L.O.C.K.E.T's Key No. 3; Kim Yeonhye / Yeonhyeria

{ L.O.C.K.E.T ❣ } [New Girlgroup from TS Ent. and Brand New Stardom! -APPLY NOW YO!]


Knowing Real Information

AFF Username: Beautifulove

Nickname: Clara XD



Name: Kim Yeonhye

Nickname(s): Yeon, hyetokki/kimtokki & miss tokki

Locket Name: Yeonhyeria

Age: 18

Birthdate: 25th of December, 1994

Birthplace: Busan, South Korea

Hometown: Busan, South Korea

Known Languages: Korean, English & Chinese

LInner Side

Personality: Cocky would be a great word to describe her, from head to toe, she's a rebel. The word 'y' screams out of her whatever she does, whatever she wears and guys fall for iness, they fall hard. She likes to challenge those who really really really amuses her. Her words are as sharp as a knife and can be as deadly as poison, yet there's a side to her which is full of humour. She can be soft when she wants too, it all depends on her mood and situation. But be careful, she's awfully good at acting to hide her true emotions. She hates to repeat her words and getting bothered, once you bother her, it's like starting a flame. She gets annoyed easily, a bratty one to be exact. If she cares about someone, she'll be very over-protective of them and if she doesn't, she'll treat them as if they don't exist. When people think she's doodling over her book, she actually isn't, she writes fictional stories there but she does it secretly. She has a dream to become a doctor when she grows up yet she thinks she can achieve it without studying.  Can never stay still. She can never go away without getting answers, she's an impatient young girl who loves to discover things herself, her fear of scary things can be pushed aside once she gets curious. Her curiousity has been with her since infinity. She would always ask a lot of question and sometimes it comes to the point where the other person is just purely annoyed. She can be angered easily and it's hard to control her anger and such. Try not going into her bad side since she may pull childish pranks on you. Is very clumsy when doing things. She may trip/bump/collapse/punch/kick/fly/hug/glomp/smash (etc) accidentally. She usually trips on air and make other people crack up at her clumsiness, yet she would just roll her eyes at them. She's awfully scared of the dark, she's a bit jumpy and sensitive to sound, smell and sight, her senses are unbelivably sharp. 

How did you feel when you got in the auditions?: She felt... shocked since she entered because it was a dare from her friend, Daehyun.

Likes: pudding/jelly | vanilla milk | macbook pro | history | snowboarding, ice skating and boogie boarding | using her brain, thinking | daydreaming | travelling |  drawing her feelings | being lazy | fruits, carrots and TOFU!! | cute, fluffy and frilly things | loves playing on the swing | looking at rain from the window | chocolate flavored things | listening to music | sleeping like a pig | pastel/baby colours things | the beach | dancing randomly | eating, eating and more eating 

Dislikes: waking up late | unprepared | messy, dirty things | banana | minty things | fast food | ghosts, dark places, horror things | People who lie, anyone with bad intentions | smoking or drinking | thunders | lightning | darkness | being forced | people who give her the evil eyes 

Hobbies: cooking | decorating food and desserts | jogging / running | designing | traveling | playing any string instrument | acting, dancing, rapping, composing and beat-boxing | reading and writing stories | skipping, playing the swing . . . she likes to go out once a day | sleeping *her ultimate hobby* | taking photos |  practising her self defence | ballet and acrobatic | singing, her voice is very sweet and soft but she can handle high and low notes | acting | sports, she's been in a lot of sports competition | playing the piano and drums

Habits:   her lips | winking | blowing her bangs | sleeping when she's inside a car & whenever she can (at any place) | biting her lips when she's anxious   | smiling (fakely) to cover up her feelings | puffing her cheeks if she's mad or if she's being stubborn | mixing up english and korean when speaking | hiding and try to scare people | speaking without thinking

Trivias: A very intelligent girl | Can't really cook despite her perfectness | Puffs her cheeks often | Nothing can affect her petite body shape- not even a buffet (she can eat minimally about 20 full plates :'D) | She hates green- but oddly likes broccoli XD | Whenever a storm rages- she would hide underneath almost anything- a box, bed, blanket, chair, table (etc) | is actually a drama queen & can never be neat or organize


Family Members: Kim Hyunsoo (father), Jung Hyeseul (mother) & Kim Taeyeon (SNSD)

Friends: Jung Daehyun (BAP) & Lee Jieun (IU)

Your Prince Charming: EXO K's Baekhyun

Back-up Prince: EXO M's Lay

Are you in a relationship with your prince?: Nope


Position: main vocal & troublemaker

Dancing Link: exo exo exo

Singing Link: exo exo exo

Rapping Link: exo

Pre-debut: exo exo

- cameo in various dramas

- child actress

- ulzzang

- joined I AM's Dear My Family

- joined quite a few cfs

- rumoured to be in EXO's newest mv

- been in almost every shinee mv which includes a lead girl in it

- been in kwill's mv

Other talents: acting, acrobatics/ballet, mc, ulzzang/model, arts, sports, drums, piano & guitar

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Chapter 13: Yunji's reaction xD
Chapter 13: oooh a scandal O_O
SPF116 #3
Chapter 13: So exciting!^^
Chapter 12: naw <3
someone in jewelry is called baby j >_>
Chapter 12: Congrats to LovingOreos :)
Chapter 11: I'm excited!!!! Can't wait^^
SPF116 #7
Chapter 11: Wah~
Can't wait!
I applied^^
Chapter 11: :3 INTERESTING <3
Chapter 11: oh! i'm so excited!!!