Sharing a room!

Sweet Protection

This is a double update! Go read the previous chapter if you haven't read it yet ^^


"Calm down , Hyukjae.." Donghae said worriedly as he looked at the figure who was gasping for air. He didn't know claustrophobic could be this serious but it was because of the asthma the younger has. Zhoumi then appeared with an inhaler in his hands. "Is this it?" The older nodded and the taller quickly rushed towards their direction. 

He handed the younger the inhaler and he hastily it and calmed down a little. The third time he , he was fully calmed and the other two sighed in relief. The younger's room was a mess by now because of Zhoumi's searching. Hyukjae gave them a smile. "Hyukjae has claustrophobic so try not to invade his personal space.." Donghae warned and the taller nodded obediently.

Donghae suddenly back-hugged the younger and seeing the boy's confused face he smiled inside. At least Hyukjae is comfortable enough for him to make skin ship. Zhoumi pouted in jealousy. "It's not fair! He's not having an attack when it's you who's hugging him!" He childishly exclaimed as the older made a 'mehrong' face.

"Since he's more comfortable with me , we'll share a room while you go fix yourself in my room.. Just don't mess it up arasso?" The older said and the taller just nodded sulkily while walking towards the older's room. The younger was about to clean his room up when the older stopped him. 

"It's okay.. Just relax first while I clean the room okay?" The younger refused for a while but then realized how exhaustion crept onto him and decided to just relax. He then realize about his already cooked pancakes and went into the kitchen to put them on plates but was stopped by Zhoumi.

"Mimi hyung...?" He confusedly called as the taller took the spatula from him and instead put the pancakes on the plate. "I can do it on my own.." He said as he tried to convince the taller to make him take over but the other refused. "Nope.. A princess should be treated like one. Now , seat on the dining table and wait for me.." The blond pouted but just complied to it.

"I'm not a girl though.." He mumbled though the taller heard it. "Being a princess doesn't have to be a girl.. You're a prefect candidate to be one but the queens are too jealous of your beauty so that's why they didn't crown you.." "Really?" Hyukjae eyes sparkled at the mention but then he pouted.

"Is Hae hyung a prince?" He asked and the taller hummed in confusion. "A princess has to get married to a prince right?" Zhoumi nodded and seconds later he caught it. 'Donghae , a prince? Don't make me laugh..' He thought but just nodded to Hyukjae who was looking at him with his innocent big round eyes.

Breakfast was spent in a cheery atmosphere since Zhoumi is there and he's been cutting the pancake for the younger and Hyukjae would pout but ate it as the taller feed him. Unknown to Hyukjae , a certain someone was feeling jealous at the scene in front of him but decided not to interrupt as he has no right to do so.

He glared at his pancake because he cannot make his jealousy that obvious and the younger looked at him worriedly. "Why are you staring at the pancake like that Hae hyung? Is it not delicious?" He asked and the older quickly shook his head and stuffed half of the pancake into his mouth. 

"It's really delicious!" He said and the younger looked at him confusedly. "I was daydreaming earlier hehe.." He continued awkwardly and began to eat slowly. After they ate breakfast , Donghae tucked Hyukjae into his bed and went to the living room once the younger has went to dreamland.

"Were you this caring?" Zhoumi asked quietly as he watched the television. "Hmm? What are you talking?" Donghae asked back. "Well , you used to be this cold person that I thought wouldn't even care if someone died in front of you but then you're so kind to Hyukjae.. Why? Is he special to you?"

Donghae sighed. "I don't know.. Maybe , I'm not that heartless.." Though , Zhoumi gave him a doubtful look. "So.. What do I need to be aware of while I'm around Hyukjae?" He asked and the older thought for a while before he got an idea that made him smirk. "I don't feel like it's something good.." The taller said , shivering.

"Well , it's not that bad.. I just need you to.." He said and handed the taller the book Siwon gave to him. "read this.." The taller repeated the last two words in confusion and he just nodded. The taller opened the book from whatever page but instantly handed him back the book , which made the older confused before turning to look what was written on the page. 

  • Do NOT give anyone except you to read this book.

Donghae gulped nervously. Does Siwon has eyes everywhere?! The book is seriously creeping him out. He closed the book and leaned into the cushion and sighed loudly. "Say , I only realized this recently.. You don't really smile do you?" Zhoumi asked and the older thought about the question. Has he ever smiled while having this damaged life?

