Crashing Down

End of the World


He kept running, he didn't stop. Through the apartment, down the hall, running all the way down the stairs. He didn't have time to wait for the elevator. Into the underground parking lot where they had parked the car earlier. He heard Onew call after him in the house, but he just kept running. The look on Key's face, the disappointment, Taemin couldn't handle it. He hurt his lover so badly, this was something he never wanted to do. He knew now he didn't care about Onew anymore, he loved Key. Could he still have him? Could Key forgive him? Taemin wouldn't forgive himself, why would Key forgive him.


He finally caught up with his boyfriend at the car. Key looked at him, red faced with makeup smudged all under his eyes. “How could you?” He asked, before Taemin could answer Key climbed in the car and started the engine. That hurt Taemin, and he knew that he deserved it, he deserved worse. Taemin stood in front of the car blocking any way for the older boy to leave. Hit me, I deserve it.Taemin thought as he stared into Key's eyes.


Just then Key broke down even more, collapsing in the front seat. Taemin ran over to the car opening the door with so much force it hit the car beside him.


“Key I am so sorry, I went in there to talk to him because he said he needed to talk to me. Then he was all over me and I didn't know what to do. Its a lame excuse, and I'm sorry, I wouldn't forgive me if I was you.” Taemin said tilting his head down.


“Taeminnie” Key said before choking on his sobs. Taemin reached out to rub the older boys back, pleased when Key didn't flinch or pull away. “Promise me one thing.” He said staring up into Taemin's eyes.


“Anything for you Bummie.” Taemin said grabbing desperately at Key's hands.


“Promise me that-” Key was cut off by a rumbling sound above them. They looked up to the roof to notice it was shaking. “What is going on?” Key asked moving closer to Taemin.




Taemin was woken up to a rumbling sound. He was in the living room having a nap on the couch after his dance lesson. Ten year old Taemin was confused, so he ran to find his brother. “Hyung! What is going on?” He called up the stairs to where his brother was frozen in shock. “Hyung!” Taemin yelled louder. Then his brother who was thirteen at the time ran down the stairs grabbing Taemin's arm as he passed. He dragged Taemin all the way to the kitchen door frame.


Taemin was crying, grabbing on to his brother for support. “What is happening?” He shouted.


Taemin-ah, this is an earthquake, during earthquakes always get to the lower floor and stand in a door frame, okay?” Taemin just nodded as they stood there hugging each other until the shaking stopped.




Earthquake...” Taemin said quietly. Looking around for a safe place to go.


“What? What is going on Tae?” Key said starting to cry again.


“Earthquake! RUN!” Taemin yelled.


“!” Key said following Taemin to the door frame that led to the building. They held each other waiting for it to end. Taemin felt like he was ten years old again, at home with his brother.


The shaking stopped. The two boys let out the breath that neither of them knew they were holding. As they walked past the doorway to go see is everyone was okay in the building the roof started shaking again. They ran back towards the doorway again, but this time Key tripped over his bandages that were hanging down from his costume. By the time Taemin noticed Key wasn't behind him it was too late. He looked back just in time to see a large part of the roof fall right where Key was lying.




Once the shaking finally stopped Taemin went to walk out of the doorway to go look outside. “Taemin wait!” His brother yelled grabbing his shirt. Once his brother pulled him back to the doorway the ground started to shake again. Taemin stared in horror as a part of their house collapsed. Thankfully it was on the other side. “Earthquakes can have aftershock, sometimes even worse then the first.” His brother said pulling him close. “Taeminnie, you need to be careful, okay?” Then the two boys cried and held each other until help came.




“Key!” Taemin screamed running towards him. How could he have been so stupid to forget information like that. His boyfriend might be dead all because he forgot one of the most important things about earthquakes. “Key I'm so sorry.” Taemin cried out as the rubble hit the ground. “Key I love you, please don't die.” 





A/N Sorry it took so long to update, i have been kinda busy. I hope you like it! (: Comments would be lovely! (: <3

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YoTaRe #1
Chapter 12: Life first, then fanfics! ^-^
Good luck with everything!
YoTaRe #2
Chapter 10: Oh, please more!! This is one of my favorite stories and I was heartbroken when you didn't update it! Please! I love it! (oh this sounds like ...)
Chapter 10: :( poor key. That was kinda scary and sad. :(
Chapter 9: Cool update~ :D Stupid Eunhae~ Can't wait for the next update XD
Chapter 8: whoa, powers. :O I wasn't expecting that..this keeps getting more interesting. :)
YoTaRe #6
Chapter 8: Update! Please! I love this story!!
Chapter 8: I luv this, soo interesting. I love zombies so much, and TaeKey too, so this is perfect story for me.
Update quickly please
I'm going to subrice
Chapter 7: interesting. I hope they don't turn into full zombies or something and have to get killed :( that would be sad. I'm glad they are together still and they didn't have to separate. Also happy that they both have the virus...not like "yay they got the zombie virus" lol but like one of them having the virus and the other healthy would have been sad if the one of them had it alone. but doing it together isn't as scary (I'm i making since lol). good luck taekey :)
Chapter 7: Lol what? I'm so confused! You need to update so I can understand!! :D
Chapter 6: I lol'ed at the worry lines too. Hope they are fine and didn't catch a zombie virus or anything.