A new roommate

In love with the mean school kingka


,,Dear Sunggyu,

when you read this letter, I'm probably already gone.

Im so sorry you had to go through a rough time just because of me.

Just when I came in the hospital I realized how stupid i was.

I started to drink and ruined my and your life just because of this bad person.

If I had a second chance, I would never start to drink again.

I this letter I want to apologize to you.

But I have to tell you something too.

All this time after your father left us I saved money for you.

I had a lot of different jobs and earned a lot of money.

My jobs werent very nice so I wont tell you more about them.

But I was payed well.

All the money I saved for you is on a bank in busan, where I was born.

Visit your grandmother there and ask her for more informations.

She knows everything.

Now I have to say farewell.

Even if I'm not there any longer, you have to be strong.

Make your life better than mine was.

Buy you a better house and make a nice family.

Never forget that I will watch over you from the sky.

I'll always love you

In love, mom"



Me and myungsoo observed Sunggyu while he read the letter which was in the box.

In was curious what was written in this letter, but didn't want to read it.

I wanted to wait until sunggyu tells me himself.

Slowly I saw tears dropping down his cheeks.

,,I cant believe this ..." He whispered after he was done reading.

,,What is it?" Myungsoo asked.

Sunggyu looked at him without answering.

After a while he said ,,Nothing."

We both understood that he didn't want to talk about it, so we didn't ask further.

,,So you know even if this happened to you, I still won't give up."

I didn't understood what myungsoo was talking about.

,,Thats good, because I wont give up too. We still have some weeks untill this month end." Sunggyu anwered smirking.

I looked confused at both of them who just laughed.

But this laugh seemed to be fake. At least I thought so.

,,Sorry I have to go now. I have still things to do." Myungsoo said.

,,Okay, see you." I said and waved smiling at him.

I waited untill we couldnt see myungsoo anymore and then hugged sunggyu.

,,Im so relieved now! I thought something really bad would happen to you." I said feeling tears in the corner of my eyes.

,,Don't worry, I told you everything will be fine." He said smiling while my hands.

,,But ..." He said and let go of the hug.

,,But what?" I asked titling my head.

,,My house burned down ..." He said. ,,I dont know where to go..."

I knew he wanted me to ask him to sleep over at my house.

But I couldnt do that.

,,Sorry, but I cant help you. Cant you go to a hotel or something like that?" I said with an apologizing gaze.

,,No I cant go anywhere. I dont have any money."

I sighed.

,,Then how about a friends house?" 

,,You are a friend of mine." He said grinning.

,,N-no I mean- Sunggyu you cant sleep at my house."

,,Why?" He asked pouting. He looked so adorable while doing that.

,,Just because ..." I didn't know how to explain it to him.

,,Please~" He said being as cute as he could. ,,Pleeaaasee~" He sang again.

I tried to resist but failed. In the end I nodded.

,,Fine, but you cant tell anyone about this, okay? And my parents arent allowed to know either."

,,But dont you think at least they should know?"

,,No way! They will think the wrong thing ..." I said.

,,okay, I promise nobody will get to know about this." He said and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

,,Lets go home?" I asked him, giving him a small smile.

He smiled back and grabbed my hand.

,,Let's go home!" He said happily and we went hand in hand to my house.

When we arrived I saw that my parents werent at home.

,,Oh lucky, my parents are out. Come in." I said after opening the door.

He entered and we went to the kitchen first.

,,You must be hungry, dont you?" I said preparing dinner for us two.

He just nodded and observed me.

After we ate we went to my room.

,,You can sleep on the couch over there." I said pointing to a little couch in the other side of my room.

,,Cant I sleep on the bed?" He said whining.

,,And I will sleep on the couch?" I said kinda surprised.

,,No, we sleep together in the bed." He said with a serious face.

,,You and me? Together? In the SAME bed?" I blushed crazily and pushed him.

,,Youre such a ert!" I yelled at him.

,,Why!? I just wanted to sleep! I never said something about doing anything with you ... You are one with dirty thoughts right now." He said defending himself.

,,wha- what? Thats not true!" 

,,Then why is your face so red?" He asked laughing.

,,Just because - its really hot here." I said trying to change the topic.

But sunggyu just started to laugh even more.

,,Oh so you think its hot here? I understand that. I mean I AM really hot right?" He said smirking.

I blushed even more not knowing what to say.

,,Its okay, Im just joking." He said stopping to laugh.

,,but really, I wont do anything. And if youre really against it, i wont sleep in the same bed as you." He said with a gentle voice.

His face made my heart shake. I wanted to tell him how much I wanted to share a bed with him.

,,Im really against it. Sorry ..." I said looking on the ground embarassed.

,,Thats okay." He lifted my head and smiled at me.

,,Now lets go sleep." He said.

I nodded and locked the door so my parents wont find sunggyu.

,,Sleep well." He said after we layed down.

,,Yeah you too hamster." I said chuckling.

,,What did you say?" I asked.

,,Nothing." I answered laughing a little.


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Kpopkpoppop #1
Chapter 19: update? plez
Good job!!!
Thiyi_123 #3
Chapter 18: Lol sunggyu was spying.... :333 update?
gyurain #4
Chapter 18: Hahaha they went all to spy in her?
Chapter 18: Lmao, Sunggyu spying on her??
Kpopiseverything #6
Chapter 18: Sunggyu is.........!!!
Kpopiseverything #7
Chapter 17: Update soon I love your story!!!
Kpopiseverything #8
Chapter 16: What's inside the box???thats okay same with me too.update soon I love your story!!
Chapter 15: Please update soon ^^ I like the story :D
Chapter 15: Exciting chapter can't wait for more :) Thank you for updating :) keep it up