L.O.C.K.E.T's Key No. 4; Jang Lian.Raziel

{ L.O.C.K.E.T ❣ } [New Girlgroup from TS Ent. and Brand New Stardom! -APPLY NOW YO!]




Knowing Real Information

AFF Username: YukiBoo

Nickname: Yuki

AFF User URL: YukiBoo


Name: Jang Li An

Nickname(s): Captain JJang, Lia, Lili, 

Locket Name: Lian.Raziel

Age: 21

Birthdate: April 4,1991


Hometown:Busan,South Korea

Known Languages:
Korean(Fluent),Mandarin(Native Tongue),English(Fluent)


LInner Side


For her age, she is like an old soul in a young body. She is basically mature, and she knows it by the way that she was raised. She carries herself at the highest caliber, and she does not let herself fall to the temptation of toxic people. She knows who she is, and she does not want to let anyone get in the way of her dreams. So, you can basically say, she is very strict with her life. She is a respectful daughter, who knows how to treat people with respect. She knows how to speak formally with elders, her seniors, and to be polite with even her friends. It is sort of weird, that someone is raised that way and is looked at with someone with no imperfections. However, it is not something to overlook her with. It burdens her to seem so "perfect", because she know that she isn't. She only tries her hardest to be the best, and to be the top of the line like her sister Liyin. She is always determined, and does not change her mind to the influence of others. She doesn't expect anyone to love her, and she stands by it. She has her own mind, and if they don't like it then they can buzz off for all that she cares. She has been independent, and self-efficient for all her life. She takes care of herself, and she thinks about the positive way of things. Around her friends she is loyal, and she is the kind you would want to protect you. She is considerate of others,and she will always put her loved one first. She will even stay up and help you out,or even stay up with you to talk about your problems. She is understanding,and does not even think about judging you. She is patient, and she is the kind who will wait,no matter what it will take.She is a sweetheart, and you will love her for her likable attitude. Most of the time she is reserved,but she will open up if she trusts you. She has a good sense of humor, she likes to laugh and she likes to be amused. Cheesy or not,she will laugh at it. She is very serious about her work,she will put everything into her work.

Sometimes she can turn out to be unpredictable, and you can't really comprehend what she is really thinking. She likes to keep things to herself,whenever she is either upset or emotional. She knows that she tends to be self-conscious and she will be hard on herself. She has a hard time letting go of things that are precious to her. So, maybe you can call her clingy...and a little sensitive. She is quiet,so she doesn't talk much. However,she will listen to you, and to always be there for you. When she is mad,she is very scary and she does not take any prisoners.She does not take bull, and she will call you out on it. She is honest to the fact,that it will hurt you. 

How did you feel when you got in the auditions?:

She was literally jumping for joy,and she knew that she will be closer to her dreams. She always wanted to be apart of the entertainment industry with her older brother Jang Wooyoung. She has worked hard on her dance skills, and her vocal technique. She knew how much her older brother has faced the negativity,so she knew what to expect. She has met good people at the auditions,and then again she would meet bad people at the auditions. The  oh-so-confident-with-their-looks people. Yeah,she has been around them during her schooling,and to be grouped up with them and watch them audition. Man they were horrible....but they got in anyway -_-+ ... NO MATTER! She did her thing , and she got in. She called her brother,and then she told her group of friends who were already in Korea. Meaning the ones who were in idol groups already. She then got her things,and was ready for a new life.


Miss A

Wonder Girls




Super Junior 

Stephanie <3






Sasaengs-they really follow her alot O_O

Guys who don't respect women

haunted places 

hidden camera pranks that involve horror(I want L.O.C.K.E.T to be in a horror special :DDDD )

Being squished in a public place

Antis-They have no lives at alll...but she smushes their rumors at the spot.

Messy places

lack of sleep


Composing, more than anything <3

Hanging out with Yong Guk or Zinger,whenever she is at TS.

Going to lunch with her brother Wooyoung.

Reading books.

Practicing her dancing in the practice room.

