Into Your World/Angel

Just approximately 20 minutes and we will be landing. The flight to Korea took hours but I didn't sleep.

I am excited and nervous at the same time. Korea and trainee life is a whole new world for me but I chose it this time. Mr. Kang told me he will be the one to pick me up at the airport.

It's not easy to say goodbye to my family before I left. After my phone talk with Mr. Kang a  week ago, I immediately informed my family. They don't know anything about kpop or being an idol so I had to explain everything to them. They were very much in the same state of shock as I was before when I was told that I am being recruited to be a trainee. They seemed to be unsure of whether they will allow me but at the end they told me that if it's really what I want, then I should go for it. They will be supporting and praying for me. They just made me promise that I will call them daily to which of course I assured them. Then they just hugged me tightly before I boarded the plane.




I looked around the airport. I thanked the flight attendant who helped me with my luggages. She asked me if I need a cab to which I replied no because there would be someone to fetch me.

Yea, speaking of the guy who will fetch me, where is he?


I stared at the people waiting for their loved ones at the arrival gate. I quickly spotted him as he was waving at me.


"_______, welcome to Korea." he greeted me.


I thanked him as he voluntered to carry my luggages. We went out as he lead me to where his car is.


"Please make yourself comfortable. I am happy that you've accepted our offer." he said as he opened the car door for me.


The ride was a little quiet. I am tired and he knows that. I just stared at the car window admiring the beauty of the buildings we are passing by. Seoul is really beautiful.


"It gets more beautiful at night." he told me, while focusing on the road.


"huh?" I asked, startled.


"Seoul. It's really beautiful at night time. Don't worry, you'll see it's beauty more since you will be staying here now." he answered


I just nodded.

Silence followed after that.


"_____, you're probably tired now. Just 10 minutes more and we will be reaching your place. You'll be staying in a dorm a few blocks away from SME buliding. It is provided by the company so you don't have to worry about the payment. You have a dorm mate. She's also a trainee." he told me, breaking the silence.

I just nodded and thanked him.


Soon enough, we passed by the SME building and then we stopped in front of a buliding. The buliding is moderate in size and painted beige.


"Here we are."

He stopped the car and opened the car door for me. He then carried my luggages.

I followed him. The building seems to have 5-6 stories so there's no need for an elevator.

We went up the stairs and stopped at the 3rd floor, 2nd door on the left. He knocked.


Few seconds later, the door opened and a pretty girl, a little smaller and probably younger than me, greeted us. She recognised Mr. Kang immediately as she bowed politely at us. She looked at me for a second.


"Oh, is she the trainee you told me about manager-nim? Omo, nice meeting you." She gasped as she offered her hand. So I shaked it.

"Yes, that's her. She'll be staying with you here. Why don't you introduce yourselves formally first?" Mr. Kang asked us.


"O, I'm sorry." She chuckled. She seems to be really nice.

"I am Hyo Mi, Park Hyo Mi." she introduced.


"I am ______." I said.


She just smiled at me then looked at Mr. Kang. "Manager-nim, why don't we all go inside? I'll prepare tea for us." She politely offered.


"Uh, I'm sorry Hyo Mi, I still got a meeting to attend to in 15 minutes so I got to go. I really hope you will get along with each other. Take care of yourselves. As for you, ______, I'll see you tomorrow. I'll give you a tour at SME building."

So with that, Mr. Kang left.


Hyo Mi helped me with my luggages and showed me my room. It's not that big but it is neat and cute. Not that fancy but for a trainee like me, it is more than enough.


"Uhm, I was told that you'd arrive so I prepared dinner for us. So if it's okay with you, let's eat together." She asked me shyly, she's so cute asking me that way. I'm liking her already.


"Of course, that'd be great. I'll just change my clothes."

She seemed happy with my answer and she went out.



My first dinner here in Korea with Hyo Mi isn't awkward at all. We have just known each other for about an hour and yet, we talked like really close friends.


"Your name sounds foreign, you're not korean, right?"

I nodded. I asked her age and she told me she's 17. She asked mine as well.

"Oh, so you're 19 and already graduated? That's cool. Me? I'm graduating highschool this year. And since you're 2 years older, I'd call you eonni!"


I chuckled, she looks really cute.


"Uhm, eonni, how did you became a trainee?" she asked me, while chewing her kimchi.


"Uhm, I was recruited. How about you?"


She nodded. "You're lucky then. Me? I auditioned when I was 11 but they rejected me. The following year, I tried again and maybe that time they pitied me so they accepted me." She chuckled awkwardly. But I know she's serious and a little sad.


"Yah, Hyo Mi, don't say that. They accepted you because they finally saw your efforts and that because you're a very cute girl."


She smiled. "Eonni, thanks for cheering me up. You're not just pretty, you're very kind as well."


Our conversation continued, we talked a lot and knew many things about each other.


It's now bedtime. I thanked her for the meal and we both went in our own rooms.


I called mom.

We talked about what happened to me that day and I was already sleepy.


"Oh, that's good then. You rest now sweetheart, we love you. Don't forget to pray. Goodnight." she just said and hung up the phone. She maybe sensed that I am so sleepy now.


I lay down my bed, said a little prayer.. Thanked God for everything that's happened and soon,

I fell asleep.

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Chapter 53: I love this story!! It's really daebak!! Keep it up author-nim!!!

This is incredibly awesome~~~
chukee_01216 #3
Chapter 53: please update soon! THANK YOU! :**
AbbeeAbbee #4
Chapter 53: Please update author-nim! I miss this story SOOOOOO much!
anna_marie016 #5
Chapter 53: A vacation trip with exo is something I really want to happen aish if only stories can turn into reality… please update as soon as you can authornim thanks (>3<) love lots
Asiangirlz2 #6
Chapter 53: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!please update soon! Or else u r going to make me cry!
Chapter 53: Why no update T^T please update author-nim!!! i really like.. hm.. no.. i really love this story! So emotional and heartbraking. i really want to know about what happen between them next! so please update!!!!! ><
Chapter 53: Author-nim!! Yous should update this beautiful story.
MoiChanKawaiiDesu #9
Chapter 53: Author nim please update soon...!
serafina91 #10
Chapter 53: Wow!.. such a beautiful story... cant wait for next update FIGHTING! ^^