
Trust Those Eyes

"Omo, looks like I've been caught" Yunho whispered. His warm breath could be felt which sent chills down Sora's spine. Did he found out already? What's gonna happen now? A million thoughts raced through Sora's mind. Maybe it's true, the real threat has been living under the same roof as her all along. She's convinced that he was out to get her.

Suddenly, Sora felt a strong force at choking her., Her eyes dilated as she looked down to see Yunho gripping her neck. It was so powerful that Sora was having a hard time trying to move his hands away. It was a moment of panick. Sora was slowly being lifted off the ground with just one hand. "I told you that you're gonna regret this. You should've have listened". But Sora wasn't going to give up. She was trying her best not to activate her vampire abilities, fearing that Yunho will get the confirmation that she was a vampire. She began clawing his hand that was lifting her off the ground but to no avail. His grip only got stronger and at that moment, she realised something about Yunho is off. This strength that he had. Was no longer human. She looked at him in the eyes only to see a blood shot red eyes. His teeth had two fangs sticking which became more obvious. He was breathing heavily with his mouth slightly opened as if he was driven by lust. But Sora knew exactly what it was. It a lust for blood. It all became clear now.

Yunho is a vampire.

Yunho let out a loud hiss and opened his mouth wider. He was aiming for Sora's neck but the girl haven't gave up just yet. She fought back. Only this time, she used her vampire abilites as well. She threw a strong punch across Yunho's face, the strength was powerful enough to knock him across the hallway. Finally she was released. Still gasping for air, Sora who was on her knees still recovering from the pain on her neck, stood up and tried to run for it. It was the first time ever she was running from someone.

Yunho on the other hand too was shocked. "Vampire?.........She's a vampire!" Yunho talked under his breathe as he rubbed his chin after taking a strong blow from the punch by Sora. Hearing footsteps at the living room, Yunho too sprinted and chased after Sora. He caught up to her only to return the punch. "Yah you think I'll just let you go so easily after finding out who I am?" Yunho reasoned himself for hitting her. Sora, still with her red eyes, started to throw punches back only to be blocked by Yunho. They fought. Yunho held nothing back eventhough she's a girl and more importantly, eventhough they were married. Not only were punches and kicks thrown, soon, it became chairs and vases.

No one was willing to lose. Soon, they were all battered, bruised, bleeding and out of breathe. Before any of them could make the next move, they were interrupted by the sound of police sirens outside the house. Yunho tried to escape but before he could do so, Sora grabbed his wrist. "Where do you think you're going?!" Sora pulled his wrist closer to her while her other hands reached out to her back pocket to grab a pair of handcuff. Yunho knew he had to deal with her if he wants to escape. Grabbing a wooden chair's broken leg, he caught Sora who was still busy trying to grab her handcuff off guard by pulling her instead close to him and hit Sora in the head with all his might. Sora fell to the ground, unconcious. "Mianhae Sora yah..." Yunho felt guilty surprisingly. He threw the piece of wood aside and ran off throught the window, narrowly escaping the police who by then had barge into the house.

The next thing she knew, she was laying on the hospital bed with wires connected to her. She tried to get up but to her surprise, she was chained to the bed. "What? What is this!?" She lifted her head up and scanned the surrounding. Her ward was isolated with a transparent glass window in the room. On the other side of the window, there were two men who were observing her wearing white coats. They seemed like doctors but the way they dress don't seem professional enough to be doctors. More like researchers.

"You're awake Miss Kim. You should rest. The test results will come in a few hours now.Till then.....hmmmm, I must say, this is really an interesting discovery. Vampire? Heh, who would've have known. Maybe the ancient people were right!" Said one of the man through a speaker in that connected both rooms. Sora knew she was in trouble. She has to get out of that place or she'll just be an experiment for the rest of her life like some test being performed on guinea pig.

But the question now is, how can she do it? There's no one to help her.

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mariangel #1
Chapter 7: wow go forth yunho and sora!! it's time to make your kind numerous again.
create yunho and sora offsprings now!!
WOW,Good story,
You better update soon or i'll bite you ;3
QueenB_doll #3
Chapter 6: waaa! Both of them are vamps D: ..yunho, save your wife! I believe he's not evil vamp, update soon!!
QueenB_doll #4
Chapter 5: omygosh..update asap please..real intense..what is yun?? D:
mariangel #5
Chapter 3: this is so nice! thanks for the update! :D
QueenB_doll #6
Chapter 2: i like this, update soon! ^_^