


“Oh my. I am absolutely famished.” Haejin muttered as she stepped into the restaurant.

The heavenly smell of samgyupsal and kimchi drifted around the restaurant. The smell engulfed the whole restaurant and Haejin felt her stomach growl as her sensitive nose caught a whiff of the roasting samgyupsal.

Hanna’s eyes scanned around the area and she spotted a familiar back view.

“Jiho Oppa!” she exclaimed and ran towards the direction of Zico. The rest of Block B (excluding Zico of course) and Haejin followed behind Hanna.

“Guess who?~” Hanna covered Zico’s eyes and giggled.

Zico froze at the sudden loss of sight. “Yah Kang Hanna. You’re the only one childish enough to play such games with me.” Zico regained his composure and grinned.

“Smart .” Hanna laughed as she removed her hands and sat down on the seat beside Zico. The rest that were behind Hanna filled up the rest of seats and dug in almost immediately to the food served on the table.

“You must be Hanna.” A voice spoke. Hanna looked up and gasped as she saw who the voice belonged to.  “Nice to meet you. I’m Hwayoung, Zico’s girlfriend. Let’s get along well in future.”  Hwayoung smiled as she held her hand out towards Hanna.

“Err Hi Hwayoung.” Hanna awkwardly shook Hwayoung’s hand. *Oh what was I thinking when I ran over to Zico and covered his eyes. His girlfriend was right in front.* Hanna cursed inwardly at her dumb actions and smiled awkwardly at Hwayoung.

 “I see both of you are really close.” Hwayoung spoke up as she placed some of the freshly cooked samgyupsal onto Hanna’s plate.

Zico grinned sheepishly and pat Hanna on the head. “We’re childhood friends.”

Hanna just continued to stare at Hwayoung with the awkward smile plastered onto her face. She just didn’t know how to react in front of her best friend’s girlfriend. It felt outrageously weird when Hwayoung was nice to her. She also felt Hwayoung’s smile to be a little sinister as though it carried a hidden message and Hwayoung’s words seemed to be laced with jealousy. *I must be thinking too much.* Hanna brushed the thought aside and stuffed with freshly cooked samgyupsal.

Park Kyung noticed the awkward expression on Hanna’s face and tried to break the awkward atmosphere. “The rest of the guys haven’t introduced themselves yet except for Jaehyo right. Let us all introduce ourselves formally and get to know each other better!”

“Ahh yes.” Hanna nodded furiously as she wanted to break out of the conversation with Hwayoung as soon as possible. She threw Kyung a thankful smile and Kyung mouthed out, “You owe me one.”


Haejin was too busy stuffing herself with food to notice anyone. It was such a long time since she ate samgyupsal and kimchi. She let out a satisfying burp before she noticed that everyone’s eyes were on her. She held her hands up to and her face flushed bright pink. “ I… Oops Sorry about that.” She chuckled awkwardly. *Ruined image. Now all they’ll ever think of me is a burping pig.* Haejin sighed.

“Were you too busy stuffing yourself to notice that we were doing introductions? Kim Haejin can you pay attention and not be such a pig.” Park Kyung sneered.

“Shut up Kyung. You were the one that said you’re going to treat so shouldn’t I eat to my heart’s fill. After all, you rarely give treats being such the stingy miser you have always been.” Haejin shot back. The rest of Block B sniggered as they heard Haejin’s snide remark about Park Kyung.

Park Kyung glared at Haejin as Haejin stuck her tongue out playfully at him.

“You two haven’t changed one bit.” Hanna laughed. “Now let us get on with the introductions. Haejin, please go on.”

“Annyeonghaseyo Haejin imnida. I’m 18 this year so all of you all are my oppas, right?” Haejin grinned and looked at the rest of the Block B guys.

“Yess!” a deep voice boomed. “Finally we have a dongsaeng. I am getting sick calling all the females around me noona.”

“Aww our Jihoonie is growing up isn’t he.” Zico affectionately rubbed the back of P.O’s shoulder.

“Not as grown up as you, hyung. You have a girlfriend now.” Jihoon’s deep voice spoke.

Zico merely blushed as he looked at Hwayoung.

“I guess now that you have a girlfriend you wouldn’t need a best friend anymore huh Jiho oppa.” Hanna teased. “You weren’t even there to welcome us when we came back. I guess only Kyung treats me as a best friend.” Hanna tried to hold in her giggle as she continued to tease Zico.

“Be thankful we came early to book this table or else you guys wouldn’t have a place for dinner. This restaurant is really popular okay.” Zico poked Hanna’s forehead and grinned.

Hanna laughed and pinched Zico’s nose. “I was just joking.”

*This does not feel good. They are too close.* Hwayoung scowled at the teasing between Hanna and Zico and glared at Hanna.

Hanna felt someone’s glare and turned in that direction. Hwayoung’s glare immediately transformed into a heartwarming smile as she poured Hanna a drink. *What was that? I thought I felt someone glaring daggers at me.* Hanna worriedly thought. *I must be imagining things again.* Hanna frowned as she shook the thought off her mind.

Haejin frowned. She saw how Hwayoung was glaring at Hanna before giving her the most heartwarming smile ever. She was shocked as to how a person could change so quickly like that. *It seems like Zico got himself a double faced girl.* She sighed.


For those who arent sure, Samgyupsal is Korean roasted pork belly! Its awesomely great! Mouthwatering in fact ;D 

Hmm Zico doesn't seem to have extraordinary feelings for Hanna yet~ I guess it'll be too fast right. They just met after 2 long years! 

Oh yes finally another of my snail updates! School term is starting so I'm really worried I wouldn't be able to update as often. (Okay maybe not as fast *ahem* as my current updates.) Feeling really vexed about starting school now. D: I think I enjoyed my holidays way too much. 

Yay I tried changing the text colors and fonts to make my story less boring. I am photoshop dumb so no poster ): I know about those poster request shops but I'm not sure how do I go about requesting. *Sigh* And there comes the problem of quality. Anyway I'll figure something out and hopefully a poster comes along pretty soon! ^^

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solhee #1
Chapter 14: ^3^ update again soon~
Chapter 8: Ooooooh~ Hanna and Minhyuk~
Chapter 8: LJKHLJAFN Hanna and Minhyuk ayeeee *wiggles eyebrows*
Chapter 7: Ugh Hwayoung needs to stop omg.
Chapter 3: I love this story. ^-^