
End of the World

The two boys looked at each other, both more afraid than ever before. “I-I thought the v-v-virus just spread?” Yesung asked with a nervous stutter.


Heechul took a step farther into the hallway. “That's what they told everybody. What they even told me. They said they were so sorry that my boyfriend didn't make it. The only reason I know differently is because I followed him to Leeteuk's office. I knew there was something off about our oh-so-welcoming headmaster. He slit my babys throat.” The last sentence came out a bit strained. Key noticed a tear fall down the olders cheek. “That's when he called Siwon in, I barely got out before being caught. I don't know where they took the body, but I can tell you he isn't resting in peace.” Heechul managed to get out the last word just before breaking down completely.

Key looked down the hallways to make sure nobody had seen what just happened. He pulled the other two into Heechul's room and locked the door. “Yesungie, blind him.” He said pulling Heechul to the bed.

Yesung was about to fill Heechul's mind with pretty pictures when a pillow flew at his face. “Wait.” Heechul said as he sat up. “Yesung, you need to work on your power. You need to get stronger. Leeteuk keeps a close eye on you for a reason.”

“Why is that?” He asked nervously, wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans.

“You share the same power. That's how he controls the school.” Yesung nodded and looked over at his friend. With a final thumbs up from Key he put up “pretty pictures” as Kyuhyun called them to distract Heechul and help him drift off into sleep.


The two boys left quickly to get to their boyfriend's, whispering a quiet thanks to Heechul.

Once they were all together and they had explained what happened they brainstormed what they were going to do. “Well first I think we need more proof. Once I develop my powers that will be easy. For now I think we should just lay low, especially you Yesung. He is going to be very cautious of you.” Taemin said rubbing his temples.

“You aren't feeling sick right?” His boyfriend asked in a bit of a panic.

“Of course not I'm fine.” He said with a smile as he grabbed the older's hand. “Another thing, we need to get closer with the people here, see if there's anything else going on. Maybe spend some more time with Heechul too.”


“Another thing, we should all practice trying to get Yesung out of our heads. If we can do that with him, we might be able to do the same with Leeteuk.” Kyuhyun said with a smile.


“Also, we need to figure out if his power will affect me. If I'm the only one that can block him out then I should probably get a bit stronger physically. I'm not exactly the strongest.” Yesung said looking down at his feminine hands.


“That's a good idea, but are you sure we can trust Heechul?” Tae asked a bit concerned.

“Yes, the look on his face was enough to know he was telling the truth. He looked so hurt, I really feel bad for him. I mean if they killed you in front of me the entire school would be blown up by now.” Tae had to laugh at his boyfriend for that comment.


Kyuhyun cleared his throat to get everyone's attention again. “So, we need to make alliances, I think we should start with your room mates. They wont know anything, however if we keep them close Leeteuk wont have anyone to use against us. Also, if we want to lay low, mingling with the roomies is a good idea.”

“We should all go to the movies! A triple date, how cute!” Yesung said grabbing his boyfriends hand. “Key and I will go get them.” With that the two ran out of the room. “Finally I can see what you mean by pinky pie pony.”


When they walked into the room they saw the boys on their bed watching cartoons. Yesung looked around and tried not to laugh, Key was right, Hello Kitty threw up in here. The two boys looked up from their show smiling.


“Hey Key, what's up? Who's that?” Sungmin asked sitting up.


“Sungmin, Ryeowook, this is Yesung. We were wondering if you guys wanted to come to the theatre with us and our boyfriend's?”


The two jumped up so fast that Ryeowook fell off the bed. “Absolutely.” He said from his spot on the floor.” The four of them laughed before walking to meet up with the others at the on campus theatre.


They had just got to the theatre when they saw Leeteuk walking down the hall. “Hello gentlemen, I am glad to see that you are all acquainted.” He said nodding to the six of them. “Yesung dear, I was wondering if you would like me to help you get some practice with your powers? I would like you to come in and see me tomorrow afternoon.”



A/N sorry it took so long! Lots went on this week. I was super sick, planning my move (Moving back with my parents) and quitting my job. but hey that s just life I guess. So I finally finished this chapter but I'm not sure if i like where I'm going with this, I need some encouragement :(

Anyways! please Comment, Subscribe, and vote! (: <3

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YoTaRe #1
Chapter 12: Life first, then fanfics! ^-^
Good luck with everything!
YoTaRe #2
Chapter 10: Oh, please more!! This is one of my favorite stories and I was heartbroken when you didn't update it! Please! I love it! (oh this sounds like ...)
Chapter 10: :( poor key. That was kinda scary and sad. :(
Chapter 9: Cool update~ :D Stupid Eunhae~ Can't wait for the next update XD
Chapter 8: whoa, powers. :O I wasn't expecting that..this keeps getting more interesting. :)
YoTaRe #6
Chapter 8: Update! Please! I love this story!!
Chapter 8: I luv this, soo interesting. I love zombies so much, and TaeKey too, so this is perfect story for me.
Update quickly please
I'm going to subrice
Chapter 7: interesting. I hope they don't turn into full zombies or something and have to get killed :( that would be sad. I'm glad they are together still and they didn't have to separate. Also happy that they both have the virus...not like "yay they got the zombie virus" lol but like one of them having the virus and the other healthy would have been sad if the one of them had it alone. but doing it together isn't as scary (I'm i making since lol). good luck taekey :)
Chapter 7: Lol what? I'm so confused! You need to update so I can understand!! :D
Chapter 6: I lol'ed at the worry lines too. Hope they are fine and didn't catch a zombie virus or anything.