This kid aish

Sweet Protection

Days have passed for Donghae to actually believe that Hyukjae can stay alone at home - he said he was always at home. The blond hummed a song as he washes the dishes with the television sound in the background since he'll feel lonely without it. He thought about dinner and decided he should just cook chicken soup and other side dishes. 

He wore the apron and prepared the ingredients. He then bent down to take the pot from under the stove and heard a cough from behind. The blond turned around to be greeted by Donghae and smiled. "Dinner will be ready in 40 minutes or so.." The older just nodded as he proceeded to the living room and threw himself on the couch. 

'How can he bent himself like that?! Stop , you dirty mind..' He mentally said to himself and sighed. He just decreased his drug-dealing and his clients protests was a huge wave , crashing into him but he succeeded in persuading them that there are other drug-dealers. Siwon had called from time to time to check on Hyukjae and whenever he would , they will  talk for hours.

The last time his friend had called , the blond fell asleep with the phone in his grasp and when Donghae picked it up , Siwon began talking about his progress overseas. "A letter calling Hyukjae to university should arrive this week so make sure you check your mailbox everyday." Siwon had told him and he did as he was ordered.

The apartment would be lonely at day time , he thought. Then , a delicious scent of food crept into his nostrils and he walked to the kitchen because his stomach has been grumbling for him to eat. The blond cooks well and he even think he's getting fatter - which he is and bodybuilding is the only solution.

While waiting for the blond to finish cooking , he opened the refrigerator to get some drinks and saw that there was barely nothing in it. 'Let's just go grocery shopping after this..' He thought and took out a mineral bottle. The blond then prepared the table and they ate with the sound of television in the background.

"Hmm.. Carrot - check , cucumber - check , tomato - check.." The blond mumbled as he tick the long list in his hands. Donghae looked around for suspicious people but didn't find any , so he just shrugged and push the trolley wherever the blond goes but then he saw seafood. Freaking seafood!! 

He nearly drooled and quickly ran to it. The blond then noticed the unoccupied space behind the trolley and raised an eyebrow in confusion. He saw the older was facing something. He walked towards him and look over the older's shoulder only to retreat and control himself from vomiting.

Donghae made a confused face when Hyukjae covered one of his hand over his mouth and had his eyes shut tightly. "Are you okay?" He asked as he got near the blond and the younger shook his head , though it wasn't very convincing to the older. "Don't tell me.. You're allergic to seafood?" It took a while for the younger to answer but soon he saw a nod. 

The older mentally slapped himself. How could he be so careless? 'It your fault for not reading that book!' He heard a voice scolding in his mind and it was scarily familiar to Siwon's voice. He's not here is he? He looked around and sighed in relief before guiding the younger to a place far away from the seafood section.

It took minutes for the younger to calm down and even when he did , his face was as pale as snow. Everyone around them was looking at Donghae as if he did something wrong - which he did , but almighty Donghae wouldn't want to admit it - and he would glare lightly at them , telling them to silently off - which they gladly did.

He groaned to himself. He then squatted down so that he was the same level as the younger that was currently sitting. "I'll finish shopping , wait here okay?" The younger nodded , hugging his teddy bear tightly to his chest. The older then gave the younger a bottle of mineral water and took the list that needed to be bought.

He took as less time as he can to shop and went looking for the younger when he paid the grocery. He saw the younger staring intently at a candy shop. He had his eyes on jelly beans and he ran to the older when he saw him. "Donghae hyung , come here come here!" The younger said excitedly as he dragged the older.

He pointed to the jelly beans behind the glass. "Hyung , jelly beans can grow into a big tree that reaches the sky if we plant it right?"  The older laughed mentally. Who taught someone as old as 18 still believe in that? Though , the older just nodded. The younger's eyes sparkled. "Should we plant some?"

"It will take a really long time for it to grow.." The older said to avoid spending money too much. The younger pouted. "But in the story it grows instantly!" The older sighed mentally. What should he do in this situation? Maybe Siwon had mentioned it in the book and he hadn't reached that page yet. Yeah , maybe that.

"Umm , I'll think of it okay?" The younger pouted at him but clutched his shirt as they walked towards the older's car - since both of Donghae's hand was full of plastic bags from the grocery. Suddenly , the younger stopped walking , making the older confused and turned to look at the other. "What is it?"

