
Trust Those Eyes

The next morning, Sora walked out of her room to grab some leftover pizza from last night for breakfast in the fridge. Not satisfied with the cold pizza she decides to heat it up in the microwave, before she could open the microwave door, the sound of the entrance door opening caught her off guard. She didn't expect Yunho to be coming home at this timing. True enough Yunho walked into the house with his shoulders slumped, looking tired like he was awake the whole night. 

"Oh? Where'd you go?" Sora craned her neck to look over to the living room where Yunho had jut walked in. 

He didn't answered.

"Wearing so hip! Did you go clubbing? hahahaha" Sora teased, hoping to lift the awkward situation from yesterday.

Again, there was no response from Yunho.

She thought "What am I talking? Who'd go to a club wearing such clothing. Come to think of it, I've never seen him wearing that jacket before. And a hat? That's so not Yunho style. Wait, how do I know these stuff anyway." Sora's conversation in her head was cut short when Yunho went inside his room and slammed the door behind him. The loud sound startled her. she began to wonder why he wasn't being his normal eccentric self. 

Sora snapped herself back to her senses. She suddenly remembered the cold slice of pizza she was holding. Going back to doing what she wanted to do, she opened the microwave door only to see a piece of cloth inside it. Annoyed, knowing that this must be Yunho's irresponsible doing, she took the cloth and toss is aside. However, when she was pressing the timer on the microwave, something caught her attention. The sound of metal dropping on the floor.

She turn to face the direction of where the sound was coming from. There was a piece of metal laying on the floor that wasn't there before. She bent down to pick it up only to drop it again out of disbelief. With shivering hand, she carefully reached out for the metal again with a cloth so she won't leave any traces of her on the metal. Carefully observing it, she was right. 

It was the knife. Fitting every little description given to her. It was the murder weapon her team have been looking for. But the question now is "what was it doing in her house?" Still shaking from fear she grab the cloth earlier and wrapped the knife with it. Grabbing her briefcase, she dashed out the door and head to her office building.

The whole day at the office they were analysing the knife to make a confirmation whether it was the original knife. It was.

Kikwang stormed into Sora's office where she was busy reading and doing some paperwork on the knife's history.

"Sora sshi! You should look at this" Kikwang handed over his iPad showing a CCTV footage near the crime scene. The previous suspect was right about a mysterious man lerking around the crime scene. Upon closer inspection, Sora regconised the figure of the mysterious man. Suddenly the phone rang causing the attention of the two of them concentrated towards her phone. She glanced at the caller ID "Yunho"

Slowly and hesitantly, she picked up the call

"Hey babe, you forgot about the pizza you re-heated this morning in the microwave. Heh" Yunho had a sinister tone in his voice. From the tone, she knew he was smirking while talking. Before she had the chance to reply, he hung up. It was the first time she saw Yunho in a new light. The thought alone was enough to send shivers down her spine.

"I'll be back, call for backup at my house asap" grabbing her coat, she ran out the door and drove home speeding.

At her home, Sora stepped slowly into her house, not knowing what to expect. All along she was living under the same roof with a man who had the potential to kill her. She scanned both her kitchen and her living room but he was nowhere to be found. While walking towards Yunho's room, he was coincidentally stepping out of his room at the same time too.

"Oh? You're home early. Worried that I'll eat your pizza huh?" Yunho smirked. There was something off about him. The look in his eyes was dark and evil. Sora carefully tried to walk past him only to be blocked by Yunho's hand reaching out on to her shoulder to stop her from entering his room.

"You wouldn't want to go there"

Sora gave a glare towards him and pushed his hand off her shoulder.

Not wanting to lose, Yunho grabbed her hand to stop her again. Except this time the grip was tighter.

He turned to look at Sora and leaned in to her ear and whispered. "Trust me, you don't want to do this." Making the hair at the back of her neck stand upon feeling his warm breathe on her ears

"Let go" said Sora, gathering whatever few courage she had in her. 

"You'll regret this"

Sora stood her ground and shook her hand free from his grip.

"That's for me to decide" Sora walked past him and grabbed the door knob.

When she opened the door to Yunho's room, what she saw left her speechless. There were pictures of the murder victims and news articles pasted on a wall, some of which was crossed out with a red marker. Further scanning of the room showed pools of blood staining the floor. What was most vivid to her is the bag of blood piling on the floor nearby. She shut the door back and turned towards Yunho who's back was facing her.

"What are you Jung Yunho" the tone in Sora's voice showed that she was demanding an answer

Yunho started giggling softly, almost wickedly. He turned to walk towards Sora as she stepped backwards to avoid him. But she could not do much after her back slammed against the closed door. Yunho trapped her by placing two of his hands each at the side of Sora's shoulder. He leaned towards her so much so that their face was inches away. 

"Omo, looks like I've been caught" Yunho whispered, looking deeply into Sora's eyes. And again, that sinister smirk formed on his face.

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mariangel #1
Chapter 7: wow go forth yunho and sora!! it's time to make your kind numerous again.
create yunho and sora offsprings now!!
WOW,Good story,
You better update soon or i'll bite you ;3
QueenB_doll #3
Chapter 6: waaa! Both of them are vamps D: ..yunho, save your wife! I believe he's not evil vamp, update soon!!
QueenB_doll #4
Chapter 5: omygosh..update asap please..real intense..what is yun?? D:
mariangel #5
Chapter 3: this is so nice! thanks for the update! :D
QueenB_doll #6
Chapter 2: i like this, update soon! ^_^