The First Meeting


Days passed. Weeks passed.

Hanna didn't want to make friends. She was angry at the children around her. Why weren't they sad that their parents left them but playing happily like there was no tomorrow at the playground. She sat at a corner of the playground and stared at the smiling faces of the children playing around her and scowled. Hanna was having a hard time accepting the fact that her parents were gone forever and hated the rest of the children for being happy. 

Whenever someone walked up to her and tried to make friends with her she ignored them. Other children also disliked her as they thought she was antisocial and cocky about herself. They didn't know she cried herself to sleep every night and suffered from nightmares about the accident she was involved in with her parents. She thought every single day that she should have left the world together with her parents and it was a mistake that she survived from the car accident.


It was another sleepless night as Hanna went through another recurring nightmare of the car accident. She jerked up with tears in her eyes and the cries of her parents still ringing in her ears. * I can't sleep. Maybe I should go for a walk.*

She crept out of her room and tiptoed along the corridors, making her way to the garden located at the back of the orphanage where her favourite swing was located. She had spent almost a month at the orphanage and finally found her favourite hideout, the garden with the swing. It was very unlikely that anyone would interupt her there as there were lots of stories how that particular garden was haunted by a headless ghost that would chop your head off when it sees anyone loitering around. The untrimmed brambles and shrubs also added to the eerie atmosphere that discouraged anyone from loitering around.

When she reached the garden, she was surprised to see a boy that looked older than her swinging on the swing. *This is my hideout* Hanna frowned and walked towards the boy.

"What are you doing here?" Hanna asked him. The boy spun round and looked at Hanna with fear darting in his eyes. The glint of fear slowly faded to nothing when he realised it was just a girl and not the headless ghost he feared to meet. 

"I..I.. was swinging this swing..." he stuttered. 

A light chuckling was heard among the shrubs as Hanna and the boy turned to look at where the chuckling was heard. 

" Wha..What's tha..that?" Hanna managed to utter as she was shocked at the sudden chuckling.

"Kyungie, Is..Is that you?" the boy's voice turned shaky.

" BOOO!" shouted a black figure that jumped out from behind the shrubs.

Hanna was so shocked that she fell backwards on her bum and the boy fell off the swing.

"OUCH!" both Hanna and the boy chorused.

In the moonlight, the black figure turned out to be another boy wearing a dark shirt and spectacles. He grinned and pointed to Hanna and the boy and started clutching his stomach laughing. 

* AND WHO IS THIS?* Hanna thought angrily as she stood up and clutched her badly aching bum.

" Kyung! You evil little... So you dared me to sit on the swing so you could scare me huh! You'll regret this!" the boy threatened. He stood up but fell down almost immediately holding onto his knee. He gasped as he saw how badly grazed his knee was under the faint moonlight. 

The boy called Kyung seemed to have noticed his friend was hurt and hurried over. "Jiho.. Kwenchana?" He asked worriedly.

Jiho shook his head as he held onto Kyung's shoulder. " Painful..." he yelped.

Hanna walked over and gasped. She remembered how painful it was when she first grazed her knee. " Quick.. We need to wash his knee." Hanna said as she remembered the measures her mother took when she first grazed her knee. Kyung helped Jiho to walk towards the bathroom as Hanna crept to the kitchen and grabbed the first aid kit that was on the kitchen counter.

Hanna skillfully disinfected and  wrapped up Jiho's grazed knee. "Done." She said proudly as her eyes glimmered with satisfaction. Kyung and Jiho looked at Hanna in amazement as they admired how nicely bandaged Jiho's knee was. " Its not as painful as before.." Jiho muttered. 

"Wow how did you know how to bandage wounds? You're still so young..." Kyung asked. 

"My mother taught me." Hanna said proudly. " My mother..." Hanna's voice faded to a whisper as her eyes brimmed with tears. She hurriedly walked away as she didn't want to let other people see her sadness.

" Hey! Where are you going!" Kyung tried to whisper as loudly as possible, trying very hard not to raise his voice and wake the people sleeping.

*Is she crying?* Jiho thought as he looked at her silhouette that was getting further and further away along the long corridor.


Yay second chapter! In the same day! :D Hahaha i think I'll have to write the next chapter also on their stay in the orphange.

Internet is really choppy so whenever I upload chapters I have to cross my fingers and hope that it gets uploaded and my hard work does not disappear! * CROSSES FINGERS REALLLY TIGHTLY*


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solhee #1
Chapter 14: ^3^ update again soon~
Chapter 8: Ooooooh~ Hanna and Minhyuk~
Chapter 8: LJKHLJAFN Hanna and Minhyuk ayeeee *wiggles eyebrows*
Chapter 7: Ugh Hwayoung needs to stop omg.
Chapter 3: I love this story. ^-^