"Hae hyung didn't bought the seafood right?" The older shook his head and the younger smiled. "Alright then.. Cause I won't be cooking them.." He said and walked in front of the older happily. The older shook his head sadly. Guess he can't eat his seafood while the boy is around.

He told the younger to check the mailbox when they were at the lobby of the apartment and there was a brown envelope. "Let's just open it when we're in the apartment okay?" The younger complied to it. Once the door was locked , Hyukjae quickly opened the envelope out of curiosity and squealed when he read what was written.

Dear Lee Hyukjae , 

This is a confirmation letter that you will be studying in Seoul's National University. Please come by next week's Monday for registration. Thank you for you cooperation. 

Seoul's University Office.

"They accepted me!!" The younger exclaimed excitedly and jumped on the older , causing the grocery bags to fall down but he couldn't care less. He was just too happy to accept the news. "I have to inform hyung!" The younger said but then pouted. "Why?" The older asked at the sudden change in mood.

"Calling overseas would cost a lot.." "Then , let's wait for your hyung to call okay?" The younger nodded happily and carried a plastic of grocery to arrange it - not without swaying around as it was heavy and in the end the older carried it. Donghae groaned mentally. Now that Hyukjae is going to a university , he would have to go with him too to keep an eye on the blonde.

The older didn't even know how the blond manage to survive high school with his innocence sticking to him. Siwon must be a hell of a brother. "I want a phone.." He heard the younger mumble by himself. "But hyung is busy and a phone is expensive.." He thought about suggesting Siwon to buy a phone for the younger as he was going to university soon and calls would help a lot.

That night , Siwon called and all Hyukjae talked about was that he got accepted in Seoul's International University and when the younger fell asleep , Donghae had suggested to his friend to buy a phone for the younger and the other said he would send it. His friend had also said to him to just send him and take him back from school. 

Donghae asked whether it was okay or not to let the younger by himself and Siwon said he has a friend named Heechul - who is also his lover - taking care of Hyukjae when he's in school. He asked about the younger's allergic and his friend scolded him for not reading the book and he had to hold the phone away from his ear because of it.

"Alright alright! I'll read it after so stop talking!" He whined and there was a judgment moment before Siwon said okay and he'll kill him if he made more mistake - which actually scared Donghae. The bid goodbye and as he promised , he opened the book from whatever page and began reading.

  • Do not tell him that his childhood stories is not true because he'll give you a cold shoulder.
  • Do NOT feed him seafood , he's allergic to it.
  • If he doesn't want to do something , just say you'll treat him strawberry sweets and he'll comply.
  • He has a sweet tooth so be sure to take him to a dentist if his teeth start hurting.
  • He is afraid of thunder so if that happens , tuck him into bed and lay beside him until he falls asleep. 

He then placed the book aside because he felt sleepy. "I'll just read this tomorrow.." He said as he yawned and carried the younger who was sleeping on the couch to his room. After tucking him , he went to his room and threw himself on the bed.


Yay! Finished! This chapter is longer than I intended to do ^^' And sorry for not updating last week.. My stomach ache terribly and I felt as if I could die (and it was 2:40 am on top of that) the feeling is like something is clenching your stomach from inside. TT^TT The next chapter , a visitor will barge into Donghae's apartment! Guess who? (you don't get anything in return if you're wondering haha cause I cannot promise updates for now)

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/sobs/ I dun wanna leave you guys! TT,TT


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Digging all my aff and found this again, its funny how hae take care of hyukjae, although im not finished thisnl stories but the comment all nice
Thank you
wanieyrin #2
Chapter 15: ^_^... your story is wonderful.. no though and a happy ending.. happy reading it..thank you...
Chapter 15: errrrrrr well ... i dont like idea hyuk being so girlish but since it's happy ending then given laa lol
Han-hyunWoo-Eunhae #4
Chapter 15: Awww the ending is so cute ♥ .
Thanks for this beautiful story ^_^ , really had fun while reading it .
Reezuu608 #5
Chapter 5: Aw, this is seems like the devil (Donghae) turning into angel. How sweet~ :3
Prince Donghae & princess Hyukjae.
Reezuu608 #6
Chapter 3: So many rule on that book, I'm scared that Donghae would making mistake anymore.
Reezuu608 #7
Chapter 2: Aw, this cutie pie!? Sounds soooo good ^^
Hyukjae is kindergarten student, not 18 years old boy. kkkk.
omg just found this fic and from the foreword, it's already tempting me to read !
Eunhyukkie sounds so cute hehe ~