Twisted Investigator

Spirit Talker

Chapter 9: Twisted investigator

Even though Changmin and Yunho were advised not to they went to Osaka, for ever time they said they wouldn’t the spirit girl that came forward would unleash her true Image and it slight un-nerving to see Changmin squirm and jump like that. They had no clue who was leading this case since their supervisor hadn’t contacted them with information, so they were going in blind for once and it made Changmin uncomfortable plus a lot of movement hurt his leg.

“Yun how are we going to figure out who’s in charge her case” Yunho asked as they boarded a plane to Japan

“I call our supervisor yesterday and explained everything about why we need to do this case, he said we could as long as we’re careful especially in your condition, he found the person in charge of the case and contacted him, he’s meeting us at the airport, thankfully he believe in psychics” Yunho answered

“oh, what’s his name” Changmin asked

“Mr. Hirohito” Yunho answered, Changmin’s eyebrows raised, Yunho remained oblivious, they sat down on the plane and Changmin’s cane went up in the cubbies above their heads, it would only take about 2 hours to get to Japan and Changmin had pop 2 long lasting painkillers so he wouldn’t be in pain every time he movie but those painkillers made Changmin slightly sleepy so he spent the whole trip head rolling all over Yunho’s shoulder, he did wake long enough to eat before falling asleep again. When the plane landing in Osaka Changmin had just woke up and with help from Yunho managed to stand up ease his way off the plane limping, at the other end of the terminal waited an older man with greying hair and round glasses he looked about 60, he was dressed in a grey suit, Yunho went straight to the man Changmin kinda stood there awkwardly thankfully they’d been the last one off the plane, Yunho looked back and knocked himself in the head rushing back to Changmin’s side helping him hobble his way over

“Mr. Hirohito a pleasure to meet you” Yunho said in clean fluent Japan

“no the pleasure is mine you must be Changmin and Yunho the investigators from korea” Mr. Hirohito answered back

“Hai, we are, Changmin will brief you on what he knows as soon as we can sit him down so I can clean and change his gauzes” Yunho explained, Mr. Hirohito nodded seeming to understand and they headed to a nearby café which was still inside the airport

“alright what do you know boys” Hirohito asked

“not much thus far, we know she’s Japanese and goes by the name of Miki, she’s 6 and ½ ” Changmin explained wincing Yunho started putting cream and peroxide on his leg wound, he’d wear shorts so Yunho had easy access to his leg

“yep, that’s pretty much all we have as well” Mr. Hirohito answered “this happened 3 years ago, there were others” he added

“ahh, don’t say that, I have enough to deal with, with Miki, now more are going to show up” Changmin groaned

“tell me Changmin-sama, how long have you been seeing and reading spirits” Mr. Hirohito asked

“since I was 6, I had a near death experience, I started seeing ghosts shortly after that” Changmin answered surprising Yunho, he didn’t know of Changmin’s near death experience

“and when was it you decided use your sixth sense for these reasons” he asked

“last year” Changmin answered straightly

“have you had the proper training” he asked

“up to the current moment yes” Changmin replied, Mr. Hirohito nodded

“well It’ll be great working with you” he said, Yunho slide up next to Changmin and twined their fingers under the table

“alright is there anyway to get a hold of you if we do get any info” Yunho asked

“no need to, you’ll be staying with me while we work this case” Mr. Hirohito said, Yunho and Changmin looked at each other and shrugged

“also your belongings are already there, I had my henchman grab it while we were talking” he added,

“okai as long as we’re in the same room” Changmin stated

“why can’t you take care of you self” Hirohito asked

“sometimes spirits scare me, I need him to remind me of what I was taught” Changmin answered

“plus, I have to change his gauzes 3 times a day” Yunho added

“alright, you can stay together” he answered getting up

“hyung carry me, it hurt too much to walk” Changmin asked using the term ‘Hyung’ instead of Yun or Yunnie, cause this Mr. Hirohito guy creeped him out and he didn’t want him to find out of his and Yunho’s relationship, Yunho looked at him funny but complied deciding not to question until they were alone. Yunho carried Changmin bridal style to Mr. Hirohito’s car, well more like limo

“Jesus, what is this guy” Changmin mumbled into Yunho’s ear eyeing the limo

“dunno, and I don’t trust him but he’s in charge of the case so we have no choice unless you wanna be bothered by Miki’s spirit for the rest of your life” Yunho whispered back and lowered Changmin into the farthest corner of the limo so his legs stayed straight and then climbed in after him. The limo right was quit and Yunho itched to just touch any part of Changmin’s body but something about how Changmin called him ‘hyung’ earlier made him hold off. When they arrived at Mr. Hirohito’s place they were amazed to see that it was almost a bloody castle and they’re mouths gaped open and then suddenly Changmin slumped over throwing up, and Yunho almost himself when he noticed blood in it

“I-I’m fine, I’ll explain when were alone” Changmin mumbled lowly and let Yunho scoop him up again and carry him away cane hung delicately over his arm

