Into Your World/Angel

Time sure pass by so fast.

It's been 3 months since that talk with Mr. Kang and yes, I'm graduated already. The graduation ceremony took place a week ago and I can still clearly remember how happy my family are.

Mr. Kevin Woo called me shortly after I graduated and told me that if I want, I can continue to work at the airport since I did a really good job when I was an OJT. I'm happy to hear that of course. Especially now that there are millions of fresh graduates that are looking for a job.

But, there's something else that I am thinking of right now.

Mr. Kang's offer.

Being a trainee, I know that would be hard. But still, they are like paying me as well and at least, I'd see Se Hun at lot. But it means I need to move to Korea and that means leaving my family and friends behind. I promised my parents and grand parents before that I will move back there at our province after I finish college or if not, I will find a job and provide a home for them in the metro so we could  see each other more often. So if I am to accept Mr. Kang's proposal, that promise will be made broken because I need to leave them again. Argh. I don't know what to do anymore, I'm torn between these choices.


Should I take the path that would bring me back home?


Or the one that could lead me to my dreams?


Then my phone rang. I was startled.


It's my mom.




"hey sweetie. How are you? I know I've said this a million times already but congratulations again and we are so proud of you."


I smiled at her words. "I'm fine ma, don't worry. So how's everything there back home?"


"Oh, just the normal ones. We're missing you of course."


I fell silent with her words. Of course I miss them too, they are probably looking forward on me going home. I don't know how many seconds I kept quiet that my mom had been calling my name many times already.


"______, is there something wrong?" 

she asked me.

"uh, no. nothing ma." was my short reply.


We kept silent for a few seconds.




"Yes, ma?"


"well, remember when you told us before that you will move back here after you graduated? You know, you are at the right age to decide and we trust you on that. You're a nice, sweet and smart girl and I know that God will guide you on every step you take. You are now a college graduate and it's a whole new world for you to face. We may not be always be there for you physically but we support you with all our heart. You know, we thought that if you will move back here all depends on you. We miss you of course but we know that there are still many things you have to know and experience in life and if you will be here, you will miss many of those things and oppurtunities. You can stay there if you want or travel to many places considering you are a graduate of travel management, and with that, it'll be okay for us. We will be loving, supporting and praying for you. And remember that wherever you are we are just a phone call away. And.. don't worry about us being lonely here, your grandma, grandpa, father and I still got a mini male version of you, your brother. "


Tears started to roll down my cheeks with her words. All I could reply was that I love them and that they need not worry because I will be fine.


"Okay sweetie, I need to go now. The casserole in the oven..  it seemed to be overcooked now. I'm making dinner so I'll just call you, okay? God be with you my little princess."


Then she hung up. That moment, I knew, her words must be God's sign for me.


A few minutes after that I just found myself talking and dealing with Mr. Kang. I've accepted his offer to be a trainee.


I'll be moving to Korea next week.

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Chapter 53: I love this story!! It's really daebak!! Keep it up author-nim!!!

This is incredibly awesome~~~
chukee_01216 #3
Chapter 53: please update soon! THANK YOU! :**
AbbeeAbbee #4
Chapter 53: Please update author-nim! I miss this story SOOOOOO much!
anna_marie016 #5
Chapter 53: A vacation trip with exo is something I really want to happen aish if only stories can turn into reality… please update as soon as you can authornim thanks (>3<) love lots
Asiangirlz2 #6
Chapter 53: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!please update soon! Or else u r going to make me cry!
Chapter 53: Why no update T^T please update author-nim!!! i really like.. hm.. no.. i really love this story! So emotional and heartbraking. i really want to know about what happen between them next! so please update!!!!! ><
Chapter 53: Author-nim!! Yous should update this beautiful story.
MoiChanKawaiiDesu #9
Chapter 53: Author nim please update soon...!
serafina91 #10
Chapter 53: Wow!.. such a beautiful story... cant wait for next update FIGHTING! ^^