
Trust Those Eyes

Few weeks has past since Jay moved in. Sora however still have no luck trying to find an apartment in the same building as the boys. During their time together, somehow, they got closer and trust began to form. 

"So what are we having for dinner tonight?" Jay popped out a question one evening in the apartment.

Yunho was on the desk not even lifting his head up to look at him, pretending to be busy reading his book. While Sora who was sitting on the bed glance over to Jay with a blank stare but soon got back to reading her book as well. Both was actually ridiculed.

"What dinner? We're vampires, we don't need to eat!" Yunho exclaimed after comtemplating whether or not to ignore his question. 

"Aww man. You guys are such a bore. Fine then. I'm gonna get some pizza across the streets" Jay slumped his shoulder to show his disappointment as he dragged his feet out the door. The door slammed shut. Sora and Yunho exchanged looks, both shrugging at his attitude that evening. 

"We're no fun" Yunho said as he pouted to act as if he was hurt by Jay's remark. Sora chuckled as she threw a pillow from the bed towards him!

"That's very mean Yunho!" 

Yunho broke out into a laughter as well. However as he watched Sora laughing, his laughter slowly fade into a smile. Sora noticed him smiling away at her and felt weirded out by him.

"What." She cut off her smile immediately.

"It's just I never see you laugh loudly like that before. In fact, now that I think of it, it's been almost 4 months since we're "married" but I realised there's alot that I still don't know about you." Yunho explained. "And also, whoa, your laugh. It's cute."

Sora blushed and in her shyness, she reacted harshly by punching him in the arm. He flinched and rubbed his arm to ease the pain, shocked by her strength.

"I've been meaning to ask you. Why did you come back for me? I mean after you left me unconcious at our old house after the fight to be caught by those mad scientist. Why didn't you take me with you in the first place, wouldn't it save the trouble of me having to go through those torturous experiments?" Sora was frowning. She had been wanting to ask him that for a long time. It's not an unassurance but more of a confrontation actually.

Yunho was caught off guard. He wasn't expecting her to bring it up again and in fact, he didn't know why he left her there unconcious. He took a moment to think.

"I guess......I don't know why I left you there actually. Everything was in a mess. I came back because you're a vampire too and you already knew that part and also because you're my wife. But why I ditched you? I don't know." Yunho couldn't meet eyes with her. He felt guilty actually. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you there. I guess I was too shocked that you're a vampire as well. I thought YOU were out to get me after I found out you were doing investigation on that knife murder case. And I panicked. I got to admit you were strong!....but not as strong as me." 

Yunho put on a weak smile, inside anticipating Sora's response.

"BANG!" All of a sudden the door broke open along with the pieces of wall attach to the side of it. Jay had been pushed through the wall but he quickly recovered and got back on his feet.

"ssssssst" Jay hissed towards the direction of the door while protruding fangs as a warning to whatever is at that direction. His pupils were blood shot red. Sora and Yunho got up on their feet as well to brace themselves after seeing 2 men standing by the already gone door. 

"Run." Jay warned as he made his way jumping out the door with blood trailing behind. Sora and Yunho confused at why he isn't confronting them. They too follow after. Sora was the last to go out, only to miss being capture by the 2 men's grip by inches.

With all their vampire instincts activated. They jumped from rooftop to rooftop, defying the human ability. 

"YAH! WHO ARE THEY?!" Yunho shouted at Jay who was ahead of them. He stopped at one of the rooftop to let them catchup with him. 

"Hunters. They were eavesdropping at the door when I came back. DAMN IT! I didn't even get to eat that pizza" Jay explained. 

Sora who was the last out of the three to reach the rooftop was the first one to see the blood trail all the way from the apartment. 

"You're bleeding" she said

"Oh this? They stabbed me wih a knife, it's nothing" Jay brushed it off casually as he touched the wound carelessly causing the others to cringe.

"It's not nothing, shouldn't you heal by now?........wait, what knife?" Yunho's pupile dilated. He was sure that the knife Jay was talking about was no ordinary one since it had manage to inflict such injury to him.

"Some fancy knife, come on, it's nothing guys it's jus-" Jay stopped his sentence half way only to see black patches in his eyes. Before the know it, he passed out falling towards the ground. Not before Sora cushioned his fall with her arms wrapping around him.

"Is this....." Sora who was now on the floor lookd up to the speechless Yunho. He replied with a nod, "They've found us out"

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mariangel #1
Chapter 7: wow go forth yunho and sora!! it's time to make your kind numerous again.
create yunho and sora offsprings now!!
WOW,Good story,
You better update soon or i'll bite you ;3
QueenB_doll #3
Chapter 6: waaa! Both of them are vamps D: ..yunho, save your wife! I believe he's not evil vamp, update soon!!
QueenB_doll #4
Chapter 5: omygosh..update asap please..real intense..what is yun?? D:
mariangel #5
Chapter 3: this is so nice! thanks for the update! :D
QueenB_doll #6
Chapter 2: i like this, update soon! ^_^