

The last thing Hanna remembered was a blinding white light shining at her face coupled with the screaming and shouting of her parents. 

The ambulance came. Blood was everywhere. 


The next thing she knew she was sent to an orphanage. Everything then seemed surreal. She did not understand why she was put in this mysterious place. She had to sleep without listening to her mother's lullaby and when she woke up and went out of her room what greeted her was not the tall broad figure of her father but an empty grey dining hall filled with the noisy chatter of little children. 

Her stomach growled with hunger. She could notice the strong smell of her favourite maple pancakes in the air. She walked towards the long table in the large dining hall and called out, "Mummy, I'm hungry!" The children that heard her looked in her direction, surprised that the little girl before their eyes had called out one of their taboo words, Mummy. 

Tears rolled down her rosy cheeks as she started searching the large dining hall for the familiar silhouette of her mother. *Mummy, Where are you? Hanna is scared.* 

Two warm hands suddenly wrapped itself around Hanna's body and Hanna was lifted off the ground. *Mummy, is that you?* Hanna turned around. However, it wasnt her mother she saw but the warm smiling face of a middle aged lady.

"Hanna, Do you want breakfast?" the lady asked kindly. Hanna nodded. *Who is she? Where is Daddy and Mummy?*

" Where's Mummy and Daddy?" Hanna asked between sniffs and wiped the tears away from her face.

The warm smiling expression of the lady seemed to dull a little as she replied, "Hanna, Mummy and Daddy have gone to a better place."

"Why didn't Mummy and Daddy bring me there?" Hanna asked innocently as she stared at the lady with her round brown eyes.

"They cannot bring you there, do you understand Hanna dear. They left you here with me so I can look after you." The lady replied as kindly as possible.

"Are they coming back for me?" Hanna asked. The lady did not answer Hanna's questioned but hugged Hanna tightly as a sympathetic tear rolled down her cheek.


Hey so this is the first chapter :D The next chapter will also be on the events in the orphanage and Kyung and Zico will be appearing next YAY! 



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solhee #1
Chapter 14: ^3^ update again soon~
Chapter 8: Ooooooh~ Hanna and Minhyuk~
Chapter 8: LJKHLJAFN Hanna and Minhyuk ayeeee *wiggles eyebrows*
Chapter 7: Ugh Hwayoung needs to stop omg.
Chapter 3: I love this story. ^-^