevin said, “We don’t have much time”

Minah nodded, “Can I bring Zico?”

“Sure” Kevin said, “Hurry!”

Minah looked back at Zico. Zico took her hand and both of them went through the portal.

Minah rubbed her aching head and blinked to see herself in a mysterious and unfamiliar land. She saw Zico beside her, “Oppa, where are we?”

Zico looked around, “I don’t think this is Neverland” He said

“This is Neverland. The north side exactly” a voice said behind them. They turned around and saw Dongho and the rest of U-kiss

“What happened here?” Zico asked

Kevin explained everything up to when all of you arrived to the North. Minah and Zico were speechless, they didn’t know such a thing could happen.

“So, we need your help Minah in searching for the next crystal” Kevin said

Minah slowly nodded

“By the way, Minah, how strong is your powers now?” Soohyun asked

Minah took out her hand and thought deeply, a purple ball came out, it was the same as from what she imagined, but after imagine it, she felt nauseous

“Something wrong Minah?” Zico asked

“I feel nauseous” Minah said

“Try to imagine water” Soohyun said

Minah nodded and imagined water, but the more the water came out, the more Minah felt weaker. She stopped when she almost didn’t feel her hand. She grasped her numb hand and massaged it

“Just as I’ve thought.” Soohyun stood up

“What?” Minah asked

“Just like Dongho, you have the same powers as of ~~~~, but you are limited to it” Soohyun explained

“What do you mean?” Minah asked

“Dongho gets these bruises whenever he imagine things perfectly, his blood is loosing it’s color, meaning it might be dangerous for him to use his power. You too are experiencing pain after imagining perfect things. It might be dangerous for you too” Soohyun said

“How about oppa?” Minah looked at Zico

“Try” Soohyun said

Zico tried, but ended up imagining something perfect too, but ended up in pain too.

Soohyun sighed, “So I thought. You three are too old enough for Neverland”

“What about ~~~~~? Doesn’t she get hurt?” Minah asked

Soohyun shook his head, “She looks normal. I guess, that is what you get to be the princess of Neverland” Soohyun said

“Speaking of the princess…” Dongho said

Everyone turned heads to see you coming

You stopped when you saw a girl talking to U-kiss, *Am I seeing things or is that really Minah?* You thought and rubbed your eyes

“~~~~~” Minah’s soft voice ran through your ears. You knew right away it was her.

“MINAH!!” You ran towards her and enveloped her with your hug

“What are you doing here?” You asked

“U-kiss called for me to help you” Minah said

Zico cleared his throat, “Don’t make invisible”

“Hey Jiho” You said and turned back to Minah, “Really? They did?”

“I’m here aren’t I?” Minah said

You laughed

“Hurry up, we need to find the crystal as soon as possible” Minah said

You nodded


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Chapter 29: I love the story! I hope u could do more stories like this
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 29: Loved it thank you for making this story
Chapter 29: I love the last part ~ Kevin oppa is silly ... >_<
Chapter 29: This is so cute!!~~ The last part!! I love it~~~
NicLuvGuiLun #5
Chapter 29: Hxbahajcskj althought it was a short story, but it was cute :) ZELO XJSUSIXND
Chapter 29: cute~~!!!! zelo oppa your sooo cute~~!!
dimplegirl_ain98 #8
Chapter 29: Happy ending~ =D
Chapter 29: Yeah you completed! Zelo is so cute. ^^
Chapter 28: Yes yes a portal just in case super junior comes