
End of the World

*BANG* Key shot up, awkakened by the sound of a gun. He immediately looked down to his lover who was still sleeping. He got up quicky to check the blockade they made at the mouth of the cave. Everything was still intact but when he listened closely he heard voices. "We have checked the whole town, there's nobody left." It was a man's voice. 

"Let's go." Taemin said before he went to start moving the rubble. Key didn't know that Taemin had woken up so it scared him. 

"Are you sure that is a good idea Tae?" Key was worried he didn't want to be attacked again. He just wanted to stay safe in the cave with his lover while they cuddled their day's away.

"Bummie, please don't worry so much. Hey do you want to get worry lines?" Taemin asked with a serious face. That comment made Key widen his eyes in shock and reach for his face. "You are perfect Key, i would love you either way." Taemin said still laughing at the older.

"You may love me, but i wouldn't love myself." Key said as he started moving the rubble. Taemin just laughed and helped him out. Soon they were out and on the beach, it didn't take long for the boys to find the source of the voices. "Hey! Over here!" Key yelled to the men. 

"Oh! There are survivors after all!" Said the taller man. "Hello, i am scientist Choi Minho, and this here is the cheif of police Kim Jonghyun. I am very glad you two are okay, have you seen anyone else?" He asked calmly.

"No, other then zombies it's just us." Taemin said grabbing Key's hand for reassurance.

"Okay well we will bring you back with us, but we would like to run a few tests if that's okay with you." Minho said smiling and holding out his hand towards a helecopter not too far from where they were standing. Taemin was starting to get worried. Why were they doing tests? Him and Key were perfectly fine, why would they think any defferently?

"Oh don't worry, the tests aren't bad. There has just been more then one incedence like this over the past couple months and we want to make sure you didn't catch any of the virus. It's really just for safety. If it has happened before then obviosly there have been people affected. What happened to them? Did they kill them? Taemin was thinkin a mile a minute and was starting to feel sick. Key squeezed his hand.

"That is understanable sir, please lead the way if you are ready to go." Key said smiling. The two men started walking towards the helecopter and Key whispered to his lover, "Now look who is causing worry lines"

A/N ~ Sorry that was so short, I got a new idea for this story and I want to change everything around. I promise to be better and update more! Please Comment, i love your feedback! Also, sorry for any spelling mistakes, i typed the story here rather then on word :S Also.. I wrote this at like 3 in the morning after having a few drinks :$  Sorry if it doesnt make sense!

Love you all! <3

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YoTaRe #1
Chapter 12: Life first, then fanfics! ^-^
Good luck with everything!
YoTaRe #2
Chapter 10: Oh, please more!! This is one of my favorite stories and I was heartbroken when you didn't update it! Please! I love it! (oh this sounds like ...)
Chapter 10: :( poor key. That was kinda scary and sad. :(
Chapter 9: Cool update~ :D Stupid Eunhae~ Can't wait for the next update XD
Chapter 8: whoa, powers. :O I wasn't expecting that..this keeps getting more interesting. :)
YoTaRe #6
Chapter 8: Update! Please! I love this story!!
Chapter 8: I luv this, soo interesting. I love zombies so much, and TaeKey too, so this is perfect story for me.
Update quickly please
I'm going to subrice
Chapter 7: interesting. I hope they don't turn into full zombies or something and have to get killed :( that would be sad. I'm glad they are together still and they didn't have to separate. Also happy that they both have the virus...not like "yay they got the zombie virus" lol but like one of them having the virus and the other healthy would have been sad if the one of them had it alone. but doing it together isn't as scary (I'm i making since lol). good luck taekey :)
Chapter 7: Lol what? I'm so confused! You need to update so I can understand!! :D
Chapter 6: I lol'ed at the worry lines too. Hope they are fine and didn't catch a zombie virus or anything.