Recently he has , because the innocent blond has been around him with his happy-go-lucky personality. "What are you planning to do when Siwon ends the mafia group?" He asked when he decided to change the subject. The taller thought for a while. "I don't even know.. I can just work at a cafe or something.. You?"

"I also don't know. Maybe Hyukjae's bodyguard?" "You seem to like that Hyukjae kid.." The older widened his eyes at the sentence and looked at the taller in disbelief. "What? I'm just stating what I see!" The taller protested before a pillow was thrown at his face. "Yah! What was that for?!" "Aish! Keep it down! Hyukjae's sleeping!" 

The older said as he glanced at the door of the younger's bedroom. "Aww~ Uri Donghae is worrying about an angel~" The taller teased. "What? Angel? Who?" He asked confusedly and the taller looked at him lamely. "Hyukjae is the angel!" "Why do you think so?" He asked yet again.

"Well , who wouldn't thought so if he found a blond petite boy with milky white skin being hugged by the waist while sleeping? He looks like an angel! It's a pity I didn't take a picture of it.." The taller ended the sentence with a pout. The rest of the day was spent with Hyukjae and Zhoumi playing around while Donghae looked after the blond.

And as he said , he'll be sharing a room with the blond. "Hae hyung are you asleep?" He heard the younger asked as they lay side-by-side. "Not yet.. You should sleep soon." "Yeah , I feel sleepy.." The younger replied sleepily and it was Donghae's turn to ask. "Are you sleeping yet?" "Nooo... I need something warm.."

He could feel Hyukjae's pout judging from the way the younger's whined. "Is your teddy bear not enough?" "Nope.." He chuckled and patted the space beside him. "Come here.." The younger roll himself towards the space beside him and snuggled into the older's chest. "You're warmer than Wonnie hyung.."

Wonnie hyung? Ah , Siwon. "You also sleep with your hyung like this?" "Yup! Cause he's warm and would always caress my hair until I fall asleep.." He could pictured how the younger was smiling because of his happy voice. "What else does he do besides that?" The older asked and the younger thought for a while.

"Hmm.. He would kiss my forehead , telling me goodnight , hug me by the waist and sniff my hair.. It tickles! Sometimes he would talk about what he was going to do tomorrow and sometimes advice me to study well.." It was hard for Donghae to believe that Siwon was doing all of that because he was used to the cold one. He guessed he didn't know much of his friend. 

He then tried to imitate what the younger has said and the younger wasn't even protesting. He was about to ask whether he was sleeping or not when he heard the younger's calm breathing. 'Guess I should do this more often..' He thought to himself and smiled in the dark with no eyes to watch how the lips curved upwards.


2 February 1999.

Happy Birthday to me!

Happy birthday to me!

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to

~ ♥ Shin Ha Ni ♥ ~

Guys! I'm 14 already! /still sad/ I dun wanna be old!! T^T But oh well! Happy birthday to me~! I made a double update just because of it.. Hope you guys enjoyed it! (I put in a lot of effort in writing it!) And Donghae just smiled! Congrats! *applause* The next update is maybe late because I spent too much time writing these two chapters so please bare with me? ^^ I also hope my subscribers increase!!  ♥ ♥  

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/sobs/ I dun wanna leave you guys! TT,TT


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Digging all my aff and found this again, its funny how hae take care of hyukjae, although im not finished thisnl stories but the comment all nice
Thank you
wanieyrin #2
Chapter 15: ^_^... your story is wonderful.. no though and a happy ending.. happy reading it..thank you...
Chapter 15: errrrrrr well ... i dont like idea hyuk being so girlish but since it's happy ending then given laa lol
Han-hyunWoo-Eunhae #4
Chapter 15: Awww the ending is so cute ♥ .
Thanks for this beautiful story ^_^ , really had fun while reading it .
Reezuu608 #5
Chapter 5: Aw, this is seems like the devil (Donghae) turning into angel. How sweet~ :3
Prince Donghae & princess Hyukjae.
Reezuu608 #6
Chapter 3: So many rule on that book, I'm scared that Donghae would making mistake anymore.
Reezuu608 #7
Chapter 2: Aw, this cutie pie!? Sounds soooo good ^^
Hyukjae is kindergarten student, not 18 years old boy. kkkk.
omg just found this fic and from the foreword, it's already tempting me to read !
Eunhyukkie sounds so cute hehe ~