I'm Tired

When Do You Realize?


Donghae’s POV

‘Good morning.’ I said hello to every one that I had passed.

‘Eunhyuk-ssi. Would you like some coffee?’ I asked him when we had arrived at his office.

‘Hmm’ Yeah as usual. What is the difficult to say ‘YES’?

I go to pantry and start making his coffee.

‘Hey . What are you doing this morning?’ I heard someone behind me. What the? These women are getting on my nerves.

‘Yah! You don’t have mouth? Can’t you answer my question?’ He pulled my hair and I turned to her.

‘Sorry, I’m not feeling good now, so please don’t make me angry.’ I’m really tired of their treatment.

‘Who do you think you are bastard? You always hang around Mr. Eunhyuk. Di you think you’re good enough to be with him?

No I’m not good for him, at all. But can’t I love someone to?

‘Yes, I’m not good. But I’m better than you are.’ I said to them and turned back.

But suddenly I felt my right hand burning? Is this girl crazy??

‘WHAT ARE YOU DOING?’ I shouted to her and run to the sink.

‘What? Couldn’t you see? I poured hot water to your hand. Enjoy it.’ She left me with her friends and laughed out load.

‘Oh . It’s so red.’ I felt that I wanted to cry. Why is my life so hard to live?

‘Donghae? Are you ok?’ I heard another voice behind me. Kyuhyun? What is he doing here?

‘What are you doing here?’

‘I want to see you.’ He smiled and his eyes captured my hand.

‘WAAAAA! What did happen to you hand?’ He pulled my hand.


‘Ah! Sorry sorry. How can your hand become like this?’

‘I want to make some coffee for Eunhyuk but I accidentally knocked over hot water and finally spilled to my hand.’ I smiled to him.

‘Really? You’re lying right?’

Such a smart here.

‘No, I’m not. Can you help me to take some medicine?’ I asked him to make him forget about his suspicious.

‘Ok. Wait here ok?’

At about 5 minutes later he brought me some medicine.

‘Thank you Kyuhyun. I want to give this coffee. Good bye.’ I patted his head and wanted to get out from the pantry.

‘Donghae hyung. Start loving yourself, start thinking about your happiness. ’ He smiled to me and now his turn to pat my head.

Yes, Kyuhyun is a good guy. He is Hyukjae’s cousin. He often comes here. He is CEO of ELF group, the largest supermarket in Korea. Like Hyukjae, like Kyuhyun, such a rich people but really have opposite characteristic.


‘Excuse me.’ I knocked Hyukjae’s office.

‘What do bring you so long?’ He asked me when his eyes still in his laptop.

‘Some accident.’

He lifted his head and saw my hand. But of course Lee Hyukjae, he will not ask why my hand became like this. He just nodded and looked his laptop again.

‘You can go out.’

‘Yes sir.’ I get out from his office and start working.

I don’t know how much time I have passed, but now I’m really hungry. Suddenly my phone is ringing. Kyuhyun?

‘Donghae hyung! Do you want to take lunch with me?’

When I want to say yes, Hyukjae came out from his office.

‘Who?’ He asked me.

‘Kyuhyun. He asked me to have lunch together.

He looked me with his sharp eyes. Sometimes I didn’t know what he was thinking.

‘Do you want to go then?’ He asked me, but time by time his face turned darker.

‘Ye..Yess.’ I shuttered because he was scary.

‘No. You can’t.’

‘Why?’ What’s wrong with me taking lunch with Kyuhyun.’

He lifted my chin and said ‘When I said no it means no.’

‘Sorry I can’t Kyu. I have so many tasks to do. Maybe next time?’

‘Oh ok. Don’t worry. You want me bring some food to you?’ He asked me.

‘Don’t worry Kyu. I will eat by myself. Thank you for your offer…’ When I wanted to say something to him, Hyukjae took my phone and presses at his ear.

‘Ok. Don’t forget to eat. I don’t want you to be sick. I will bring some breakfast to you tomorrow ok? Bye Donghae.’

‘So? What is the kind of relationship you have with him? Do you seduce him? I know you’re not a rich people. So maybe you want to change your fate and become a rich people by marrying him?’ He asked me with his monotone tone straight to my eyes.

Oh. So, that’s his opinion about me. Yes, just great.

‘He is my friend.’ I said without looking his eyes

‘Friend? Which friend that really worry when his friend doesn’t eat? Which friend that want to come far from his office to this office just to give some breakfast? Which…

‘Me.’ I cut him.


‘What you had said before, I always did that before. I always make breakfast for you. I‘m worry when you don’t eat. Will he be sick? Will he be hungry? I always take care of you. I always do whatever you want. But you never pay attention to that.’

I leaved him. I didn’t want to cry in front of him.

He pulled my hand.

‘Aww!’ He accidentally pulled my hand which is injured.

‘What?’ He only stared me.

‘My hand is hurt.’

He looked my hand and released it. But he didn’t say sorry at all.

‘What do you mean?’


‘Something that you said before.’

I just smiled and turned my head to him.

‘What if someday I suddenly disappeared from you and will never come back again?’


‘Just answer. Because I’m tired.’ I smiled to him. Really tired smile.

‘Tired? Why?’

‘You make me tired Hyukjae.’

With that word I leaved him. I want to think back. Do I have to forget my 20 years love for him?




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HanBaram #1
Chapter 13: Uhuhuhuhuhu
monniefish #2
Aissshh unnie seriously, when will you update the stories?!
I'm getting impatient here!
Chapter 13: Omg my eunhae feels TT_________TT
Chapter 13: Finally Hae is awake.
I hope Hyuk will learned from his mistakes and fill Hae with love.
Chapter 13: I'm glad that Hae is awake now.. :') But I feel bad for Hyuk, but yeah, I guess we can call it as a punishment for him.. Hyuk just has to give Hae lots of love that Hae will recover faster.. But I'm happy that Hyuk is willing to give Hae love, kindness and warmness. And I think that's important now.
Hope you'll update soon. :)
Chapter 13: omg poor hae bb ><
naznew #7
Chapter 13: omo...i pity with donghae but that is punishment for hyukjae..
kewanalynne #8
Chapter 13: it seems that even though they were given a second chance to be together they still have like karma sort of. I'm glad Hyuk can show his love but i feel bad that there is a chance that when Hae gets his memories back they will split. :(
missHH #9
Chapter 13: Hyuk, u have to be patient and love Hae much much more.....then Hae will realize that u really luv him...(*_^)