
End of the World


The town they were going to would take about half an hour to fly there. The scientist was asking them all kinds of questions that seemed very irrelevant to the situation. “Have you had any unknown sickness in the past month?” Taemin thought about it for a minute. He didn't think there was anything wrong.


“We both got a cold two weeks ago, but it wasn't anything bad.” Key said looking at Taemin for reassurance. That day they stayed home from work and cuddled in bed for hours. Even though they were sick he wished he could go back to that day. Before the destruction of the town, before they lost everything they had. It was a good thing they were okay, but Key couldn't help worrying about what would happen next.

They arrived to their destination and were brought inside. The doctor offered them food and drinks before they would start the testing.
“It may be a long process” Minho said while typing something on his computer.


“As long as we aren't separated you can take as long as you need.” Taemin said holding Key's hand tighter.

“That wont be a problem, don't worry.” Minho smiling at them to let them know everything would be okay. “Come this way and we will get started.” The two boys walked over to the chairs that were side by side. “Now, I'm going to give you a bit of gas so you wont feel a thing, you must be exhausted anyways. I am just going to take some blood and a very small skin sample.”


The boys nodded while sitting down and waiting for the next instruction. Minho put a mask over both of their faces, they turned to each other and whispered “I love you.” just in time for them to pass out.


When Taemin woke up it took him a minute to remember what had gone on. He shot up out of the bed, not knowing how he got there. He was relieved to see Key lying on the bed next to him still sleeping. “Hyung.” Taemin said shaking Key lightly to wake him up. Key didn't wake up, he just lied there perfectly still. Taemin was starting to worry. “Bummie wake up!” He said shaking the older harder.

“Yah! What is it Taeminnie? What's wrong?” Key said reaching out for him. Taemin didn't say anything he just waited for Key to remember. “OMO! What happened? Where are we? Where did Minho go?” Key said all in one breath.

Before Taemin could say anything the door opened and Minho walked in followed by an exhausted Chief Jonghyun. Minho casually walked up and sat with the boys on the bed. “So the results of the test have come in. I'm terribly sorry to inform you but some of the virus has affected you. Not enough to turn you into a zombie or to be contagious, but you might experience some weird things. There are a few other people that this happened to, they are all together at an enclosed area where we keep an eye on them to make sure the effects don't get worse.”


“Where is this place? Will we have to go there?” Key said hoping they could leave and find a new home.


“Unfortunately you will have to, for your safety and the safety of others. It is just at the top of the mountain. Its a school that was abandoned. You two will have your own room and you will have to do tests once a week.”

“When do we leave?” Taemin asked. As long as Key was by his side he could make it through anything.

“We leave in ten minutes. We will stop and get you some clothes and toiletries on our way. Meet me at the front door when you are ready.

At the school

The boys walked in not sure what to expect. It was beautiful, made of old gray stone, with winding vines. It almost looked like a castle. Key smiled at Taemin before pulling him inside. Once inside the boys were directed to their room and told to meet the “headmaster” in ten minutes in his office.


“It is actually quite beautiful.” Key said as he put down his bag in front of the dresser.


“Not as beautiful as you Bummie.” Taemin said giggling.


“Why are you so cheesy?” Key asked as he laughed and quickly pecked his lovers lips. “Let's go.” Key said smiling widely. Taemin followed Key still giggling down the hallway.


The boys noticed on their way that the halls were completely empty. Not that they knew what time it was. They made it to the headmaster's office and went in hand in hand.

“Welcome.” Said a smooth voice. The boys looked up to see a man sitting behind a desk in a expensive looking suit. “I am headmaster Leeteuk, its very nice to meet you too. A mind reader and a flier, this will make for an interesting pair.

“A what?” The boys said together as they looked at the man in shock.


A/N - See I am getting better, just as i promised! 
Please Comment and subsribe! Love you all! ~ <3

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YoTaRe #1
Chapter 12: Life first, then fanfics! ^-^
Good luck with everything!
YoTaRe #2
Chapter 10: Oh, please more!! This is one of my favorite stories and I was heartbroken when you didn't update it! Please! I love it! (oh this sounds like ...)
Chapter 10: :( poor key. That was kinda scary and sad. :(
Chapter 9: Cool update~ :D Stupid Eunhae~ Can't wait for the next update XD
Chapter 8: whoa, powers. :O I wasn't expecting that..this keeps getting more interesting. :)
YoTaRe #6
Chapter 8: Update! Please! I love this story!!
Chapter 8: I luv this, soo interesting. I love zombies so much, and TaeKey too, so this is perfect story for me.
Update quickly please
I'm going to subrice
Chapter 7: interesting. I hope they don't turn into full zombies or something and have to get killed :( that would be sad. I'm glad they are together still and they didn't have to separate. Also happy that they both have the virus...not like "yay they got the zombie virus" lol but like one of them having the virus and the other healthy would have been sad if the one of them had it alone. but doing it together isn't as scary (I'm i making since lol). good luck taekey :)
Chapter 7: Lol what? I'm so confused! You need to update so I can understand!! :D
Chapter 6: I lol'ed at the worry lines too. Hope they are fine and didn't catch a zombie virus or anything.