“oh boys your rooms on the third flood last one on the left” Mr. Hirohito said, Changmin groaned and slammed his head into Yunho’s chest, why the did the agree to this, Yunho didn’t say anything, and Changmin didn’t blame him this old man was intimidating. Yunho hiked 2 full flights of stair with Yunho in his arms and his grip never slipped on the younger but he could tell it was strenuous on him cause he was way out of breath, once they got to their room Yunho set Changmin down and rested next to him, Changmin sat up and grabbed the garbage pail right next to the bed and hurled again just like last time theres blood in it

“Minnie what’s with the blood in your bile, please don’t tell me you have stomach cancer” Yunho asked

“ani, its how my body reacts when my powers are being drained away, this happened once when I was 18, even if this man is the head of this case, I think he’s trying to drain my power for himself” Changmin answered

“what else happens, so I don’t freak out again later” Yunho asked,

“if I can’t get out then the next thing to happen is high fevers that could last weeks, good news is if we can get this case finished before the end of the month we won’t get that far” Changmin answered, Yunho nodded

“oh what was with the ‘hyung’ thing at the airport” Yunho asked

“I don’t like him, he gives me the creeps, I dunno what he’d do if he found out that we were a couple” Changmin answered, Yunho nodded understanding. There was a knock at the door and a butler came in with 2 plates of food

“master has sent me to bring you food, he said Changmin-sama couldn’t move around a lot so here enjoy” the butler said

“Arrigatto” Yunho answered and the butler place the plates on a table by the window and left

“well Minnie are you hungry” Yunho asked

“a little” Changmin answered, he eased himself out of the bed and Yunho came to his side to help him walk to the small 2 person table where there food was set, Changmin poked at the Alfredo on his plate, it looked okay but Changmin had a bad feeling

“I thought you said you were hungry” Yunho asked slurping down noodles

“I am but I have a bad feeling he poisoned mine” Changmin answered,

“well we can always go out tomorrow morning and get something for you to eat, for now I’ll just take your plate and flush it down the toilet” Yunho said, Changmin nodded in agreement and stared out that window as Yunho got up taking the plate from in front of him. Pain slammed Changmin in the head and he grabbed it with both hands, another side effect of his power slowly drain was every premonition and piece of info he gets now come with a very painful headache, but the image he got was a forest cabin and inside was old man around the same age as Mr. Hirohito. The picture fades and the headache dulls slightly

“are you okay, when I walked back in you had your head in your hands” Yunho asked rubbing a hand over Changmin back

“ah yeh I’m fine, can your bring me my note book I have info” Changmin answered, Yunho nodded and went into his shoulder bag and pulled out Changmin notebook and a pencil and brought it back, Changmin then sketched out the cabin in the forest he just seen from the inside out, he even draw the old man standing by the fireplace, Changmin hadn’t been shown a face yet

“is that what you just saw” Yunho questioned

“neh, I know Miki’s here somewhere with 2 others Shinto and Ren, Miki said theirs a 3rd that hasn’t come through yet” Changmin explained

“Shinto and Ren, they sound like anime characters” Yunho chuckled “come lets go to be, we can show Mr. Hirohito tomorrow morning, maybe that cabin is the crime scene and we can get you out of this mansion castle for some air” Yunho added, Changmin nodded

“before we settle down can you massage my temples” Changmin asked

“headache” Yunho questioned, Changmin nodded and let Yunho guide him to the bed. He massaged him temple for 30 minutes then they settled down Yunho’s arms wrapped innocently around Changmin’s waist as Changmin face away from him

“goodnight Yunnie” Changmin mumbled

“night babe” Yunho answered and the fell asleep, Yunho to the smell of Changmin hair and the nasally sounds Changmin made when he slept and Changmin had falling asleep to Yunho’s heartbeat and breathing against his back and the fingertips that traced pattern unconsciously over his stomach.


A/N: Next Chapter, Enjoy. Yea i used Hirohito, for those who don't know he was the japanese emperor during WWII, we were learning about him and the other dictators of WWII in social so it was the only thing i had on my mind. 

The other kids Names, Ren is a member of Ne'ust and it kinda sounded Japanese as well and Shinto, well i'm pretty sure its a religion and a member of the Japanese Visual Kei band Alice Nine. I'm no good with origanal names and i was to lazy to look some up Sorry everyone.


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Chapter 16: i like this story, :DD
the ending was so good too,
good job, u're great
Chapter 15: owwwwh yunho propose to changminnie, and min just passed out???
Chapter 14: oww poor changmin,
he's getting physical hurt more badly from his sixth sense,
Chapter 13: kyu's not bad right?
Hope min will get his power stable, it so sad saw him that weak,
Chapter 12: yaaayy for them, hehe,
i really enjoying this chapter,
Chapter 11: so feeling relief to know that changmin was okay, they need to catch that hirohito, as soon as possible,
Chapter 10: will min lose his ability?? Don't let it be please, and damn hirohito for making min suffering
Chapter 9: err, that man that lead this case, make me curiouss!! Was he doing bad thing to min??
Chapter 9: err, that man that lead this case, make me curiouss!! Was he doing bad thing to min??
Chapter 4: oowww changmin :o <3
btw sooo goood, new reader ^^