The Cave

End of the World


The two kept running, they didn't stop until they found a few buildings that were half standing. One a convenience 
store and the other a Target. Perfect, they could get food and other miscellaneous items. They hid in the buildings 
while trying to come up with a plan.


"Minnie, what should we do? Where should we go?" Key asked pulling Taemin closer.


"Hmm, I'm not sure." Taemin said nervously. The adrenaline in his system was wearing off. He didn't know how much 
help he would be without it. The boys sat intertwined in each other in the half destroyed Target trying to decide their 
next move. Taemin was thinking about the earlier events when he remembered something. Key had been skipping rocks
on the ground. He had a faze where he loved zombies, wanted to learn everything about them. There was one thing he 
remembered that might be able to help them, considering it was true. He knew the perfect spot too, the place he took 
Key on their very first date. There was a little cave that had a very small path to get into or else you had to swim. 


"Key i know where we are going, lets grab some stuff quickly and head out." With that they both grabbed backpacks 
and separated to get living supplies. Taemin had told Key no makeup, but he could get a brush.


Not long after they met up in the convenience store to get some food, lighters and firewood. Key watched Taemin pick 
up the firewood with what seemed to be no effort. For such a little boy he was very strong.


The two boys left. Key following Taemin still not entirely sure of where they were going. "Taebaby? Where are we going?" 
Key asked quietly not wanting to take any chances. The streets seemed fairly deserted, he wasn't going to call them back 

"Remember our first date?" Taemin asked shifting the firewood to his other side so he could hold Key's hand.


"Yes, the cave, you told me it was your hiding spot and I was the only person you had ever showed it to." Key said smiling 
at the memory. 

"Well, i used to like learning about Zombies, and one of the things i learned is that they can't smell you by the water. It was 
you that reminded me actually. When you were skipping rocks in the parking garage." Key smiled and pecked him on the 
cheek quickly. 


As they arrived Key was thinking to himself about the whole situation. "Minnie, how long are we going to have to stay here?" 
He said with concern on his face.


"I don't know Bummie, as long as we have to. Maybe once the numbers go down we can stop and get more food then hike to 
the next town." Taemin said, he wished he could re-assure Key. Even though Key was older he wasn't very good under pressure.


They went into the cave with all kinds of memories coming back. Their first date, their first kiss, first time making love to each 
other. Once they had everything set up Taemin started a fire. He used to do this every time they would come to the cave. Key 
though he might have been in boy scouts when he was younger. Once the fire was going Key warmed up some water to wash 
up. Neither of them were hungry, but they were very tired.


Just in case Taemin was wrong about the water thing they piled up some big rocks to block the path. 


Key grabbed some blankets while they were at Target. When he noticed the temperature of the cave he was very glad he did. 
"Baby come lie down with me it's cold." He said to Taemin who was looking out the small entrance of the cave. 


He was thinking about all the times he was here before he was with Key. When he found it the first time it was when his parents 
kicked him out for being gay. They found out he was dating Onew and didn't approve. "You are a monster, get out of my house 
and don't come back." Those were the last words he heard from his mother. When he left Onew wasn't home yet so he walked 
down to the beach. As he was walking he found this cave, he went in and cried for hours. He cried until he fell asleep. From
 then on, every argument he had with Onew, every time he was hurt, he went to his cave.


"Okay, hey what was it you said about alone time earlier?" Taemin asked lying down and kissing Key.


"Let me show you." Key said with a wink as he slid his hands down Taemin's chest.




I am so sorry it took so long for the update! On the bright side i got accepted to College. Woot (:
Anyways, im kinda nervous for the upcoming , i hope it turns out okay. To be honest, i have no idea how i want to end this
fic, but i will try to update faster.

Comments much appreciated, i will get back to as many as i can. (: <3


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YoTaRe #1
Chapter 12: Life first, then fanfics! ^-^
Good luck with everything!
YoTaRe #2
Chapter 10: Oh, please more!! This is one of my favorite stories and I was heartbroken when you didn't update it! Please! I love it! (oh this sounds like ...)
Chapter 10: :( poor key. That was kinda scary and sad. :(
Chapter 9: Cool update~ :D Stupid Eunhae~ Can't wait for the next update XD
Chapter 8: whoa, powers. :O I wasn't expecting that..this keeps getting more interesting. :)
YoTaRe #6
Chapter 8: Update! Please! I love this story!!
Chapter 8: I luv this, soo interesting. I love zombies so much, and TaeKey too, so this is perfect story for me.
Update quickly please
I'm going to subrice
Chapter 7: interesting. I hope they don't turn into full zombies or something and have to get killed :( that would be sad. I'm glad they are together still and they didn't have to separate. Also happy that they both have the virus...not like "yay they got the zombie virus" lol but like one of them having the virus and the other healthy would have been sad if the one of them had it alone. but doing it together isn't as scary (I'm i making since lol). good luck taekey :)
Chapter 7: Lol what? I'm so confused! You need to update so I can understand!! :D
Chapter 6: I lol'ed at the worry lines too. Hope they are fine and didn't catch a zombie virus or anything.