Going jogging in the mornings,and singing  to build her stamina

Cooking for the members

Belly Dancing&Hip hop dancing

Watching k-dramas and taiwanese dramas

Taking walks



Saying Please and Thank You

Picking up after herself

organizing things

making sure to help when needed


Misplacing things

forgetting what she has heard

getting nervous


Curling into a ball

Cuddles into things

Sleeping at the foot of the bed


Eating french fries with ranch

Crosses her eyes when bored

Scurries on her tip toes

Screams out when nervous

Makes a funny face to make herself laugh


Has performed"If" at a showcase(Yuri's cover )

Performed Going Crazy with Bang Yong Guk .Subbing for Ji Eun-unnie

Has been stalked by sasaengs,ever since her brother Wooyoung mentioned about his"beautiful younger sister."

Is the ideal type of BTOB's Peniel , TTBY's Hyun Woo ,Dalmatian's Simon, SHINee's Minho and etc

She has perfected in sign language, in order to volunteer in a deaf children's home.

She enjoys community service,so she does the red cross or goes to fundraisers.

Her favorite color is blue.

Her american ideal type is Alex Pettyfer. 

She wants to meet Koda Kumi.



Family Members: 

Eomma: Yang Ju Hee | 43 (When she passed away) | Ballet Instructor | Lian doesn't know much about her mother,but judging from her aunt she knew that she would be someone that she would love to meet personally. | Deceased

Appa: Jang Kang Dae | 45 | Vice-President of Hyundai Motors | He is the father that will always be their for his son and daughter. He makes sure to contact them, and will always make sure to make time for them. He is a caring and overprotective father, who makes sure that everything is alright with them. He would scare away the suitors,who even think that they have a chance with Lian. He is loving,and very understanding when it comes to his kids.

Oppa: Jang Woo Young | 23 | 2pm member | At first , he did not know how to act with Lian. After their mother passed away, he found comfort in his younger sister Lian. He is a loving older brother, and he makes sure that she is safe. He and Lian are the opposite, he has a lot of female friends, while many male idols have her as an ideal type. Now that is saying something,for someone who goes after women...and having your younger sibling beat you in attractiveness. So, that kind of puts him in high alert and he has to make sure that Lian is alright. Since a lot of sasaengs would target her for weird and bizzare favors that many male idols would face. Wooyoung loves Lian very much, and he is not afraid to show his love for his sister. Showing how proud hie is of her.




Jie Jie: Meng Jia | 25 | Main Rapper of Miss A | Jia was one of her first Chinese friends that she made in Korea. She knew Jia,when she was a trainee. She helped Lian learn Korean, and speak it fluently. Jia is a witty kind of jiejie, who will always look out for her. She would always make sure that she is alright, and to make sure that she is comfortable and happy. They both get along pretty well, and they could almost pass as sisters. Although they may fight sometimes, they don't take it personally. SInce their relationship is tight as ever, they always depend and love eachother like sisters would be in any situation. Jia and Lian would always joke around, or they would hang out alot from time to time...to time XDDDD. They are both flexible, so they would be like the"twisted sisters." LITERALLY XD. Lian would always depend on Jia, and she would always help Lian in any way possible. | Best Friends

Jie Jie/Unnie : Kim Yubin | 23 | Main Rapper of Wonder Girls | Yubin helped her get aqquainted with the Korean culture.Also since she was a trainee , they would go to everything that Korea has to offer. They've really got along well, and they would be the first people to call whenever things would go wrong. She was set to be apart of a new group in JYPE, but her contract expired and she went over to TS Entertainment. Yubin is a eccentric girl,who loves to crack a joke whenever it is neccessary. They are indeed crazy together, and they just like to show it off. Yubin brought out Lian's cooky side, but she doesn't even mind...strangely. hahahaa. | Best Friends

JieJie/ Unnie: Stephanie Kim | 23 | Soloist | Now Stephanie, is one of her respected sunbaenims of the industry. She has been a shapely ever since CJSH has debuted. To the point where they've went their seperate ways. Along with her idols Lee Hyori,Yoon Mi Rae, and Big Mama, Stephanie is one of the few who she really loves and respects. Stephanie is indeed a dork, aside from her serious attitude. Stephanie watches over Lian,because she sees potential in her newest dongsaeng in the entertainment game right now. | Friend/older sister

Gege/Oppa: Cho Kyuhyun | 25 | Main Vocalist of Super Junior/Super Junior-M | Him being the"evil maknae" that he is, he likes to bully Lian. In a good way to say the least. He cares about Lian like an older brother,and he makes sure to watch out for Lian in anyway possible. He is more of the scary older brother who would be like this."If you think you have a chance with my hot younger sister Lian, you will have to go through me! O_O "...Yeah, he is overprotective,but Lian appreciates that in an older brother like Kyuhyun. Sometimes E.L.F's would speculate that they are dating,however he only cares about her in a brotherly way. Kyuhyun will be the first oppa to call, and he will always be the shoulder to cry on. Kyuhyun loves his"younger sister" very much, and he will do anything for her. 

Gege/Oppa: Bang Yong Guk |  Leader/Main Rapper of B.A.P |  Now Yong Guk is the kind of oppa that Lian "loves" to goof around with , and Lian loves his connection with  him. They create music together,and they enjoy creating their own world in music. Yong Guk is more of the intimidating oppa,who knows how to scare off the boys. His deep voice says it all. When Lian first met Yong Guk, they've instantly connected. It was like a very close friends relationship, in a sense. Oblivious to Lian,Yong Guk had a small crush on her. He loved the fact,that he could have a composer partner,who is as passionate and drop-dead gorgeous as her. Sadly, he thought it was too risky,since he is apart of the hottest new group in the company. He still lingers on the thought of them being together from time to time,but his number one concern is for her to be happy. Even if it isn't with him. If the guy that captures her heart,breaks it the first time.He promises her to always pick her up. He has his eternal devotion to her,and he will always make sure that she is happy no matter what. He still hopes for that day he will claim her as his first love,and when that time comes he will take it. | Close friends/attached to the hip...

JieJie/Unnie: Zinger | 23 | Is her best friend in TS Entertainment. She loves the Secret Members equally,but Zinger connected with Lian the most. They are the jokesters in TS, and they like the fact that they can get along well. They are both exactly the dual opposites of eachother, and they compliment eachother well as a matter of fact. While they like the fact that they are opposite, it makes them even more perfect for eachother as best friends. Zinger is the dependable unni, who knows exactly what to say to make her feel better. Zinger knows Lian inside and out,so their is no choice in hiding it from her. Zinger easily influences her bad-assness to Lian. Making her a new and improved girl. Lian is now someone who is stronger,and more sturdy because of Zinger. | BFFL's <3


Your Prince Charming: Bang Yong Guk  of B.A.P


Are you in a relationship with your prince?: They have a strong connection ever since Lian transferred to TS Entertainment. They have done alot of producing together,and they like to co-write for Secret, and B.A.P's songs especially. It is awesome, to know that they have the same passion at heart,and able to share it with eachother. As the time,and the effort they put into the title songs increased, Yong Guk was the first one to fall for the beauty, and charm that is Lian. Lian felt the same way to,since they would open up to eachother,and showcase music with each other when they have new ideas. They would be nicknamed the newest couple, who knows eachother inside,and out. Now that Lian is debuting in L.O.C.K.E.T it will give him a chance to really make a move on her.


Position: Lead Vocal/Lead Dancer

Dancing Link: 01 02 03

Singing Link: 01 02 03

Rapping Link: --


 Cf with Bi Rain

Lead role"When love walked in." with Super Junior M's Zhou Mi and Calvin Chen

Cameo in "Going Crazy" with Bang Yong Guk and Song Ji Eun.

Co-Composer for Secret's Poison, B.A.P's "Warrior,Power, and Stop It."

When she was with JYPE, she wrote for MIss A's "Touch & I Don't Need A Man." Also for Wonder Girls."Be My Baby & Like This."

Other talents: Acting, Piano/Guitar Playing. She enjoys composing as well.

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Chapter 13: Yunji's reaction xD
Chapter 13: oooh a scandal O_O
SPF116 #3
Chapter 13: So exciting!^^
Chapter 12: naw <3
someone in jewelry is called baby j >_>
Chapter 12: Congrats to LovingOreos :)
Chapter 11: I'm excited!!!! Can't wait^^
SPF116 #7
Chapter 11: Wah~
Can't wait!
I applied^^
Chapter 11: :3 INTERESTING <3
Chapter 11: oh! i'm so excited!!!